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Posts posted by Disaster@work

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by killmore:

    I my opinion Ferdinant survivability was so high because they were so rare. If they would be more common the larger guns would be introduced to take them out. But since they were so unfrequent no one was worrying about them too much.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    That's an excellent observation. Battlefield evolution. It's the same in nature as in technology.

  2. I think you have one of the critiques right. If you can be anything in WWII, why would anyone want to pick a infantryman? What if the other people play the battleship and can pound you and dozens of other buddies to bits while you plink away with your rifle? I know in Civilization II it's possible for a Phalanx to take out a battleship smile.gif but somehow I don't think it'll work that way here. I have a friend who might work with those guys. If he accepts their job offer I could be hearing some more stuff smile.gif

  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hakko Ichiu:

    I'm still waiting for Hasbro/Microprose to put together an all-singing-all-dancing sequel to Master of Magic. I may have a long wait though. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    LOL. I should send this to my friend who is in love with Ulala from Space Channel 5. I can totally see the armies doing the can can across the field from each other ! smile.gif

  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy:

    Also, search, and think before you post, please. Try to think about whether all these new topics are really necessary.


    Has someone assembled a FAQ for this forum? This would eliminate the need for such chiding from you.

  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken:

    What's going on here??

    Every REAL web designer knows that proper web page construction involves the employment of voodoo magic and the ritual sacrifice of chickens.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    LOL. Just try convincing my boss of the need for an altar. Maybe they sell one at Office Depot?

    Agreed on FrontPage. FrontPage is crap.

    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>And Fireworks has a very apt name - ready for the application of prodigious quantities of aviation fuel and a burning match.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    I use a combination of Photoshop and Fireworks. I create all my graphics in Illustrator or Photoshop, then I pick up the rendered images in Fireworks and I use it to optimize them. I also like Fireworks' ability to cut the images up and make image maps.

  6. This is an interesting in depth article on the filming of Enemy at the Gates which interleaves the history with how Hollywood is portraying it. There is an extended portion where a historian is interviewed who talks about the compromises that have to be made for telling a story and how filmmakers must respect the 'general' accuracy of what is portrayed. They also talk about the use of CG effects.


    The very last paragraph contains a SPOILER to the real story.

    [This message has been edited by Disaster@work (edited 07-25-2000).]

  7. After seeing the aftermath of another great CM battle (dozens of burning hulks gloriously aflame at a crossroads) I had a sudden vision of being a tank busting pilot flying low over pasture and lighting up a formation of tanks with cannon and rocketfire. Does anyone know if there is a good ground attack WWII based sim out there? Of course I loved EAW but could do with somethingthat concentrated just on tank busting / close air support. With today's graphics you can certainly get a pretty picture (explosions, tracer fire, smoke, nice tank modelling, terrain).

    By the way, in my travels I found an AWESOME picture of a Stuka with two huge cannons in racks under each wing. It looks so impressive. I know it flew like a pig and was swept from the skies by fighters but I can think of nothing more menacing in appearance.

  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mirage2k:

    Well, they regard Chechnya(?) as their own province, so I'm not sure that applies. Also, the Chechan forces aren't exactly moving to invade Russia or anything. And they're using crappy Russian equipment smile.gif<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    From the Russian perspective, Chechens are terrorists who they blame for a string of bombings that rocked Russian cities last year. Also, Chechens have long been regarded as an important Mafia group who engage in kidnapping, smuggling and drug trafficking. While the rest of the world complains about how ruthless Russian gangsters are the Russians themselves use the Chechens as their own bugbear. The Chechens have mounted raids into Russian territory, including one raid that ended in a hostage taking of an entire facility with hundreds of people. Russians have a long history of antagonism with people in the Caucuses and the steppes who in history were only recently conquered in the 1800s. Russia was once ruled by horse nomads who settled in these areas. Their history has been a long struggle against invaders. Their only perceived solution has been a policy of imperialism against peoples who were recent enemies.

    The American analogy would be if the Navajo or the Mormons tried to break away and engaged in highly public acts (such as bombing Federal buildings) to intimidate the federal government into accepting independence.


    I'm still interested in the May 1992 Turkey thing. Can anyone help me out? Did Russia actually make veiled threats of nuclear war with Turkey during the Armenia-Azerbaijan War, as Pry claims?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    I'm also interested in hearing more about this. From what I know from recent news is that Turkey is trying to extend its influence over all Turkic peoples who reside in the Caucuses through third party aid, schools and 'friendship' organizations. This is part of their policy of gaining leadership in the region and becoming the pipeline of choice for oil coming out of the Caucuses.

    [This message has been edited by Disaster@work (edited 07-25-2000).]

  9. I got my copy last week and have been averaging a scenario every two nights. Boy I need more sleep (don't tell my boss). I just had to say that last night I played the Sherbrooke Fusilier's scenario from the Canadian side and it was just great. Whoever designed it, you timed the


    reinforcements just at the right time. I knew that reinforcements would come, of course, given the number of turns in the battle, but it was a near thing. On my right flank I managed to bog down the German attack with a timely barrage that stopped their infantry from getting past the chokepoint. After they knocked out all my antitank arty I thought they would have rule the field but my canucks took out three Stugs and lots of HTs. Still they were pressing and my men were getting all torn up. The Germans called in a barrage to erase what was left (80% casualties it looked like). I have to say I was a bit pitiless in how I used them. Each PIAT team accounted for 2-3 HTs.

