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Everything posted by LaiKay

  1. Pls forgive me if this question has been posted before cuz I have searched but didnt get the answer. Can someone tell how the troop quality of a tank crew affect it's performance? I really want to know more about it. Thks. LaiKay
  2. Could anyone tell if I update to whatever winter mod, say a tiger, will the winter texture be used in all scenario or just only those with snow covered on ground? Thks in advance for telling. LaiKay
  3. Anyone up for a PBEM game? I am willing to play whatever QB or scenario for either side. I can handle one turn per day. Should anyone interest pls email me. Thks. LaiKay
  4. I never see any of my mortar crew carry any smoke round. I suppose 60mm MTR do not carry smoke round at all. Correct me if I am wrong. LaiKay
  5. What is the best use of a 60mm Mortar for in a meeting engagement or assult scenario? I can't figure out how to use them well. The best way I see it's use in an assult is to provide suppression fire for the first wave of assult troops. However, once the assult wave move close to the enemy main line of resistance, MTR have not much use any more. Due to the limited time in most of the scenario, there are usually not enough time for repositioning these MTR for later attack. In an meeting engagement situation, I can't even find any use of this MTR due to their very slow speed. Also, they got only very limited ammo i suppose , usually of 35 rounds. I think there might be something I have missed, do anyone got a good way in using this weapons? Thks. LaiKay
  6. Thks for all the information. I get a better understand of PF. So is those panzerfaust30, 40, ... 100 is like those FP in ASL of 44 version, 45 version etc? (Sorry keep using ASL as a comparision cuz it's easy for me to understand). Thank you LaiKay
  7. I have played several scenario in which I never seen any German troop fire their panzerfaust at any tank at all. The only time I saw it being used was against another UK squad. Now my problem is in what range will these troop fight this anti-tank weapon at another tank. I have ever seen that my squad is as close as 30m to a station tank but they dont fire too. From the information that I read from book and from ASL exp. Panzerfaust should have an effective range ( I means good chance for hitting the target) of up to 80m or so. Anybody have any idea? Thks. LaiKay
  8. Hello, anyone up for a PBEM game? I will play whatever side or scenario, just wanna have some fun. Willing to try those ASL scenario as well. LaiKay
  9. Hello, are there any Hong Kong player out there? Just wanna get a few more guys together for this game. LaiKay
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