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Posts posted by Jarhead

  1. SITREP (Crodaburg Vs Check6)

    I am advancing under the cover of artillery fire. Very little resistance encountered after breaching the outer defensive line.

    I have not received a turn from check 6 in a couple days, nor an e-mail to let me know he was going out of town. I have looked here for some kind of a surrender statement, but found nothing. I can only assume his SUPREME Commander has ordered him to get some honey DO projects completed. If anyone knows the whereabouts of the MISSING Check6. Please let him know his enemy is wondering.


    Semper Fi.

  2. Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

    Thanks for your opinion, Jarhead, let's hope the match doesn't continue much longer or we'll exceed your ability to keep track.


    Don't worry "We" wont lose track, I'll keep you on target. I'm sure you will be fine as long as it keeps to single digits. Now, I must get back to my TV dinner, and 6 pack of cheap warm beer.


    Semper Fi.

  3. SITREP. I have assaulted, and breached check 6's 1st line of defense. After reaching the woods I found my previous report to be accurate. Manny MG/AT bunkers and mine fields were encountered. All enemy strong points thus far have been prosecuted with maximum overkill (Marine Style).


    Ammo: adequate.

    At this time the situation is stable. I am pushing forward.


    Semper Fi.

  4. Originally posted by Check6:

    On a related note, I am hereby turning in a wisely considered report of suicidal, foolish, nearly-the-g-word tactics by my very-esteemed opponent. I count three unoccupied jeeps Fast-moving their merry way up my roads. In this case it's probably nothing to worry about, but in other circumstances I might have been rather severely unhappy.

    I must admit I deserve any G-word you may throw at me. But of course I thought since there are 5 pillboxes, and at least 4 to 5 bunkers, plus 4 to 5 AT guns, plus GAWD knows how manny MG teams, Plus ? mortars raining death on my troops. All bunched in on a front 2000 feet across. its a bit G-word already. Now all I need is a little more speed on the 14" gun spotters.

    P.S. Besides I loved "Rat Patrol."


    Semper Fi.

  5. Originally posted by wadepm:

    PanzerBlitz - 1972. I still have it and I can't wait until my son is old enough to play it with me!

    I know how you feel. My son is 4 (youngest of 3 kids). I am also looking forward to sharing some of my old war games w/him. Until then I'm enjoying kid games with all three of them. I did convince the wife to play "Axis and Allies" with me once, just once.


    Semper Fi.

  6. I Joined the US army Reserve (2 years-cold weather Infantry scout). Then I transferred to The US Marine Corps, where I had to go through basic, and infantry school again. Because the "Corps" does not except prior service training. I served out my 4 years + 2 mo active duty. I then joined the Army reserve (2 years) again as a member of a LRSU Team. By then my family was well underway. I decided to exit the military for good. I miss it. Had I remained single, I believe I would have made it a career.


    Semper Fi.

  7. Originally posted by Annalist:

    Now do you get it. If you've been in the military and know how these things work, feel free to contribute. If not, shut the HELL up.

    What to say...I'm sure we are all sorry we did not follow your direction. I in no way meant to get you so upset. I do apologies for any broken object at your place of residence.


    Semper Fi.

  8. Originally posted by Annalist:

    Remember, Bazookas and Panzerschrecks couldn't be fired from the prone position, only kneeling or standing.

    I know this was not the point of the post. I also admit my knowledge of the bazooka is very limited. As far as the Panzerschrecks go, I know nothing other then it was a German AT weapon. Ok, that out of the way. I don't understand why a Bazooka can not be fired from the prone position? The soldier would have to hold the weapon at an angle away from his body. Assuming as well there are no obstruction behind him that would deflect the back blast. Could someone enlighten my on this small but curious point.


    Semper Fi.

  9. A Battalion/Company commander in the Marine Corp, and other militaries around the world (I would assume) has options available to him in the form of the organic weapons company/platoon. I feel in CM picking your Infantry, Armor, artillery support, and vehicles before seeing the map should remain as it is. However "support" assets should be chosen after seeing the map. This would simulate the Bat/Co commander requesting said assets after seeing his situation. IMO this would be a more realistic approach to tailoring your force to the map. Now...that said, I have no idea how hard it would be to accomplish it.


    Semper Fi.

