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Posts posted by cyrano01

  1. At the time of writing (2112 GMT) a couple of us are having a few issues with on-line games.

    I simply can't get a game to start i.e. Choose my pilot, altitude etc. Press the OK button and then nothing happens.

    Tornado is getting his games to start but then experiencing odd un-ordered discards and altitude chages. His game then hung on th last AI turn.

    No idea whether his symptoms and mine are related or if they are being experienced more generally.

    Any thoughts?

  2. Originally posted by bartbert:

    When the expansion pack was originally released, Polish pilots were converted to British after 50 XP. It was pointed out to us that players could build up a large number of British pilots by creating more Polish pilots and repeating the cycle.

    The way it is supposed to work now is that Polish pilots maintain a Polish nationality permanently, but gain access to British aircraft after 50 XP. Is that not the way it is working?

    Not sure as I haven't had a Pole hit 50xp for a while. I am pretty sure that flying a Polish RAF pilot casues RAF fatigue to reduce rather than Polish, although I would have to check to be certain.
  3. Right chaps, a small cloud has appeared on my horizon. Just had a call from work and I have to be in Outer Mongolia for the first three days of next week (well Northern Scotland actually but in terms of my being away from an internet connection it amounts to the same thing).

    The good news is that I shall be back in civilisation on Wednesday evening so I shall contact my opponents for the tournament on my return and we should still be able to get the games played on time.

    I don't know quite who I am up against first so I thought I would post this hear so that nobody worries if they don't here from me immediately.


    [ October 18, 2006, 01:15 PM: Message edited by: cyrano01 ]

  4. Originally posted by Baron von Beergut:

    20,000 pts? You mean there are players that high? Do they have a life outside of DiF? smile.gif

    My best German is around 3800 and the rest are 800-1200. I haven't played at all since March till I just got the expansion. My best rooskie is still with an I-16 smile.gif

    See you all on the battlefields... smile.gif

    If it makes you feel any better my Germans are not up to much either so you won't be the only one having an uphill fight. My top 3 Brits, on the opther hand, would be over the limit. C'est la vie. :rolleyes:
  5. Sixx is correct. I have the expansion and am flying the Russians and Poles quite happily. I can even chose to fly the Shinden but I still get the default model. Initially I got nothing in the preview or stats screens but those are fine since downloading the update. Just the in game model that is still awry.



  6. Originally posted by Stalin's Organist:

    There are 4 damage modifiers:

    -1 - aircraft equipped with only rifle calibre machineguns

    0 - aircraft equipped with "heavy" machineguns of 12.7mm, 15mm, 0.50" or similar calibre as their heaviest armament.

    +1 - aircraft equipped with up to 2 x 20mm cannon as well as lighter guns, or with 30mm or heavier cannon with or without lighter guns

    +2 - aircraft equipped with 4 or more 20mm cannon regardless of otehr armament.

    I'm not sure where 3 x 20mm cannon might fit..... smile.gif

    Hope this helps.

    Unless, of course, you are using a Mosquito or FW190 where 4x20mm plus mgs would give +1/+2 which would appear to be too devastating so you get +1/+1 with the heavy canon bonus instead.

    [ September 01, 2006, 11:03 AM: Message edited by: cyrano01 ]

  7. So the change is an attempt to balance the strengths of the national aircraft rather than to have the values reflect the actual aircraft themselves?

    Now, while I realise the limitations of attempting to simulate actual performance using the very coarse variations available in the DIF performance stats, I am not a big fan of this as a philosophy. My preference would be to apply the mapping consistently and let the results fall where they may but I can understand your point even if I don't agree with it.

    I'm also a Spitfire fan, how could anything that aesthetically beautiful possibly have a lower wingman offence rating than a nasty angular 109G :D



  8. Just looked at this and it is 2. Am I losing it completely here or didn't this used to be 3?

    If the answer is "Yes cyrano you are losing it completely" then I would like to ask a follow up question. How does the Spit XIV (on a par with the Spitfire V, its predecessor by two generations) get to have a 2/3 rating when the P51D carries a 3/3 as indeed does the Me109G?

