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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Posts posted by Skoonj

  1. Yesterday I brought my computer to the shop, and they took a look inside. They told me three fans had their leads disconnected (out of, I think, seven in the box), and these have been reconnected. Also, two fans are apparently slowly dying, since their bearings are making noise at start. Fortunately, they are fine after warming up just a little. One of these is an Asus motherboard fan for my A7m266 board. They didn't have a new fan to put in, but this should last a while longer and maybe Asus has a replacement.

    My computer, made by Game PC:

    AMD 1.2gig Athlon

    512 Megs RAM, DDR 266

    NVidia Geforce2 4410 driver

    Hitachi CM771 19" screen

    W2000 Pro

    DX9.1 0r 9.2

    This is now 2+ years old, and I will at some point have to upgrade, but can't afford it at this time.

    I brought the computer home and ran it up. I played three games (St. Ann's Chapelle) and had no problem. You may well have been right on the cause.

    One of the really bad things that resulted from the problem was that when it hit I would have the computer restarted as part of the problem, and when it came back, much of my history was gone too. All forums I went to no longer showed me which posts I've seen and which I haven't. Annoying!

    Thanks for helping. This may have solved it.

  2. I've had CMBO for a couple of years. It started out running just fine, with a couple of graphics limitations because of the NvG2 card, but that was minimal. Now, things have gone for the worse.

    During a game, at different points, I have everything stop on me. The only thing I can do is move the cursor around, and when I left-click I get a bell sound. I have to get out using Control-Alt-Delete, and use Task Manager to shut it down.

    At other times I get sent to a DOS-style failure page, sometimes saying something about "not less or equal" or something like that, or exception not handled, and sometimes mentioning that a memory dump is in progress. Sometimes I can Control-Alt-Delete and get my computer back. Other times I have to hit the computer reset button. Sometimes the computer goes to restart by itself. When this happens, I lose my computer's history!

    Because of these problems I upgraded DirectX to 9.1 runtime (I believe), and later upgraded the NVidia driver to 4410. I reinstalled CMBO. At first, everything was fine, but after playing a number of times, the problems have returned. Today I get the stoppage on setup of one of the set scenarios.

    I'm really curious to know what's doing this, and if there's a fix.

  3. My problems are similare to yours. I use W2K with a GeForce2V7700 from ASUS. I'm now using nVidia's driver. I can play the game though the type on unit IDs and status is poor, and so is the type on the move/place/rotate device. Like you I get a black on black results board. My solution to that was to go back to the MAP, and I was able to read it there.

    Unfortunately, once I exit the scenario after a battle, the text on selection screens is so bad that it's not worth playing another scenario.

    I would like to know if BTS is working this problem. My last communication from them indicated they thought it was driver related. I don't think it is. Unless they want to specify a driver that will work, so I can locate it and check myself, I think the problem lies elsewhere.

    What is surprising is that nVidia graphics cards are the biggest selling cards on the market now. Other games don't seem to present the problem CMBO does. Yesterday I downloaded some upgrades and fixes for W2K from Microsoft, and now my Falcon 4 can work again. No such luck with CMBO. Still the same problems.

  4. OK, did some tinkering, and it helped. Some. I managed to play the tutorial. The remaining problem centers around smudged text. Fortunately, I have a good idea what it says, so I was able to play the game. Then in the results screen, I was unable to read any text concerning casualties, etc. Then I selected back to the map, and voila, I saw the numbers and found out I got the major victory I thought I had.

    Man, this thing needs some work from Battlefront.

  5. At the suggestion of my computer's builder, GamePC, I downloaded and installed the latest GeForce3 beta dricer, 12.40. It is backward compatible with my card.

    Pretty much the same result. However, there was a little anomaly. When I called up CM, there was a CM screen, with a message telling me I needed to place the CD in the drive, which I had forgotten. That screen actually looked pretty good, and when I put in the CD and hit the button again, I went to the select screen, which also looked good. I selected the tutorial, and the units and map looked OK. At least until I selected one to place somewhere, then I saw some poor fuzzy graphics on the placement gizmo, including the letters. Until that time everything, including the letters at the top of the screen were OK.

    I backed out and deleted my preferences, then went back in again. Lousy graphics all the way, unreadable and unplayable. I kept selecting lesser and lesser resolutions, and it never got better.

    I'm at a loss.

  6. I have the same exact problem. I have a brand new computer, with W2K, apparently DX8, an ASUS V7700GeForce2GTS with 32MB. All other functions seem to work well, but when I try to use CM, I get abysmal graphics.

    I called ASUS, and they wanted me to replace the installed driver (which turned out to be an nVidia detonator 6.5) with their own driver, which came with the CD. So that's what I did. Then, as I did the reboot, the computer refused to boot up! It took me a full day to figure out I had to F8/safe boot. Once I did this, W2K has a very nice feature that you can select the previously successful configuration. Now I'm back to where I was before.

