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Everything posted by Vampire1

  1. Clint Eastwood is 72. The first long trailer of Three Kings I immediately thought of Kelly's Heroes. The premise is similar, definitely influenced. Both turned out to be enjoyable. Kelly's Heroes is a good mix of laughter, fighting, and decently done vehicles. Good late night flick!
  2. That is scary to think that the Panther II was to be the standard "medium" tank. That thing is huge! The one at Ft. Knox stands as high as the King Tiger and completely dwarfs the StuG and MkIII next to it. Imposing to say the least.
  3. Heavier tank, and armour served their purpose: defensive action. I don't think(hope at least)that it was produced simply for "My tank is bigger then your tanks!" bragging rights. Also imagine recalling all Tiger I's back to factory for upgrades! Hard enough moving those beasts 100 kilometers. Withdrawing from front lines and travelling 1000KM would be a nightmare.
  4. Not looking for a linked Air game. What I meant is that I can see something like Ultima Online, massive online continuously running battlefield.
  5. I have seen the future of wargames. Imagine a mix of CM for ground combat, with a top notch air combat game taking place over the battlefield simultaneously. Imagine having one group of players on the ground, entire kampfgruppes roaming the countryside, with each vehicle being controlled by a human driver. Above, circling Jabo's look for a break in the cloudcover and praying for an armoured column that has no SPAA. (Wouldn't Wirblewind and Ostwind shine here?) Again each aircraft would have a human pilot. Can you imagine rolling across a field, lead tank in a wedge of Panthers. On the alert to Shermans possibly hidden in the woods ahead, with an eye(and ear) to the high pitched drone of aircraft engines. This isn't far off, and I for one can't wait. Yes, I have seen the future of wargames and it is good.
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