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Posts posted by piekat

  1. I know that this is not the place for this kind of subjects, but after 6 weeks of my order i've not yet received my copy of CM (order confirmed by BTS june 21st 2000). Al my E-mails requesting informations (july 19th, 27th, 31st) have got no response.

    I'm starting to feel disappointed.

    BTS, please, could you give me info on the statuts of my order?


    Pierluca Coffanetti

  2. I'm sorry but i can speak only in past tense, nobody around still playing boardgames with an old italian guy. Anyway I started with an old italian fantasy boardgame called "zargon lords" or something similar, then passed on Luftwaffe and Starship troopers. But the game i played most was Battletech (even if it's not a real wargame)


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