    I guess I'll never be able to play CM. Unless they work on a fix.

  7. Well, I have new information that effects much of what I originally posted.

    Tomorrow, Monday, AMD will announce a new chipset, the 760. It increases bus speed and also makes use of a new and faster RAM chip, DDR SDRAM. They are also releasing new CPUs to take advantage of the increased capabilities.

    One interesting thing to note is that the prices for the new chipsets and RAM will not be much different than what is selling today. Here is the article:


    The dual CPU board will not be available until next year, though when next year is not pinned down. I guess the folks at GamePC.com were trying to tell me about this new chipset when we corrsponded via e-mail, though they weren't correct that the dual CPU board will also be available.

    In any case, I could order a fine system now. I could order a much more powerful system in perhaps a month. Or I could wait until an unspecified date next year and order a dual CPU system. If the AMD announcement is what I believe it will be, and the prices are not significantly jacked up, I think I will get the one out in about a month.



    Excelsior, Fathead!

    --Jean Shepherd, circa 1956

  8. Thanks for the response. I know Falcon 4 is dual threaded, but few other games are, and probably none which I'm likely to buy. CM probably wouldn't be helped at all by dual CPU's. I guess I'll buy a single CPU system. The motherboards are already out and mature enough not to have problems.



    Excelsior, Fathead!

    --Jean Shepherd, circa 1956

  9. I'm getting a new machine soon, though some parts are still in the air. Maybe some information from those who have been down this road would help me make some choices.

    AMD will soon (about one month) release a chipset that allows for dual CPUs. A dual 1Gig machine (two 1 gig chips) is therefore a possibility.

    To take advantage of two CPUs I understand I have to use Windows 2000. Fine, IF games like Combat Mission and Falcon 4 will still play on it.

    I plan to use a Voodoo5500AGP, and will get 256Megs of RAM.

    Now the questions. Has anyone already tried this (Combat Mission on Win2K, and a V5500AGP) successfully, or am I fixing to be a guinea pig? Are there known problems and ways to make it work?

    On the other hand, would it be better to forget W2K and dual CPUs and just use WME?

    Thanks very much.



    Excelsior, Fathead!

    --Jean Shepherd, circa 1956

  10. Unfortunately, though I can always get a bigger, 300 WATT power supply, there's also the question of the ASUS P2B Rev. 1.02, which 3Dfx says is a known problem. I need a new mother board and power supply, which implies a new CPU and RAM. I'm resigned to having to do that.

    I might as well. And, while I'm at it, I can use the old motherboard, CPU, power supply, Voodoo 2s, Viper 330, hard drive, and RAM to build a new box for my daughter. Christmas is coming, and I can also give her the CDROM, floppy, and ZIP, though I just need a box. She's almost 6 years old now, and has been using my 1993 486.

    I haven't bothered trying other games. I figure any game I try will probably have to be reinstalled first, so I'll do that when I get interested in them.

    Jeez, what a mess. But I guess I would have had to do it sooner or later anyway. I just wish I could have put it off.



    Excelsior, Fathead!

    --Jean Shepherd, circa 1956

  11. No schemes were selected and the mouse is a standard PS2 compatible.

    I just heard back from my computer maker, GamePC.com. They looked at the records for my system, and found out that I have a 235 watt power supply, not the 300 watt supply needed by a Voodoo5500. It really looks like I'll need a new motherboard. I have to say, GamePC is a VERY sharp bunch, to be able to give me that kind of info. This is more than two years after I bought the system from them!

    Thanks for your help. I now know a little more about W98.



    Excelsior, Fathead!

    --Jean Shepherd, circa 1956

    [This message has been edited by Skoonj (edited 09-07-2000).]

    [This message has been edited by Skoonj (edited 09-08-2000).]

  12. I have no idea what a theme or pointer is. I'm brand new to Win 98, having one day experience with it.

    I made sure my drivers for the V5500AGP and SBLive are the latest. Then I called 3Dfx, and they gave me some possibly bad news: They said the V5500 has known problems with games while using the ASUS P2B motherboard, revision 1.02. I opened the case, and guess what? Yup, I have revision 1.02!!!

    I wonder if there's a CM patch that can take care of that. Otherwise, I have two choices. Either don't play CM, or upgrade to a new MB and CPU (not to mention RAM).

    With the new drivers, the traveling bar has disappeared, but the other problems remain.



    Excelsior, Fathead!

    --Jean Shepherd, circa 1956

  13. I tried the two-sample and single chip on your suggestion, but they didn't work. I'll try the beta driver.

    Two other problems I noticed. When I exit the game there is a slightly darkened bar, about two inches wide and from top of screen to bottom, that quickly runs across my screen. It seems to happen when I leave CM and at no other time. Also, when I get into the game to make the selections of scenario, fog of war, etc., there is a small square artifact that remains on every subsequent screen until I reach the battlefield itself. I'm told it is called a "turd" in the trade. Any idea what's causing it?

