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Purple Heart Guy

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    New York, NY USA
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  1. The movement lines go over the bridge but the unit moves under the bridge - or at least they did when I played the operation. To load a saved Operation - Click on Operations and your saved game will be there. Your single battle saved games will be on the Battle screen. Hope this helps. ------------------ Why do they always shoot at me?
  2. In the Arnhem - Red Devils Operation as either the Germans or the British, the score and the losses appear to be repeatedly added (i.e. only two bunkers in the operation, one was destroyed in the first turn, at the end of game the results listed 6 destroyed bunkers)The same appeared to occur will all other losses (infantry and vehicles) I don't know if this is true for all Operations or just this one. Also, has anyone else noticed between setup and the first turn (infantry in buildings) intitial unit placement can change slightly (infanty moved further into buildings) ------------------ Why do they always shoot at me?
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