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The Commissar

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Posts posted by The Commissar

  1. What I've found as an effective tactics for keeping snipers alive in village-type maps.

    You take your sniper and a half squad along with it. You put the sniper in the top floor of a tall building with a good view, and keep the half squad on the bottom floor in "Hide" position. If anyone sees the sniper, retreat to the back of the building where fire can't reach you.

    If the enemy infantry decide to rush the sniper after he capped a few of their buddies, they run into the building and there's your half squad. Chances are, you'll kill those guys thank to the element of surprise, and give your sniper time to get away to another position.

    So what if you lose a half squad for the price of most of his full squad and a few sniper shots?

    Hope that helps.


    "...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..."

    - Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"

  2. "War is much more basic. It is instinctive. Pure Darwinian theory here. Killing each other is just a part of the grand plan for species on this planet."

    Xactly what I said.

    Here's ANOTHER interesting fact to consider for all of those people who think us humans would have been better off without war.

    In the animal world, large groups are never allowed to grow beyond what the land can contain. This is done with predetors monitoring and killing off the herbivores. If there were no predetors, the herbivores would not only ruin the habitat, but would also suffer from numerous diseases because the sick animals were not killed off by the predetors.

    Now, we humans are at the top of the food chain and have been there for thousands of years.

    Now imagine we never had a war, that humans were all just happy go-lucky types who never picked a fight (yeah, it's impossible I know, just making a point). If we did not kill off the millions or maybe even BILLIONS who have died in every war, every battle, every clash or fight we humans have ever waged over our long and sometimes unrecorded history, those billions would have reproduced and bred more humans.

    Now, we are hitting the 8 billion mark right now, and predicted to go as high as 20+billion by the year 2020. Now if all those people who were killed off had a chance to reproduce, they would have had numerous offspring. Multiply several billion by the number of children families had in the olden ages (usually large).

    Can you see where I'm going with this? We would already be extinct from overpopulation. We would die from deseases and wouldn't have any place on our poor little world way before we even GOT to WW2!

    We are our own eco-system. We are our own predetor and prey. If it doesn't stay that way, we better find a way to get off this rock quick or else its a pretty terrible looking future.


    "...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..."

    - Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"

  3. Umm, to beat the hell out of each other. It's an instict of man. Like Patton once said,

    "As long as there is man, there will be war."

    It's the same as when we were hairy monkey-like creatures in small tribes, fighting over a a good hunting area by beating each other over the head with animal bones and pointy rocks.

    Except today we are in the billions, weild thermo-nuclear weapons of mass destruction, and fight over useless pices of land or resources. If you ask any sensible person though, we're still monkeys.


    "...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..."

    - Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"

  4. Jsoh,

    I was also mostly a "newbie" to WW2. I knew a bit more then you did, but I am far from a grog like some of these walking encyclopedias here.

    Do what I did: ask around this site for historical links to things which puzzle you. Don't know anything about tanks? Well no worry! Just follow this handy link. All the info provided is historical, and since CM is dead on realistic, can be used for the game!


    That's just one link. I have several others which if you wish, I can post here. In fact, why don't all of us knowledgeble grogs post a few links here to help our newer friend. Who knows, we may even learn of a good side we didn't yet know!


    "...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..."

    - Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"

  5. Heya guys,

    I was wondering if there were any places open in the several (?) CMRPG campaigns out there.

    I didn't sing up before because I really wanted to makes sure I was at least an able player, and now having made sure through several battles, I'd like to get in on the action. I hope I'm not too late!

    Any news?


    "...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..."

    - Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"

  6. As I said in my previous post, I'd LIKE to see this feature but it probobly won't be done. To do justice to full squads of men, we would need something like what CC does.

    Then again, CC is 2d and doesn't have any problems with having to make each soldier out of polygons, they are little sprites.

    I think we should ALL just shut up and ASK THE DEVS! Arguing over it really gets us nowhere, since people are typically very entrenched in thier personal views and it takes very long and very good evidence to convince them otherwise. Sometimes it takes a kick in the head, which (arguably unfortunately in some cases) we cannot do over the net smile.gif

    So again, ASK THE DEVS! Steve, relieve our bickering hordes and say if the feature has the slightest posibility of coming true and when that possibility might be able to arise. That's it. Debate over, no need for pointless bickering.


    "...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..."

    - Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"

  7. Elijah and others,

    As many have made clear through many points, modeling each individual man would be too much of a hassle, because it would require those individual men to behave realistically, have their own animations and skins, and represent different actions and inactions individually and not in unison as they do now.

    I too wanted to see this feature, but then I realised this is not something we are liable to see in CM2 or maybe even CM3.

    What is required for this is not only significant processor and video card speed above even the 1-2GHz mark we are approaching now, but also the expansion and willigness of the development team beyond what it is now. If due to future success Battlefront decides to devote people to seeing this feature come into a gutre CM release, I am sure they will do it. This might be influenced by more demand for the feature, their own decisions, or other factors which would deem the feature profitable and worth the investment.