  9. Originally posted by Mick15:

    The Naval Bombardment force off Sword Beach on morning of 10 July 1944 included HMS Rodney (9 x 16 inch guns with 100 rounds per gun) and cruisers HMS Roberts and HMS Belfast.

    I have a feeling that HMS Roberts was actually a monitor rather than a light cruiser, something in the back of my mind says she carried 2x15" guns, ah here we are, complete with piccie.

    Roberts class monitors

  10. Originally posted by Mick15:

    The Naval Bombardment force off Sword Beach on morning of 10 July 1944 included HMS Rodney (9 x 16 inch guns with 100 rounds per gun) and cruisers HMS Roberts and HMS Belfast.

    I have a feeling that HMS Roberts was actually a monitor rather than a light cruiser, something in the back of my mind says she carried 2x15" guns, ah here we are, complete with piccie.

    Roberts class monitors

  11. Originally posted by maxcito:

    Ok now it's ok the Draw Card ability appear in the log...but the problem it's still there. I see the "DRAW CARD x6" decreasing each time the computer use it (in the preview screen) but when it reach 0 and in the preview screen appear like "Draw Card" without number, it continue to draw card each turn insted....like it remain X1 forver never reaching X0

    OK I have just had an instance of this. My 'bot opponent used up the last of his 'Draw an extra card' skills but the preview screen, having reduced one by one up to that point, left 'Draw an extra card' on the skills list ofr the 'bot pilot; however at no point thereafter did the'bot draw any more cards.

    I was watching pretty carefully, having read the previous posts and, in this instance at least, he didn't use any more than his entitlement. This included the point where I shot him down so if there were anywhere where illicit extra cards were being drawn you would have thought this would be it.

  12. I am just starting to get used to the new firepower rules and started thinking (fatal error, don't do it again) about how these figures might have been arrived at. While, by and large, I am pretty much in agreement with what was implemented one or two oddities came to mind and I thought I would share them with the combined brains of the forum.

    I invite you to consider the fighters below:

    Hurricane II (assumed to be Hurricane IIc)

    Firepower 0/+2, carried 4X20mm Hispano MkII Cannon

    Mosquito MK VI

    Firepower 1/+1 (with heavy cannon), armed as per the Hurricane IIc but adds 4x.303 LMG

    FW190A (Wurger)

    Firepower 1/+1 with heavy cannon, now this is a bit trickier as it could be an FW190A4, A5,A6, A7 or A8. The A4 having the MG-FF as its outer wing mounted cannon offers a bit less firepower than the A8. Moreover the latest models have 13mm cowling mounted machine guns as opposed to rifle callibre. Either way we are talking two cowling machine guns(7.92mm or 13mm), two wing root mounted MG151 20mm cannon - all of the aforementioned synchronised to fire through the propeller and 2x20mm wing mounted cannon, either MG151 or MG-FF with the latter offering rather less in the way of punch and ammo capacity.

    J2M4 Raiden

    Firepower 0/+2

    4x20mm Wing Mounted Cannon (Two Type 99 Model 2 and Two Type 99 Model1) and 2X20mm Type 99 Model 1 firing obliquely upwards from the upper fuselage.

    I had intended to dazzle you all with collected information regarding the relative merits of the various types of cannon but the following article does it more succinctly and convincingly than I could hope to.

    Article on fighter armament firepower

    So now to the nub of the issue (about time too I hear you cry :rolleyes: ).

    How exactly does the Hurricane II get 0/+2 when the Mosquito VI has +1/+1 given that the latter has exactly the same armament with the addition of 4x.303s? Now I know that the Mossie gets the heavy cannon bonus but I am struggling to follow the logic here. Surely those 4x20mm Hispanos are either enough to get +2 damage or they aren't? As for the number of bursts, well 0 for the Hurricane II is fair enough given the all cannon armament. For the Mosquito, well either the addition of the 4x.303s are enough to get to +1 bursts or they aren't, a tough call. My gut feeling is that if the Spitfire V gets +1 bursts for having 4X.303s in addition to the 2x20mm cannon then the Mossie should get +1 burst for 4X.303s in addition to 4X20mm cannon.

