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Posts posted by tedrik

  1. Western Europeans (including Greece) can only order the PC version of CMBB through CDV. This is a standard "territory" arrangement (they can't sell into the US, we can't sell into Western Europe) that is both beneficial and necessary. The Mac version is only available through us no matter where someone lives.

    Oh dear. So the "standard territory" arrangement works for PCs only? Hehe - that sounds like a lot of tripe to me. Beneficial and necessary?

    You've got to be kidding!!

    What have we here? BTS is now plugging in to the Great Commercial Rip-off? Is that what a certain amount of success has done to the once decicated web-community games development? Oh dear, oh dear!

    You know what? Keep your game!



  2. Hi - As GM for the CPX,I have spent the last months setting up a lot of battles for PBEM and TCP/IP play.

    I do not like the Tournament save because the first player can look at both players set-up and I have used a different method to avoid this.

    One of the players, Rob Hall, pointed out to me that others might like to use this method.

    So I thought I post this here smile.gif

    (sorry if this is a bit longwinded)

    I will do this by way of example:

    (It is important to know which player gets the file first)

    For this example I will choose

    Allied = 1st player and Axis = 2nd player

    This is the method:

    Create a scenario in the editor and save this as an ordinary save, NOT tournament save

    Now start a game in the usual way:

    Click "Play Game"

    Select your scenario from the CM listing.

    Click "Play Scenario"

    This brings up the General Briefing.

    Click "DONE"

    Choose the nationality for the 2nd player,

    in this case "AXIS"

    This brings up the connection choice.

    Choose "Hotseat"

    This brings up the Axis Briefing.

    Click "DONE"

    This brings up the Axis password choice.

    Choose a password (write it down somewhere smile.gif

    The Game now opens for the Axis player setup phase

    Click "GO"

    This brings up the Allied password choice.

    Choose a password

    The game now opens for the Allied player setup phase.

    Save the game using ALT-S

    That's it. cool.gif

    This SaveGame file will now open for the Allied player setup. (if I had wanted the file to open for the Axis player setup I would have chosen ALLIED at the nationality option above)

    This GameFile can now be used like any other Scenario file. You can play PBEM, TCP/IP or Hotseat. It will open for the side that was current when the game was ALT-S saved.

    It will start with the setup turn for both sides - but the passwords are set and the file can not be opened by anyone without the password(s).

    Phew - this is a bit longwinded frown.gif

    But if you want to send out a scenario that is 100% secure - this is how you can do it.

    Happy gaming



    'Every attack ends in a defense'. Clausewitz

    [This message has been edited by tedrik (edited 03-03-2001).]

  3. hi,

    here are translations to german phrases not mentionde so far:

    Auf dem Sprung - on the double

    Los, bewegung Maenner - ready- move your selves men (or move your arses!)

    Auf gehts - lets go

    Vorwaerts, marsch - forward, march

    (this is my favorite):

    Die schlachten uns ab - they are slaughtering us

    Wir werden alle sterben - we're all gonna die

    Nichts wie raus hier - lets get out of here

    Volle Deckung - (take)full cover

    Hilfe, retted euch - help, save yourselves

    Nicht feuern - don't shoot

    Feuer einstellen - stop shooting

    Spart Munition - save ammo

    Feuern auf Befehl - shoot on order (only)

    Ich bin verwunded - i'm wounded

    Ich bin getroffen - i'm hit

    Die haben mich erwischt - they got me

    Nicht schiessen, wir ergeben uns - don't shoot, we surrender

    Wir geben auf - we give up

    Ergebt euch - surrender!

    Waffen fallen lassen, haende hoch - drop (your) weapons, hands up

    Habt ihr noch muni - anyone still got ammo

    Meine Waffe ist leer - my weapon is empty

    Ich brauche Munition - i need ammo

    Nahkampf - close combat (CC2?)

    Im Nahkampf ausschalten - destroy in close combat

    Ja, volltreffer - yes, bullseye

    Den haben wir erwischt - got him

    Achtung, Mienen - caution, mines

    Tretminen - anti-personell mines (literally it means "step-on-mines")

    Granatbeschuss - mortarfire

    Feindliche Jaeger - enemy fighters

    Achtung, Flugzeuge - caution, airplanes

    Ausschwaermen - disperse (mind you, they say that even when they are dug in!)

    Nach den Seiten sichern - secure the flanks

    Jawohl Herr Unteroffizier - yes sgt.

    Fuers Vaterland - for the fatherland

    Steht auf und kaempft - stand up and fight

    That's pretty much it. The .wav files are no. 2000 onwards.


    'Every attack ends in a defense'. Clausewitz

  4. hi, if i play US i go for Shermans in threes,

    good value for the price. on low point games i like M8's, fast and still a good punch. not so keen on TD's - open tops are very vulnerable to mortars and inf. fire.

    for the germans i agree with Abbott - Tiger I and StuG are hard to beat. Panthers when i need mobility. on low points StuG and Puma are my favorites.


    'Every attack ends in a defense'. Clausewitz

  5. hi pillar,

    quite a tricky question. i find RTS mentally more demanding because i get so frustrated when i can't keep up with the mouse-clicks.

    if i look at what system makes more demands on my mental skills i have to say turnbased.

    before i got hooked on CM, the game i played most is CIV2. AoE2 is an exception because of the pause feature. i play AoE2 like a turnbased game - PAUSE, give orders, unpause until orders are executed, PAUSE. bit like CM in fact, sans movie of course.

    so for the poll: WEGO for me.




    'Every attack ends in a defense'. Clausewitz

  6. hi,

    some years ago i worked for the youth office in london and had to defend myself in a diciplinary hearing against allegations that my use of fantasy role playing games to motivate young people could be seen as corrupting their values. i was in trouble until i said "i believe that killing and war should stay in the realm of fantasy where it belongs." people seemed to understand that one. this probably holds true for wargames and thus CM as well i think.

    as for very young people i think the important thing is to help the YP's understanding with guidance and patience.and truth.and example.




    'Every attack ends in a defense'. Clausewitz

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