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  1. Saw your topic and couldn't resist posting! (Had to register and everything just so I could write this...) I was playing the Elsdorf (not sure about the name) scenario last night. I'd snuck an infantry platoon up the West flank with a 'zook and was sitting in some (formerly) Kraut foxholes exchanging fire with a few units in town. As I'm perusing the map after the turn is played, *HOLY SMOKES* the Germs were trying to sneak 4 Tigers into town using the West road, right where my platoon was sitting! I've never been so scared and psyched at the same time. So my men whip around, two squads boldly dart behind the Tigers and start chucking grenades, and my 'zook pops up and wastes two of them with perfect flanking shots. The grenades have their desired effect, wiping out the other two Tigs, AND I DON'T TAKE A SINGLE CASUALTY. At the end of the turn, the four previously terrifying and devastating machines sat, without ever having moved, in smoking ruins. A couple turrets sitting all cockeyed, the others with guns hanging like an 80 year old with no Viagra. I was LMAO as I watched the whole thing three times. Later, this arty spotter was driving me nuts, shelling the crap out of a couple platoons in the forest. I took my flamethrower, loaded him into a jeep, and fast-moved him right near the arty guy. The flamethrower jumped out, torched the building then hopped back into the jeep and cruised back to HQ. This is the most addictive game of all time. The emotional highs and lows I get paying this game is better than any movie, TV show, or fight with my wife. Just had to get all of this off my chest.... Meggs
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