    [This message has been edited by Jarhead (edited 01-23-2001).]

  10. The battle with Check 6 (Crodaburg or sum such thing) has been joined. So far my American troops are forging ahead paying for each yard of ground. I do take heart when I look across the bullet swept killing field at the far timberline. The wood is littered with cracked, smoking pillboxes, and collapsed bunkers. Not to mention the numerous wrecked gun positions of my foe. Though I still have a very bad feeling. I cant help thinking that a surprise awaits me sooner then I would like. I gain small comfort knowing I stated on record to my commanding officer, "I launch this attack under protest. I dislike this ground, and continue only as it is my duty."

    Check 6: I sent off 004a, enjoy.


    Semper Fi.

  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Check6:

    I'm not doing too great in my match against Jarhead either. That's because he hasn't even sent me the first turn movie yet. I think he may still be uploading it; I took an informal count and discovered that Croda gave me, the defender, around 3000 points. I think my worthy opponent must be in excess of 5000, at least.


    The turn has been sent. And as far as the count goes... I have only ????? points. No artillery, and a couple M5's. oh yeah I almost forgot about that green half squad. I'm sure the 1st few turns will be SPR on the beach. Except I may have a few more casualties. I save any further comments until I'm winning. unless of course I start to lose.


    Semper Fi.

  12. WOW! Thank you for the great response all. It looks like most of you have a history of War gaming be it Board, or Computer, console, what have you. Even one lad made his own game to get his fix. Its nice to have a place to go and trade thoughts on history, and war gaming in General. As well as of course CM (The Best Computer WWII Tactical war game so far).


    Semper Fi.

  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Check6:

    I shall indeed send you vivid and periodic descriptions of the battle, and perhaps Jarhead (how do you make a good insulting nickname out of an already-insulting nickname?) will follow suit. Perhaps Madmatt could post the descriptions alongside those of Fionn's game, sort of a parallel theme, "watch a tactical genius on defense shred an inept attacker".

    [This message has been edited by Check6 (edited 01-21-2001).]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    The next phase of the so called battle has been completed and sent off to the tactical geneass (I always goof up that spelling).

    I might say, a blind monkey with nothing but one leg and a sling shot could not miss a shot in this fishbowl of death..


    Semper Fi.

  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Slapdragon:

    Just wait, I was playing mongo39 and I had an MG jeep (given randonmly by the setup). Out pops his Marder and by jeep not only killed it, but caused it to explode. I was so happy I could scream, and mongo was way pissed.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Ever hear of "Rat Patrol" the TV show. They always killed tanks, HT, AC, anything you could throw at em. All from a couple MG mounted jeeps. As the jeep gets 5' of air going over that sand dune. The MG blasting at the front of a German tank...And ... BOOM tank blows up. Jeep speeds on to the next target. A lot of fun to watch, but ridiculous.


    Semper Fi.

  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by saru3000:

    Jarhead,I also ordered those plastic soldiers.They came in a little cardboard box that looked like a footlocker.The bases were too skinny to keep 'em propped up without support and if you managed it you had to be very careful not to breath on 'em.The ads were definitely better than the product.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Well at least I know I was not the only sucker to buy those things. I remember the add was on the back page of the comic. It showed the "Army Men" on top of a cliff overlooking an invasion fleet. Guns blasting on both sides. Funny thing is, here I am still playing with "Army Men". Well...no matter, I'm not going to quite.


    Semper Fi.

  16. Ok, My E-mail address is now included in my profile. As for an excuse, I was attempting to isolate my self from possible dribble in the old inbox. But I have learned that I need not worry about that. Because I have yet to see any derogatory remarks or tripe since joining the board. It must be safe. :-/

    Check 6, we need to start the killing before the war ends.

    [This message has been edited by Jarhead (edited 01-21-2001).]

  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda:

    I claim the right to force JarJarHead into a newbie battle against the annoying newbie git of our choosing on the glorious field of battle known as 'Crodaburg.' So shall it be written, so shall it be done.


    I accept the decree, from the self appointed person who offers decrees. I prefer Allies.

    Now you hyena's with your foul breath, and filth hanging from the stringy hair of your back sides. Have at it.

    [This message has been edited by Jarhead (edited 01-20-2001).]

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