    Just as my left flank collapsed and their armour started rolling in on my lines... REINFORCEMENTS. The sight of those dozen Shermans, Churchills and the odd Fireflies almost made me cry. Well, I lined up all those tanks and swept the far hills clean of armour. Then I began grinding the gerries back on the right flank, doing some infantry roasting revenge myself. On my left side I posted tanks on the hill and piled up armoured carcass after armoured carcass at the crossroads that were already littered with my own brave dead.

    One Churchill was a total monster. He took out seven tanks himself including the Tiger. I only wish I could have saved an arty observer for that moment. The AI just couldn't break out of that crossroads as choked as it was with frying sardine cans and an arty barrage would have devastated him. I couldn't stop playing (3am) until I had won a major victory. Excellent. Simply excellent.

    And now I'm at work gulping coffee.

  10. I won't speak to the conspiracy angle but I believe that it was clear to intelligence that the U.S. and Japan were headed on a head on collision over dominance in the Pacific. The war could have come in weeks or months but there was no way Japan would have compromised its goals in Asia to meet U.S. demands for security. That the fleet in Pearl Harbour wasn't ready for an attack was, in my estimation, a credit to Japan's ambitious plan, regardless of whether the ultimatum was made on time or not. One hour, three hours, would not have made much of a difference. If, however, the Japanese fleet was sighted anywhere along the way a day's warning could have gotten some of the U.S. fleet out to sea. What would the Japanese have done if the gig was clearly up and the U.S. fleet put to sea? Would they have hastily withdrawn their plans for opening the war? Diverted to Guam or Midway? Tried to corral the U.S. fleet anyway?

    [This message has been edited by Disaster@work (edited 07-21-2000).]

    [This message has been edited by Disaster@work (edited 07-21-2000).]

  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lorak:


    I also believe that the bodies use the exact same .bmp file as live bodies do. The unit is just shown face up. So if you bloody your graphics, you will just end up with something that looks like "night of the living dead".


    Mmmmm... zombie German soldiers marching through fog at your trenches. You shoot but you can't take them down. Your men flee in terror. Sounds like "Weird War Tales". Awesome! We should make a Phantom Tank mod smile.gif

  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jpinard:

    I wasn't asking for anything grizzly, far from it. Just some red on thei uniforms to signify they are out of action.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Blood is ok. But furry skins are out of the question! smile.gif

    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Otherwise it's like one of those stupid tv shows where everyone shoots, but no one ever bleeds.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    When I was really young my mom used to tell me that the people who fell down after the guns were fired at them weren't dead, they were just so shocked at the sound that they fell unconscious.

  13. We'll petition the makers to write a plugin for Kingpin / SOF so we can see the men writhing around in their own entrails or missing heads and the like.

    Half seriously: what I really wanted to see last night after I was chasing down fleeing Yank infantry with my flamethrower tanks was charred corpses. That's just a skin issue.

  14. I've seen the first and the last of the Samurai trilogy and I have to admit that I'm not a big fan. Why? Well most of it seemed to be a lot of attitude leading up to, oh, one or two scenes where the fighting was over in one minute. The one I remember was Duel in Ganryu Island where the whole movie sets up the showdown with Mushashi's main rival. They posture. Run a bit. Whack. One man dies. Hrmph. I'm a patient viewer but it didn't really do a lot for me.

  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Sublime:

    Lotsa different stuff

    Sex Pistols works pretty well

    most punk rock does

    Sepultura... Deftones..

    Sublime... Rage Against the Machine..

    Nirvana...nofx.. Prodigy.. System of a Down and others...

    Im prolly the only person here who's heard of half of these since Im one of the VERY few wargamers/cm'ers who is 15..<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    If you like those guys you might appreciate the music made by this guy I know who's act is Landscape Body Machine. His stuff ranges from industrial to gothy. http://listen.to/lbm <-- his website

    and download his music here: http://artists.mp3s.com/artists/33/landscape_body_machine.html

  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hakko Ichiu:

    IMO, Sanjuro is good, but not up there w/Yojimbo or Seven Samurai. Hidden Fortress is also well worth watching. Guess which blockbuster movie it inspired...


    Uh... Howard the Duck?

    I liked Hidden Fortress as well for its humour. Has anyone checked out Shogun: Total War? It looks good but I can never have more than one wargame on my plate.

    I would love to see CM used as an engine for a wargame set in other time periods. Not saying Tokugawa Japan but how maybe....Thirty Years War? I just saw another DVD "The Last Valley" set in the Thirty Years War. It's such an interesting period militarily what with the development of cannon and gunpowder with hand to hand combat still prevalent.

  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Smack:

    I ordered the game a week and a day ago and I am wondering is this normal or is the game "lost" because I dont yet have it. I live in Toronto Canada.

    Thanks for any response....<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    I'm in Vancouver, B.C. and I received mine just under two weeks fro when I ordered it. If you really want to delay your package next time specify that the shipper puts c/o "Little Sisters Bookstore" on the address to label.

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