    As of now, those who want to see full squads are a minority, and although most of us agree that having full squads would look cool when watching big firefights in replays, commanding fully represented squads of men would be a hassle. Of course, this can be scaled from the now present 3 person to full squad, much like the "scale" of units is scaleable.

    It is possible and may be a feature, but don't hope for it in the next or maybe even the third CM game.


    "...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..."

    - Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"

  8. I strongly suggest all of us also post their ICQ numbers in this thread, those of us who have ICQ that is.

    Now, as for myself.

    E-Mail: sword_lover@hotmail.com

    ICQ: 26953512

    I prefer to play as the Germans or as the Brits, although anything else is just as good. I enjoy random generated map. The more randomness, the more fun IMHO smile.gif

    I also don't mind choosing my own men, so if you like it that way I'm all up for it.

    I am a mediacore player myself. Right now I'm in the middle of a few PBEMs which are seemingly hanging in the ballance so far as I can tell.

    I am looking for players who can play more then 1-2 turns a day. Even if it's over the course of 12 or so hours, I like players who can devote a sitting of time to play CM and exchange files quickly.

    Then again, with the amount of PBEM games I'm running, someone is ALWAYS online which makes waiting for other people's files easier. So even if you are a slow player, send ahead!


    "...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..."

    - Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"

  9. Heya grogs,

    Im playing several PBEM's as I write this messege, and with all my games, my opponents are rarely online.

    I need someone who is willing to play regularly, preferably by ICQ, at least several turns a day.

    I play in game scenarios, or random maps. Any side, any size map, any weather. I'm pretty new, so don't expect too much of a challenge

    ICQ me at: 26953512

    E-mail me at: sword_lover@hotmail.com

    I look forward to your e-mails.


    "...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..."

    - Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"

  10. Heya grogs,

    Im playing several PBEM's as I write this messege, and with all my games, my opponents are rarely online.

    I need someone who is willing to play regularly, preferably by ICQ, at least several turns a day.

    I play in game scenarios, or random maps. Any side, any size map, any weather. I'm pretty new, so don't expect too much of a challenge wink.gif

    ICQ me at: 26953512

    E-mail me at: sword_lover@hotmail.com

    I look forward to your e-mails.


    "...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..."

    - Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"

  11. I agree with you completely, Los.

    Come on guys...read a BOOK here! If Russian war academies are so ill learned that they teach their generals such "strategy" (if strategy this human wave can be called, more like butchery), then at least learn from the westerners! Buy a stinking book. There aee many Guerilla warfare literature out there.

    For good sources, check this site out www.paladin-press.com

    Just in this small publishing page, I found 2 publications on performing and countering Guerilla warfare. It's not that hard to train men into shape. Doesn't even take a lot of money. But throwing kids who were hanging out on the streets and partying with their friends a week before, against fanatical Chechnian murderers is well...murder.


    "...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..."

    - Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"

  12. Personally, if it was up to me, I would crucify every Chechen women and child and torture the rebels themselves for days on end until they begged to die.

    But Im biased cause I'm Russian and can't STAND seeing idiotic Russian war dept. "generals" sending young boys not much older then myself to die in idiotic assaults!

    Seriously, you'd think there weren't any brains in the war area of Russia since Stalin killed them off before the Second world war.

    Sometimes I think a teen like myself could lead these men better then some of those "generals". Their military doctrine seems to be "send in men and armorm "parade style" up a road until the poor bastards get bushwacked and half of them killed off. Afterwards, send in a heavy arty strike when all the guerillas have already fled the area".

    Jusus, how HARD is it to train anti-guerilla troops? I'm buying several books on the subject as I write this to see for myself where exactly the great difficulty lies.


    "...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..."

    - Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"

  13. Shatter,

    You are not a hunter until you have obtained a kill! Myself on the other hand, had a few, mainly in the demo. As of now I am playing a few full game PBEMs, but they are going slow since my opponents are all unfortunately busy!

    Now, ICQ is a very good, very simple to use, and very usefull program you can download for FREE over at www.icq.com

    It works like AOL Instant Messenger, except has better features. It lets you send instant messeges, files, keep your buddies in a list which shows if they are online or offline, and more. This neat little proggie makes sending PBEM files back and forth a lot more simpler then e-mail. I STRONGLY suggest you get it, although I will play you anyway for the sake of crushing you under my borgish boot.

    Hope to hear from you as soon as you're free to die - err, play.

    The Commissar


    "...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..."

    - Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"

  14. ::cue computer voice from "War Games"::

    "Would you like to play a game?"

    Hey Shatter,

    Since you're new like me, I would like the opportunity to be one of the first to challenge you to a game of - you guessed it - CM!!!

    The fields of the scenario or random map of your choosing will run red with the blood of whichever side you curse with your presence! Those who resist the Borg will perish, and as a member of the Collective, I have cometh to reapeth youreth destiny-eth!

