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Posts posted by Insu

  1. Can´t see what´s so gamey about it. The Germans used it very successfully during the war. I´ve done it in most of my PBEM and I never even had a thought that this could be considered gamey. It´s just not possible to avoid this cause how would you implement it?

    "You are only allowed to use Move mode on your units for the first five turns." - that sounds very boring and stupid to me.

    As for all tactics - there is always something you can counter it with and if you tend to repeat your strategy in every game you´ll soon be losing them.

  2. Quote:


    You can't use AT guns if they can be seen by multiple units. They attract fire from all over the place! Every single unit will drop what they are doing to shoot at the guns. I'm not saying this is unrealistic but it's sure is damn annoying!


    Since the guns are vulnerable don´t put them in a spot were they can shoot on everything on the map because all those targets will shoot back at the gun and it will probably render it out of action quickly.

    Put the guns in a protected position with a limited field of fire. The difficult thing is to find such a spot cause you want to see some results from that gun. If you put the gun in a place where your opponent doesn´t show, just calm down and remember:

    1. You don´t have to worry about that sector as much

    2. The gun is still on the map and thereby a threat, should the enemy change his tactics.

    3. You could always try to lure your enemy into the guns field of fire.

    If you do insist of placing your guns with wide fields of fire - don´t open fire too early!

    Hope none of my PBEM´s are reading this...

  3. One of my PBEM opponents and I will finish a game probably similar to this. We have exhausted or forces totally, me the most, and both are now trying to secure the VL a.s.a.p. since the game soon ends.

    I think we have to remember it´s just a game and since the VL are crucial in the game, the one who controls them in the end is usually the winner. In reality, I guess it would be difficult to find a winner but that´s another story.

  4. I´m not sure this is a popular idea but please have patience with us Euros.

    Sorry all you Gents and Dames out of these timezones but some of us Europeans can only manage a limited number of nightgames.(due to time difference)

    So if you are in these timezones and want a PBEM opponent, why not reply to this. I´ll do a page for this purpose in the future a.s.a. my ISP allows me to get write access to my server files.

    I´m Insu in GMT +01.00 (Sweden)

  5. Hi Mortiis, I really like the quote!

    As for the thread you brought up I think it you make a point for some newbies. I have only been checking this forum for the last couple of weeks and haven´t been very active posting threads.

    I see the reason many "old timers" comment on some newbies and most of the time I think they have good reasons for it and not because they are newbies. Personally it doesn´t bother me at all because in those threads the discussion is often already far from the subject and people are starting to throw pies at each other instead of keeping a constructive dialog. While doing that people of course gets pissed off and write things that other misunderstands and here we go again ...

    I do think, even with my tiny experience from this forum, that more and more threads are off the subject and it is inevitable that some threads will start small conflicts.

    I do think it is important to comment on things that are stupid or off the subject but I think comments should be done in a way to solve conflicts not to increase them. Many times I would like to post something like "Come on, quit that senseless discussion" but I usually don´t.

    Most of the people here are OK and I want to take the opportunity to thank many of you for taking your time and explaining things so detailed that anyone with the slightest interest in wargaming and history, like me, become quite fascinated.

    I have played a lot of wargames both pc and paper and I thought I knew a lot. Well, I don´t ....

    Be good!

  6. Of course the German PzV and PzVI are superior to tanks like the Sherman one on one but we are speaking about to totally different doctrins. The allies always had to consider more factors than firepower, hull thickness etc.

    The tanks had to be sea transported to every theater and so they were developed with that in mind. Can you imagine JP how to ship a Königstiger PzKw VI weighing app. 70 tons?!

    You should really compare the German tanks with the Russian tanks.

    Make yourself a favor and try to be more constructive in your statements. This is not a political forum.

  7. I´ve got a lot of mail from the RDCM re to start a tournament but it seems difficult to administer because I don´t think anyone will handle it.

    Now, I have been hacking a little bit the last days (just because I got tired of all these mails "I´m in", "I´ll play" etc.) and would continue if there is an interest for a tournament center or whatever you would call it.

    The idea is for a bunch of people to agree to start a tournament. Someone would take the main responsibility (administrator) and register a new tournament in the database. People would see this tournament as open and are allowed to join. The administer can decide max players, startdate, type of tournament (Cup, League) etc.

    As soon as enough players have joined, the administrator will close (start) the tournament and matches will be randomly generated. Updates will be done by the players but the code would check for matches that are dragging on too long etc.

    I don´t have a lot of time to administer the database and webpages but depending on interest I would develop the solution and if someone related and interested in CM want to host the webpages I would be happy to give it all away. I could also keep it under my own domain but at present my ISO only have offers read rights for the database i.e. not possible to register directly.

    Is there any interest from all you CM freaks?

  8. Just for your interest JP. My grandfather was in the Wehrmacht as many other of my relatives. My great grandmother was executed by the nazis while her sisters son was in the NSDAP. I have lived in Germany, Holland, USA and right now in Sweden and I do not share your wonderful view of the Americans but I guess you met every American that I didn´t meet.

    It is my experience that many people who hasn´t been to the US have some strange love/hate relationship towards Americans.

    They watch the films from the US but at the same time the claim that the films from the US suck.

    They ask for the US to help them in different conflicts but then always have something to complain about.

    I´m quite sure that the Americans are just as good or bad as you and me JP and I do think you wouldn´t mind if the GI´s came to help you when you would need it.

    Phew! This was a lot of bull from me but I can´t help it!

    Take it easy JP and maybe you´ll some friends at the forum, even though they might be Americans...

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