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Black Five

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Posts posted by Black Five

  1. There has been a lot of talk about the M1 and there are many illusions. The logistical problems are not as bad as many make them out to be. The M1 can travel 300 miles without refueling. Granted in combat it will not be going in straight lines, but it has an acceptable range considering what it brings to the table.

    A lot of people talk about this gun or that ATGM or the advantages of any given weapon system. When the focus of tanking is on the gun the point of the tank has been missed. You fight a tank with the tracks. The gun and not nearly as important as where the tanks are and how they are deployed.

    Tanks are meant to destroy by fire and shock effect. Therefore to use tanks like mobile bunkers is to defeat one of their most deadly traits. Whether the Leo II is a little better or not is not nearly as important as how the tank is used. Give a good platoon commander some T-72’s and solid crews and put them in nasty terrain (Urban or tight quarters) and those Leo II’s won’t last very long.

    So don’t sweat the little differences and it’s not whether the M1 or Leo II is better, but who has the better crews and who deploy and execute by fighting the tracks and not the gun.

    The thoughts of a tanker.

  2. >>>>

    Ok, after browsing through the board for the last 4-5 months or so at least three times a week


    3 to 4 times a week? You sissy. How about bellying up to the bar and checking the posts everyday like any good red-blooded and redeyed CMer should. If you can't run with the big dogs perhaps you better...ah...uhm...run with the little ones.

    smile.gif <----Pleasant smile while I look for a big rock.

    [This message has been edited by Black Five (edited 02-22-2001).]

  3. Bucket-

    As a side benefit to the crunchies (infantry) tanks tend to draw fire. Just like a bar fight...take out the big bastard first. > smile.gif

    Also the exhaust from an M1A1 is hot enough to warm up a squad of shivering crunchies in a heartbeat. During a freezing cold Op a little over a year ago my PlgSgt invited a platoon of infantry to rotate over to one of my tanks that had tied in with them the night before. The infantry were a little confused until they saw a couple of tankers toasting themselves by the grill doors.

  4. As a tanker and an officer I feel compelled to add to this most humorous thread. There are only 2 things that really give me pause as a tanker.

    1 - A Hind on the loose and I don't have air support. This should be self-explanatory.

    2 - Infantry within 50 meters of my tank. Infantry with even simple weapons can destroy a tank with ease if they know what they are doing. A MG keeps the tank buttoned while the others rush the tank from one of its many blind spots. Once they are close to the tank it is easy enough to disable/destroy it. Most WWII tanks were all but blind buttoned. If you ever get the opportunity to hop on a M1A1 at a demo or something look through the gunners sight and the tank commanders periscopes. Then imagine several being a few being shot out, smoke, dirty, rain, etc. It should give you an appreciation for the infantry that help keep the tank alive. The only reason tanks are out there is to support the infantry. However, if the infantry don't support the tank in close quarters it will be dispatched rather quickly.

  5. <p align=center>


    It's there and then it's not...odd. I think geocities is punting on this one. I'm looking into new home for it now.

    Yes I know CM is a WWII game BUT....

    I thought everyone would get a kick out of this one. This tank crushed a few cars and speared some others with it's mineplow during an Op last month. The M1A1 proves yet again that it is the ultimate SUV (Superior Urban-Assault Vehicle).

    Anybody wanna play chicken?


    If you are unwilling to bite,

    Do not bare your teeth.


    [This message has been edited by Black Five (edited 02-22-2001).]

  6. Having a more modern CM would be great. Yes in a large open environment it could get a little dull watching your M1A2s pop T-80s at 3500 meters. However, the power of modern tanks is greatly curtailed in MOUT environments. My greatest area of interest is combat in urban environments. Therefore the standoff of modern weapons would not be such a factor.

    In addition, a company of panthers might actually pop a few modern tanks on an urban battlefield.

  7. View is debatable. Perhaps his wingman with a radio let him know the Pershing was on his flank. I've requested the following for tanks to make them more valuable and realistic.

    1. Turret control - No self-respecting tanker would take his gun off a known hard target just because it slipped behind a shrub.

    2. Engage hard target and ignore non-AT equipped infantry. This is a tricky one because infantry close to a tank is a real threat but at range can often be dealt with later.

    3. Advance until hulldown.

    My 2 cents worth.

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