    My E-mail: sword_lover@hotmail.com

    My ICQ: 26953512

    Resistence is futile. Bow down or face my terribly use of "eth"!


    "...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..."

    - Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"

  15. Hello grogs and grogets,

    Being a relative newbie to CM and complex 300 word German names in general, I was wondering what you fellows think is the best or simply your favorite infantry type.

    By type I don't mean type as in "flamethrower" or "arty spotter", but as in Volksgrenadiers (I know I butchered the spelling) or some of their Allied counterparts. Which do you think has the best weapon mix, which performs best, etc.

    I've had a few PBEM's now where I simply looked over the names of the Germans and Allied infantry names in wonder, and at their many weapon mixes.

    So If you guys can help with your likes and dislikes, I'll be very greatful. And if you can't, I know where you live.


    "...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..."

    - Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"

  16. Alien Nazis...this could usher in a wave of bad Nazi jokes. *ahem*

    "Take us to your Jewish"

    "We come in peace - up until we Barbarosa your ass"

    "Who needs crop circles when you got crop Swachtickas (sorry for spelling)!!"

    "Who you calling "kraut" now?!" ::followed by sound of lazer beam::

    "I just flew in from Berlin and man are my engines hot"

    Yeah, well, you get the idea. Im not going up on the stage any time soon.


    "...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..."

    - Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"

  17. Actually, sending men with reduced ammo/numbers out to scout for mines or enemy positions were used by both sides during the later part of the Eastern front.

    One must remember that once the Germans were loosing ground, men, and equipment they became as desperate as the Russians they were fighting. Although the disregard for life never went as high as with the Soviets, many Germans commanders would send infantry out to "detect" mines rather then have their expensive and rare Panzers get blown to hell.


    "...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..."

    - Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"

  18. Oh, and even though I am of Russian decent, I usually play the Germans in CM. Not because I hate my own people, but because German squads butcher American ones in a head on fight! Well, from my experience anyway.

    Maybe it has something to do with that whole stra-tiy-gy thing or whatever it's called wink.gif


    "...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..."

    - Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"

  19. The SS and most German armed forces in general were the toughest, most well trained, and proffesional fighting men the world has ever seen. Even though they were "evil" (or more like led by a delusioned man for a hallow cause), I respect them for what they were: excellent soldiers.

    I often read WW2 literature, everything from tactics to biographies of generals from the era, sometimes Allied and sometimes German. One day, I brought a book about the (in)famous Johen Peiper into History class.

    The teacher (an overall good Jewish guy) saw what I was reading and gave me a look as if I was holding a big sign that said "I want to throw you in an oven". Part of the blame was mine I must admit, I should have thought ahead about bringing Nazi related matereal into class when my teacher was Jewish. Although I still feel part of the blame was his, sine I am not and never will be a Nazi of any sort.

    Live and learn that some people just don't look past the obvious, I guess. Too bad, since some of the men fighting for Germany were great warriors for which they should be given their due respect.


    "...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..."

    - Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"

  20. Not really a horror story, but a terrible start none the less..

    We're playing a PBEM, and I am attacking as Germans on this small town which is positioned on a hill. I don't even see the town from my starting positions.

    So I have one of my Panther G's (a veteran too!) deploy on the left flank, where I though it was in good cover. First turn, out of nowhere I hear a :BOOM: and bye-bye goes my Vet Panther! ARG!

    Well, the gun is dead now, and I learned a valuable lesson: Deploy your tanks as far into cover as is possible!


    "...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..."

    - Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"

    [This message has been edited by The Commissar (edited 08-25-2000).]

  21. This is a Russian WW2 joke which I translated as best as possible. It is important to note that the particular partisans are "Gruzini", from a country called "Gruzia" in the former Soviet Union. They are made fun of in Russian anecdotes as being a particularly stupid lot.


    2 Russian partisans are crawling through a what field to get to a German camp and start sabotaging stuff. Suddenly, a German sentry hears them crawling and calls out

    "Who's there?!"

    One of the Gruzin partisans called out

    "Miaow, miaow"

    The German says

    "It's only a cat"

    and doesn't pay any more attention.

    The partisans crawl past, do their buiseness and are crawling back. The German hears them again and once again calles out

    "Who's there?!"

    The Gruzin who answered before yells back

    "It us cats crawling back!"


    Well, I translated it as best as possible. It's much more funnier when in it's original language.


    "...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..."

    - Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"

  22. Thank you for your replies, confused and angry as some of them may be smile.gif

    Yes, I have the demo.

    No, I wasn't able to find anything in the search function because, well, we know why.

    No, I don't have the manual nor the 1.4 patch.

    Yes, I do like seeing my men obbey orders in my demo PBEM's, so that's why I posted.

    No, I don't think it is necessary to look down on me and rudely imply at "what right" I have at asking questions.

    Thanks again, I'll keep your advice in mind. Just thought it was sort of weird for men to move past danger at such close and potentially deadly ranges. I'll use sneak next time.



    "...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..."

    - Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"

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