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Tank Man

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Posts posted by Tank Man

  1. What about Kubelwagens with MGs? I'm pretty sure that they were used. The Jeep MG was included and I don't think that was standard seeing as how there were so many versions of the Jeep MG. There were Jeeps with .50 cals, .30 cals, Vickers, and even more than one MG. Where are my Kubelwagen MGs? I need some fast recon units.

    I don't want to buy those .50 cal sponges that the Germans called armored cars.

    [ 05-03-2001: Message edited by: Tank Man ]

  2. Panther, my point isn't that I have never seen it happen before (which I have), my point is that I've never seen it happen so many times.

    As a player I literally watched the turret on the sound contact rotate to an angle off in the distance. A few seconds later I watched a round come out of the barrel of the sound contact, disappear, then change course and knock out my tank. It was very disconcerting to find out that the M4 was on an open hill. The sound contact was several meters in front of my tank in an open field.

  3. Does anyone else use Mardars?

    I use them instead of buying a PaK. Just consider them to be highly mobile, small arms immune, extra ammo field guns. If you do that then you should go a long way with them.

    In my opinion Mardars are better than other tanks with equal sized guns.

    What do you think?

  4. Recently I have played several hotseat games where my opponent has purchased the plain M4 Sherman. I laughed when my veteran StuH rolled behind a stone wall and overwatched a Heavy Armored Car that was behind a building. I thought to myself "M4 Sherman! Either my assault howitzer or armored car is going to put a hollow round through it with no problem." When the M4 rounded the corner of the building exactly the opposite happened. The Sherman stopped, turned its gun towards my PSW and took aim. My PSW acted as if it wasn't there at all, it just sat there and let the Sherman target it. The M4 promptly blew the PSW away. All the while my howitzer acted as if it couldn't see the enemy tank at all. The howitzer just let the PSW get knocked out. The StuH didn't even target the M4. After knocking out the PSW the M4 turned its gun to the StuH. Just like the PSW, the StuH didn't react to it at all, instead it turned to fire at some infantry in a building that was farther away than the enemy tank. Sure enough the M4 hit the StuH, brewing it up.

    I took the events that transpired that turn as mere bad luck and mis-management on my part. A few days later I played another hotseat game with the same opponent. He used the same setup as before but I swapped a few things, the StuH for a StuG to be precise. My PSW and StuG had a similar, yet different fate than the previous AFVs. The Stug was placed in a hull down position behind a house and a patch of woods, leaving a small keyhole line of sight to a peice of open ground amidst tall pines. His M4 moved in between two patches of tall pines and promptly took aim upon my StuG. The StuG didn't seem to notice the M4 at all as the Sherman sped across the open range and aligned its turret. Not even stopping to improve accuracy, the M4 put a round into the upper hull of the StuG, knocking it out. The PSW was my last chance at taking out his M4. I decided that it was too risky to even attempt to move the PSW into a position where it can take a shot so I decided instead to put my opponent into a position where if he moved his tank out of the wooded enclosure it would present its flank to my PSWs hollow shells. I ordered the PSW Heavy Armored Car to move as fast as it could across a mostly covered road and through a village, at the edge of which was a perfect spot to pin his M4. On the route the PSW was taking there were exactly two places where the M4 could see the PSW moving, but the PSW would be in position before my opponent could update the M4s orders. The first sightable position along the road would put my PSW into view for around 3 seconds, but the PSW would be at top speed by then. The second was a small slit between two heavy buildings where the PSW would be exposed for literally a fraction of a second. As the turn played the PSW passed across the the first area and the Sherman spotted it and aligned the turret. The PSW was gone before a shot was fired but the M4 still tracked the Armored car even though it could not see it for at least four seconds. I thought everything had gone as planned until the PSW approached the small slit between the buildings. The M4 fired at the slit and timed the shot so that the PSW (moving at top speed) was right there when the shot was. The PSW was knocked out easily.