    I may be looking at a board problem. It's brand spanking new, and may actually have a flaw.



    Excelsior, Fathead!

    --Jean Shepherd, circa 1956

  14. I had a problem I posted a while back, but even after trying all the suggestions, it was intractible. I decided to have my computer upgraded and repaired. I now have a SoundBlaster Live and a Voodoo 5500. Oh, and my chip cooling fans have been replaced. It seems they weren't working. That might account for the game not working after about turn 6.

    Now that I have a new set of equipment, I took CM out for a spin. Only one problem though. A lot of text has disappeared. Things like the location of units when placing them (scattered woods, etc.), and when I select the unit I can't get the type of unit, location, etc. Just the typographical stuff.

    I guess this has happened before, so I wonder what the fix is. Oh, and I reloaded CM, but I'm down to version 1.02. I'll add the patches once I get this fixed ... unless of course one of the patches IS the fix!



    Excelsior, Fathead!

    --Jean Shepherd, circa 1956

  15. I cleared up a sound card problem this week, but now I have another problem.

    I'm using the Tutorial battle. About 7-12 turns in, I start getting a herky jerky cursor. That is soon followed by all the graphics deteriorating to colorful blocks, quickly becoming impossible to see the battle map. I then have to quit the game. The sound works fine all through it. This wasn't happening before I reinstalled my soundcard software.

    I have a two year old P2-400, 2XVoodoo2/16s with SLI, Sonic Impact Sound card, Viper 330 AGP card, Hitachi Superscan Elite 751 19" monitor, and 128 megs of RAM.

    Anyone have some idea on what is causing this, and better still, what I can do about it?



    Excelsior, Fathead!

    --Jean Shepherd, circa 1956

  16. I did the preferences delete, and it asked me for graphics preferences. When I got the tutorial up again the smoke worked. But the enemy didn't show up! That's wierd! Oh, and still no sound.



    Excelsior, Fathead!

    --Jean Shepherd, circa 1956

    [This message has been edited by Skoonj (edited 08-12-2000).]

  17. I reinstalled the Voodoo 2 driver and nothing happened. I got it from 3Dfx since Diamond doesn't support it anymore.

    The sound card is a Sonic Impact. I installed it with the original driver two years ago. It's a cheap board, but has worked well, and no updated drivers were available until now.

    I'll try that control panel stuff later. I found it earlier, and it did note a sound problem, but I didn't know what to do about it.



    Excelsior, Fathead!

    --Jean Shepherd, circa 1956

  18. I posted this elsewhere, and discovered I should have put it here. Sorry.

    I am a recent CM buyer. Even before I read through the manual I did the tutorial battle a few times, and it's a great game. Now I have a problem.

    Recently I checked with the 3Dfx site and thought it would be a great idea to update my Voodoo 2 SLI drivers, so I did. Went fine. As long as I was at it, what the heck, I also downloaded DirectX7. Went just fine.

    I should have figured I did something I shouldn't have when I tried to get back into Falcon 4, and couldn't get sound to work, and then the pre-mission pie chart wouldn't come up. Damn.

    Then tonight I went back to CM, now that I've finished the manual. NO SOUND!!! NO SMOKE ROUNDS!!! God knows what else I aint getting.

    Then, at the end of the tutorial, the screen went technicolor and a lot like a battlefield Picasso might design. Something went wrong.

    OK, I learned my lesson, I did a bad thing. Can anyone tell me if I now need to get rid of the DX7 and the drivers? If so how? I appreciate any assistance.



    Excelsior, Fathead!

    --Jean Shepherd, circa 1956

  19. I am a recent CM buyer. Even before I read through the manual I did the tutorial battle a few times, and it's a great game. Now I have a problem.

    Recently I checked with the 3Dfx site and thought it would be a great idea to update my Voodoo 2 SLI drivers, so I did. Went fine. As long as I was at it, what the heck, I also downloaded DirectX7. Went just fine.

    I should have figured I did something I shouldn't have when I tried to get back into Falcon 4, and couldn't get sound to work, and then the pre-mission pie chart wouldn't come up. Damn.

    Then tonight I went back to CM, now that I've finished the manual. NO SOUND!!! NO SMOKE ROUNDS!!! God knows what else I aint getting.

    Then, at the end of the tutorial, the screen went technicolor and a lot like a battlefield Picasso might design. Something went wrong.

    OK, I learned my lesson, I did a bad thing. Can anyone tell me if I now need to get rid of the DX7 and the drivers? If so how? I appreciate any assistance.



    Excelsior, Fathead!

    --Jean Shepherd, circa 1956

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