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    CM duh!
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    big wig

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  1. Sieg Heil, Dr Brain, since you feel we are such nazi's I'll indulge you. Sieg Heil, Sieg Heil, Sieg Heil
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Chris B: > Personally I am interested in the difference between Assault, Attack and Probe.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Assault is to take a position, attack is to attempt a breakthrough, and probe's are to look for a weakness and to gauge enemy strength, basically I've found in the game that you do the same thing for all 3 things when you play and thats blow the sh*t out of the other side till they get down on their knee's begging for mercy. Ofcourse I could be completely wrong here I am a wealth of disinformation.... ------------------ "Gallant fellows, these soldiers; they always go for the thickest place in the fence." - Admiral De Robeck [This message has been edited by Thrash (edited 08-13-2000).]
  3. Then again... Marder's do suck now that I think about it. Your right babs . ------------------ Shoot first and your a hero, shoot second and your a casualty.
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Formerly Babra: Oh, Thrash, Thrash, Thrash... my poor deluded Thrash. Was it not enough to punch 76mm holes in the tissue paper armour of my Marders? Was it not enough to detonate and de-tread my Hetzers with armour-piercing mortar fire? Were you not satisfied playing quick-draw with my StuGs? Was there something missing from your "total" (cough) victory? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> ROTFLMAO, Marder's do suck when you run em across an open ridge infront of m18's, and shermans . Tucked behind a hill or on the backside of a building, or into a little niche in some woods the marder is a potent weapon in ambush, but raceing them across a ridge is only courting disaster . We need to play again [This message has been edited by Thrash (edited 08-12-2000).]
  5. RE: The marder's.. they rock! they really do! keep useing them! ------------------ Shoot first and your a hero, shoot second and your a casualty.
  6. One of the best books I've read on squad to company level tactics, is "The Combat Leader's Field Guide" by MSG Brett A. Stoneberger. It's my bible for CM.
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