    After that I had decided to see why all this happened. I can honestly say I played at least 50 test scenarios agains the AI. Half the time the AI got the M4 and the other half I did. I mixed trying the StuG, StuH, and Panzer IV (all variants), as well as other available AT setups. The best odds were with the Panzer IV at about 5 to 1. Never have I seen a tank get knocked out by a sound contact so many times. The M4 has an uncanny ability to stay invisible, even while in completely open terrain. Most the times I stopped the AI as the axis was when I abused the fact that I knew the M4 was going to go after the VL. Even then it was a slim chance that the axis tank would spot the allied tank before being shot. The most notable moment was when I had a friend try to take the M4 on with a veteran StuG. The Victory Flag was placed in a village where the sight was blocked by buildings. The M4 had apparently rolled itself into a corner formed by two of the buildings that were right next to the road. The Stug was ordered to hunt around the outskirts of town then hunt down that road through town. At the time my friend had no idea where the AI controlled M4 was. As the unbuttoned StuG hunted down the road it passed at most 10 meters by the open end of the corner that the M4 was in. As it was about to pass out of view the M4 appeared with its turret completely pointed at the rear-flank of the StuG with targeting line drawn. As suddenly as it had appeared it fired at the StuG which was roughly 15m meters away, knocking it out. The StuG didn't even notice the M4 there until it was absolutly too late. The Sherman literally fired mere tenths of a second after it appeared. It had been targetting the StuG since it first rolled down the road into view of the corner.

    Among the friends I play CM with I refer to the plain old M4 Sherman as the stealth ubertank.

    P.S. I forgot to mention that it was a 700 point ME

    [ 05-02-2001: Message edited by: Tank Man ]

  5. Hotseat games are much quicker than PBEM games due to the fact that there is no time lost when no one is doing a turn and the file is just sitting in an e-mail box somewhere.

    I have yet to try a Transfer Control Protocol/Internet Protocol game seeing as how CM is installed in my bedroom computer and not my livingroom computer which has the internet connection.

    BTW, can CM be played through a modem connection over a Local Area Network?

  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>if you cannot post your thoughts in an intelligent manner, demonstrating at least a fundamental ability to communicate in a civilized tone then you should maybe try a hobby where your ramblings don't offend anyone - Bruno Weiss<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    I think you should definitly reread my post and describe exactly what was unintelligent and not in a civilized tone. Perhaps you would like me to curse like a sailor and get banned like Fionn. I'm not sure you truly understand the words we use in the English language, Bruno.

  7. And here come the Fionn Zombies...

    Hey Bruno, post something meaningful to Combat Misson in the Combat Mission General Forum or please don't post at all. Same goes for you tailz.

    Peter, I consider Fionn part of the same crowd that rexford is in. As far as donating 6 pints goes its good to know that you're a zombie as well. I have a good site about forum archtypes that you might like. I think you fall under the category of a "Me Too".

  8. argie, Fionn's status on this forum doesn't matter to me. I don't care if responds or not althought I do know that he still reads the forum.

    Peter, Apparently I care and undoubtedly other people do too. I'm "riled" up about this because I'm tired of seeing Fionn's name everywhere. I decided enough was enough when a new league starts up featuring Fionn's ego induced "rules" (which everyone seems to swear by as if Fionn were a god). I also find it interesting that people listen to a "cherry-picker" about what is "gamey". When he himself is "gamey".

  9. I'm tired of people like Fionn complaining about things they feel are "gamey". Sure, buying 4 elite King Tigers and 3 Veteran panthers when your opponent didn't specify any restrictions is pretty abhorrent and dishonorable (Sound like anyone we know Fionn?).

    Before you Fionn zombies go into flamewarrior mode I want to make a few things clear. I am not a "gamey cherry-picker" as many of you manage to put it in between droning Fionn's name mindlessly and spouting gospel on how the "Short 75" rule saved your Combined Arms League.

    Why don't you ego-trip another rule into existance and ban a relativly underused unit like the Wasp. Oh my, apparently dubbing real world tactics as "gamey" has already been done. It is disgusting to see people that are too simple to accept a challenge and too dishonorable to refrain from buying half a dozen "ubertanks" when their opponent doesn't say "Don't be an asshole and buy a bunch of ubertanks". Furthermore I find it extremely sad that people don't just stop playing someone that they find out is using a setup that they feel is exploiting sections of the game.

    I wonder how often American tankers told the Germans that Panthers were "gamey" and banned them from the battle. What about Allied Riflemen asking that fewer Volksgrenadiers be fielded due to the effectiveness of SMGs?

    Nice way to take the easy way out guys.

  10. Great... now you guys ruined it! I wanted Fionn to reply so I could have a viable reason to challenge him to a 300 pt defense game. YOU RUINED IT! Now he'll never accept a 300 pt PBEM from me. Ah well, I'll try again, but for now I'll plot... plot the downfall of Fionn forever! HAHAHAHAHAAHH HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH... ahem... bye *lurks away*

  11. Great... now you guys ruined it! I wanted Fionn to reply so I could have a viable reason to challenge him to a 300 pt defense game. YOU RUINED IT! Now he'll never accept a 300 pt PBEM from me. Ah well, I'll try again, but for now I'll plot... plot the downfall of Fionn forever! HAHAHAHAHAAHH HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH... ahem... bye *lurks away*

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