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Von Schmidt

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Everything posted by Von Schmidt

  1. Was just curious how many of you CM gamers read classical philosophy. I myself just finished reading Clausewitz's treatise on war as well as Rousseau's "The Social Contract". Both works were simply incredible and definitely worth taking the time to read. I personally find philosophy somewhat more challenging to study since it requires far more personal reflection and exploration as to discerning the idea in question. I'm currently reading Aristotles "Metaphysics" and am planning on reading Plato's "The Republic". Any other book suggestions out there? My preferences lay primarily with 18th century philosophy and I humbly recommend any work by Voltaire, Diderot or Montiscurie. What can I say, it must be the revolutionary in me ------------------ War is an act of violence intended to compel our opponent to fulfill our will. -Carl Von Clausewitz
  2. Hello all CM players!! I've been lurking around this site for quite some time, and finnaly took it upon myself to join up. First off, i'd like to say how much i enjoy this game; you did an awesome job BTS!! Second, i'm really impressed by how seriously the members here take WW2 historical accuracy. Well now for my question, The Waffen SS infantry uniforms, is their something wrong with them. Shouldn't the uniform consist of a camo smock and black pants, not just a camo jumper set?
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