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Everything posted by Jsoh

  1. What exactly is "hull down", and what is the advantage of it? I think I understand how to achieve it by reading the forum (hunt up to a ridge) but I don't know why I would want to do that. Do you have to be unbuttoned for it to work as well? Also, what's with the assimilating? Why was I assimilated? Are the three angle measures given so that you can tell how much armor you will have to penetrate depending on what altitude you are to the opposing tank? I.e., the more altiude, the less armor because there is less slope? Thanks! Jsoh
  2. I may be purchasing a laptop computer soon, and as you may know, they come with pathetic video cards (as little as 8 megs of ram.) Though the processor will be fairly fast 600+ MHZ, I am concerned that CM will run poorly on them due to a bottleneck in the video card. Are my fears justified? Josh
  3. I really appreciate all of your posts so quickly! Wow, I'm glad that the community is so involved, as that makes any game that much better. I think I've decided to purchase the game, but mostly because I did like the demo, and it sounds like I will be able to play the game despite how little I know. Chicago boy: I really do appreciate the post with all of the info. However, the point is that there are SO many similar questions that I can ask about that vast number of elements in the game. I was hoping there might be somewhere where I could get the answer to every question (hopefully the manual) but it sounds like I may have to learn it by experimentation (which takes longer and can be wrong.) Reading Arrow's post makes clear exactly my lack of knowledge: I have no idea what an M5 Stuat or a Panther G is and don't understand the significance of what he is saying. Reading the board is of very little help to me because I don't know the basics that most do about wargaming. I think I will be able to play the game solely using tactics, but I will not get out as much as everyone else seems to, becasue I will not understand the intricacies that seem to be what makes the game so appealing. Jsoh
  4. I downloaded the demo to CM and really enjoyed it, but I am totally new to wargaming and did not understand a great deal of the game. I have no idea what indirect fire is, or what the difference between a panzer and a sherman is, or what 81 mm shells do, or whether it is worth shooting at infantry in a foxhole at 250 m. Does the manual expalin all of the different types of tanks, and ammo, and infantry squads, and tactics, and everything else I am going to want to know? Thanks! Jsoh
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