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Posts posted by BasilD

  1. I did have some excellent results on a defense recently pulling back units, who were affected by the dreaded ! as well as units that simply had run out of ammo. But I had plannned way ahead, placed my units in a position a bit forward of the flags, with the intention of inflicting maximum casualties, then falling back to make a last stand at the actual flag areas.

    As mentioned, smoke is good, keeping units in Command is always always good. Veteran and above units seem to do OKish if out of CC, but anything below that can get really bad really fast. I also used the tactic of having my flamethrower teams AE ignite the foilage in front of my position right before I began pulling out. Another thing I tried to do is leave a couple veteran squads with a HQ to lay covering fire while the others moved back.

    And again as above, helps if you have a general plan/hope of the progress of the battle beforehand, and know already on Turn 1 where you are going to relocate to if things go bad, he tries to flank etc.

    Im no expert but these things have worked for me as a newer player.


    As the victors define history, so does the majority define sanity...

  2. Well, I was watching Stalingrad earlier (Damn I'm hard pressed to think of a grimmer movie in existance, I recommend!)

    and even the Germans were portrayed using something that looked alot like a magnetic mine. Basically in the film the Germans were in foxholes and a tank rolled over the foxhole while the German cowered under the tank, then popped up to affix a mine to the rear of the vehicle. I imagine this sort of activity is modelled in the general close assault action in CM.


    As the victors define history, so does the majority define sanity...

  3. Well, lots of harping on bugs lately, so I thought I'd mention one incident that happened to me recently. I park my trusty

    StugIV behind a building and prepare to lay down some hefty fire upon some infantry in yonder building. I had LOS and all seemed good; awaited some pyrotechnics in my return file. But the only explosions involved were in the corner of the building I was hiding behind. Upon close examination, I noticed my Stug had actually plunged his snout into the building, and the gun was prodding out through the corner, but visibily impaling said building(that being the building in closest proximity). Even more annoying, the shrapnel from the explosions had immobilized the Stug.

    Be nice if vehicles either A) didn't get frisky and attempt intercourse with buildings or B) LOS wouldn't register as being good in such instances.

    Minor complaint and the sort of thing thats inevitable in a 3d construct, but was annoying for sure.

    SO DAMNIT FIX IT NOW OR I'LL SUMMON LEWIS AND A PLETHORA OF EXCLAMATION POINTS TO BEDEVIL THE SUM TOTAL OF YOUR EXISTANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. I have to put my hat into the ring and vote they should have sidearms. I had a look of sheer dismay earlier when my brave shrek teams ran forward to toast the cruel enemy sexton today, only to watch the damn crew leap out and kill both teams with their damn pistols, while my men screamed in abject and impotent horror.


    Really tho, I have to think they had pistols no?

    In the note of utter irony, my opponent casually told me the sexton's gun was taken out earlier by a mortar round. Then I was really mad! smile.gif


    As the victors define history, so does the majority define sanity...

  5. Yah, I played Unreal Tournament a little, mainly because friend wanted to, and never could decide whether 800*600*32 was better than 1024*768 16 bit. But then unreal is designed to use 32 bit which many games aren't. As to your point about higher resolutions being better than 32 bit, from what I've seen in reviews, the next wave of cards, such as the ATI Radeon dont suffer any performance loss by using 32 bit, in fact the ATI card seems to prefer it. And I imagine by the time CM2 is out, I will have sent my ole Matrox g400 16 meg to the spare parts bin.


    As the victors define history, so does the majority define sanity...

  6. Carriers at war was excellent too. Amazing detail for the time. Only problem was it was hard to see what was happening at any given moment unless you stopped the game (requiring long disk action) every 10 mins game time.


    As the victors define history, so does the majority define sanity...


    I played that thing endlessly. It was platoon level vs squad, but I still apply successfully some of the lessons learned from that game to CM, a testament to the games decency in that hex-laden era. Like dont expect your 150mm IG to live long. But thats another thread (hehe I'm still laughing about that.)