    Overall I guess I am arguing for +1/+2 for the Mosquito but maybe no heavy canon bonus, although this might prove a bit alarming in terms of play-balance. Alternatively you might want to reduce the Hurricane II to 0/+1 with a heavy cannon bonus added but it seems a rough deal for the Hurricane II when compared with, for instance, the Me109F in terms of firepower.

    'Ah, but what of the FW-190?' I hear you cry. 'What about that you anglocentric know all?' :D

    Well, I am inclined to think that what is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander (or Wurger in this case). Broadly I believe that the FW190 should get the same firepower scores as the Mosquito VI. If the model represented is the A4 (and that is a big if) there might just be a case for knocking one off the damage bonus to allow for lesser firepower generated by the MG-FF(see the linked article above). Not sure that I would agree but you could make a case. If it is the A8 then it should be same as for the Mosquito in my view.

    What I don't know is whether the DIF Firepower model attempts to take account of ammo capacity. If so you could argue that the Hurricane should suffer a bit of a penalty relative to the Mosquito although logic (i.e. my subjective opinion) suggests that this should be applied to the burst count rather than the damage bonus. FWIW The Hurricane carried, I believe, 90 rounds per gun, while the Mosquito would generally be carrying rather more. Can't put my hands on the figures right now althoug I have a vague memory (probably wrong) of 300 rounds per gun for the cannon.

    As for the J2M4 Raiden, well if you just consider the wing mounted armament then it seems comparable to the Hurricane II (as indeed it is currently in the game) but the same arguments then apply relative to the Mosquito and FW190 as described above. The wasp in the game design jam pot is those 2x20mm oblique firing cannon. How do you model that...hanged if I know. Over to you chaps (and chapesses). :confused:

  13. I find that with my higher level pilots (3000+)the 'new' opponent selection criteria give you more of a fighting chance than under the ancien regime. The battles tend to be decided one way or another in the first turn or two, the rest is chasing down the fleeing foe (or fleeing oneself).

    My feeling that the only way to stay alive against the higher level bots seems to be to lay out some serious points on extra cards/re-draws and an Ace Pilot then try to nail the wingman, or at least avoid having to take attacks from an undamaged wingman, wherever possible. I have also found that if you don't win early you will drown under a tidal wave of bot 'Draw Extra Cards.'

    Still a chancy old business though and your mileage may vary.

  14. I knew about the number of starting cards but these 110s do seem to be getting a game long 'uplift' here. I wouldn't mind but they persist in shooting down my Hurricanes and are, for a non-US fighter, built like a brick s**t-house :rolleyes:

    Anyway, I'll leave it in Brian's capable hands, shout if I can provide any more diagnostic information.

  15. Dan - I thought that the altitude only affected Horsepower and not Performance. Certainly the paragraph on altitude on page 6 of the PDF manual suggests that should be the case or was that what you were saying?

  16. Just kicked off another Battle Of Britain campaign to see if I could reproduce the problem and first battle out of the hat I got the following. The 110 is showing a performance of 6. As far as I can see it should be 5 (4 plus one for high performance).


    These cunning Luftwaffe types will stop at nothing to defeat me.

    If it is at all helpful the campaign is under my account (cyrano01) on the server, it is the only BOB campaign at turn 1.

  17. For what it is worth I have seen at least one other, similar, case where a 110 with High Performance was showing a performance of 6 when I felt it should have been 5. Didn't get a screenshot though.

    Brian - The 5 performance value showed throughout the game and, as I found to my cost, the 110 was drawing up to 5 cards in his hand.

    Kerensky, I may have this wrong but I thought altitude affected Horsepower not performance.

  18. Any thoughts on this Me 110 that I encountered during the Battle Of Britain campaign? I can't really figure out how he managed to get a performance of 5. I believe the basic performance of a 110 is 4 and I can't see any skills that would get him an extra 1 or am I missing something blindingly obvious?


    [ December 29, 2005, 06:45 AM: Message edited by: cyrano01 ]

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