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Everything posted by Calvin

  1. Gents, Just played Wild Bill Wilder's scenario--- forget the name. Set in the Hurtgren forest and basically designed to illustrate the hopeless situation in which a company commander might find himself when subject to the whims of a far away HQ. Anyway, your ambushed, under heavy fire, and without armor. The enemy has a well-concealed Pz IV. Now what to do? The only asset provided is a few missions of 105. For those who have played more than I, is there any point in shelling AFV's? I realize they'll likely have to button up, but would there be any chance of knocking of a track? Do tell. Calvin
  2. 'lo all, Actually, I agree with the point that several of you made that BTS needs to protect their investment and we all benefit from this, as it makes it that much more likely that they will continue the series (Eastern Front! maybe even the Pacific?). Moreover, BTS has just proved that small software houses can cater to "special interest" groups like ourselves. Hey, I'm ecstatic that this is the case! It's the grognards revenge. So, as I said above, it's a minor gripe. I just don't think requiring the CD to be in the drive is all that effective when piracy for a title like this is rather unlikely. But I'll certainly grin and bear it if it helps the small developer. You know, I'm sure that Bigtime had no idea just how bigtime this game was going to be. The joy of it is that this is the first game that truly works for the grognard and the newbie. I mean, you can play this thing like a game of toy soldiers or a real wargame. Brilliant. Thanks for the input fellahs. Calvin PS>>> Does anybody have any sales figures on this thing?
  3. Hmmm... Man you get some (mostly) good discussion on these boards! I'm impressed with the breadth of knowledge and real interest in history. Also, it's nice to see so little of the "re-fighting World War II" mentality. You know what I mean, those tiresome Waffen SS groupies or Montgomery apologists and/or demonizers. It seems everyone has an idea of the following basic concepts: 1) War is a F****ing awful 2) History is important and it's important to get the facts straight 3) Just because someone disagrees with you doesn't mean that he or she is a Mr. Poopeypants. Thanks for the lively discussion all! Calvin PS>>> Germanboy, your English is excellent. It's something of a national disgrace that we Yanks rarely master a foreign language as well as many Europeans.
  4. A minor gripe but.... After paying $53 bucks for a manual and a CD, you would think that maybe Big Time might have skipped the copy protection. Again, I don't mean to complain because the game is a marvel, but couldn't they trust users not to pirate this thing? As we all know, anyone with enough determined and a CD-burner will figure out a way around any copy protection. Also, let's face it, we wargamers are a lonely breed. It ain't all together likely that our friends and neighbors will be beating down our door for a free copy either. Ok, a quick rant. And to be fair, I have to say that Big Time certainly lavished far more attention and work (which equals cost) on this thing than they had to. I appreciate that and understand them wanting to protect their investment, I just don't think that "CD-required" was necessary. Calvin
  5. Nice shots! Actually, when you think of what big time did on a shoe string budget, shots like these may one day be realistic! For my part, I reckon that other developers will take note of CM innovation. And I can't wait for the mods! SOMEONE MAKE A CAMPAIGN GAME! This is the only area in which Big Time short-changed us. C.
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