    As the victors define history, so does the majority define sanity...

  8. Let me preface this thread with the note: damn I'm bored no ones sending me turns someone send me a setup biggrin.gif

    Anyways Ive searched about and even the offical BTS line was vague: paraphrase "Well the models were in 32 bit but game is 16 bit but um er..."

    Does CM support 32 bit colour in any way shape or form, should I have it turned off/on/don't matter/I'm clueless but im replying anyways. Plus more provocatively!:

    will CM2 support 32 bit colour (I really hope it should) and spruced up graphics for 2001 and the new beachead of video cards.

    Just my opinion, but from a marketing viewpoint least common denominator is understandable, but many (any?) player of CM with the fiscal wherewithal would buy a new graphics card in order to be able to play this superior simulation.


    As the victors define history, so does the majority define sanity...

  9. I think the point of this thread is if you want to buy a good wargame dont look to gamecenter for advice. I personally bought the game because I saw the review at combatsim.com, those guys are usually very low-key in their reviews and Nelson was drooling over combat mission. I knew something good was in the air and hopped on over to Battlefront.com and the rest is history.

    I read the gamecenter review and, FROM THEIR PERSPECTIVE, the game is a 7. Their most important criteria in games are Graphics, Multiplayer options, and being a good 'come home from work and relax game'. Many/most of us here may range from WWII aficionados(sp?)

    to die-hand-shouldnt-the-Tiger-have-105mm armour fanatics but 99% of the people in this world dont know what a Pz-IVH is, and to truly get the full effect from CM you have to have a decent understanding of the armies/hardware etc. Most of their clientele are not US. On those lines, one wonders if they might not be under the thumbs of the big game developers who would prefer a company like BTS not succeed. Perhaps paranoia, to quote someone who I can't remember 'Just because you are paranoid doesnt mean you aren't right'. Fionn's excellent observation that the game was reviewed on a p-166 4 meg card lends credence to this idea, I had overlooked that usually its noted in the review.

    Anyways if you want good advice, there may be better sites about but combatsim is pretty cool, they tend to focus on flight sims, which I havent played of late, but thats fine. I've been waiting for something as engaging as Battle of Britain. That was an all-time classic. Just flying around shooting down planes is fun, but BOB had an excellent campaign: "OK, now if I take out their radar towers with my stuka, next mission I can get in close and crater the airfields, then drive deep into Lancashire and whomp that factory etc." Now that was fun smile.gif

    Perception is Reality.

  10. In my experience so far, the big infantry guns are fairly hard to use effectively in CM, for all the reasons previously stated. The demo is supposed to sell the game, alot of the buyers/players are going to be americans, the scenario is a chance for potential buyers to have fun blowing stuff up and want more.

    In past computer wargames I have played I had the same problems with the 150mm IG since its usually modelled as a direct fire weapon, so I didn't think twice about it.

    Is the game real? No. It is, perforce, a simulation. Is it one of, if not the most realistic computer wargames ever done on a tactical scale? In my opinion, yes.

    Tactically, I prefer to use the 75mm IG for close-support, it packs a decent suppression punch and isn't a big juicy target for enemy artillery. If one wants a more useful application of the power of 150mm cannon, using a FO with off-map artillery is likely more effective. But the on-map units are in the game to enable to simulate rear-guard actions etc. etc.


    As the victors define history, so does the majority define sanity...

  11. My poles, after inital bravery and success, were soundly defeated frown.gif The crucial turn was when my Sgt Litowski and his Veteran Firefly VC crew missed five straight shots on a Pz V and them finally succumbed to return fire. Same turn my other VC was taken out by a faust at 150?! meters. AAR reports that Litowski had been recently reprimanded my his CO for using Vodka to strengthen his nerves. My sole consolation is perhaps his example will teach the other men the error of battlefield drunkeness.

    In light of this I could use another PBEM.


    As the victors define history, so does the majority define sanity...

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