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  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by captain,ro: hey pard, im playing your skull island by pbem. whitch is very interesting, but i made a observasion that i think you need to do.if this is supposed to be a jungle setting dont you think that if the weather conditions were wet and raining that it would model the conditions of a jungle better? mind you that imm not telling you what to do. dont get me wrong, its just a observation. i will let you know how the battle plays out. thanks ro<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Ha ha. You know what? I never even thought of that! All I was thinking was: Damn. I wish I had some jungle textures to package with it. Thanks for the comment. I will change it in the next version! ------------------ --- I am Legend
  2. That fuel air weapon seems more like a terror weapon to me that can be used both against troops and against civilians. Also, it could be used against minefields I expect.
  3. Thanks man. Looking forward to your comments! ------------------ --- I am Legend
  4. I've retested and reworked my Skull Island test scenario and now it is ready to be played. Skull Island is part I of my Secret Wars of WWII series, what will become a collection of definitely ahistorical and fanciful battles that describe an underworld conflict that has been overlooked by history books. Short description: Type: Alternate history battle in which an elite American force seeks to destroy a secret Nazi base concealing weapons of mass destruction in the jungles of the Amazon. Recommended as double-blind PBEM. Evidence now suggests that after the tide turned on the Russian front high level German industrialists began a desparate plan to salvage what they could from the third reich, hopefully to create the seeds for another Nazi regime elsewhere. Using routes through neutral countries and U-Boats, this organization began to funnel resources, cash, personnel and, more importantly, scientific information that intelligence at the time believed could be used for chemical weapons. After the landings in Sicily, the effort accelerated its pace (at which point British intelligence was alerted). A submarine was found beached on the shores of Venezuela with an unexploded bomb and the parts for tanks, ammunition and chemicals. Alarmed, American foreign services launched an extensive search of the area and found roads and rail heading deep into the Amazon basin. A flyover then revealed an installation on a tributary of the Tapas river. There could only be one answer: the Nazis had established a secret chemical weapons base in the Amazon! Get it here: http://www3.telus.net/pop_n_fresh/combatmiss/index.htm ------------------ --- I am Legend
  5. Type: Meeting engagement between two spearheads of German and American armour and infantry in a shallow valley village with surrounding hills. Short Description This is a meeting engagement between the spearheads of American and German (Heer) groups who seek to take possession of the farming village of Gruyere. Gruyere is a small village that is located in the center of a shallow valley surrounded by rolling hills and forests. Both sides will be approaching Gruyere by covered roads but as soon as a group crests a ridge the fire fight will be on. Taking the valley is important but whoever does must be prepared to brave a rain of fire from each wave of armour and other elements who cover over the hills. Each side will be feeding into the battle in combat groups coming from slightly different directions. This means that taking one position that commands an approach may not be enough to win the battle. This is also an armour battle with upwards of 30+ vehicles, light armour and tanks each. After testing, as many as two dozen vehicles were burning against the horizon while shocked infantry cowered in whatever depressions they could sink into. If played as single player, choose Allied as a challenge. If German single player, be careful about husbanding your resources through each wave of the dogmatic AI American attack. Time 50 moves. Get it here: http://www3.telus.net/pop_n_fresh/combatmiss/index.htm#gruyere ------------------ --- I am Legend
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by ScoutPL: Hey Disaster, you must be a SEAL fan huh? You make it sound like it was a SEAL op in your comments when they really only had a few "observer" types there who got involved when it hit the fan. I don't want to put down your comments or anything. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I don't know where you got any favoritism from what I posted. Oh, I guess you inferred from my placing of SEAL first in the joint description that I must like them better. Well, no. Anyone who read the book would know that the Rangers were the majority there and there were only a handful of SEALs along for the ride to give it the veneer of the joint-OP. No worries. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Also, Hollywood makes movies for money, not for guys looking for realistic combat scenes. So you can take it from there. My bet is the somali casualties will be downplayed as will the conflict within the US JSOTF chain of command and between the D-Boys and the Rangers. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I suspect that you are right. Anyway, yes Hollywood makes movies to make money but that doesn't mean that all movies must be made for fluffy entertainment. You can have a serious docudrama that respects the source. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Seen "Rules of Engagement"? Outstanding movie about marine extraction force mowing down women and children. So hollywoods not afraid to address the issue. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> No I haven't seen it. Friends said it was ok until they got to the courtroom stuff. Do you think the movie was written with "Blackhawk Down" in mind? <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> I'm more interested in seeing how they'll get a hold of the aircraft and vehicles involved. That will almost certainly require DOD approval, and my bet is they'll be the ones that'll want to turn it into a recruiting film (AKA Topgun).<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> That's a really good point. They can't do EVERYTHING with CG Maybe there are other countries that have similar equipment?? ------------------ --- I am Legend
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Chupacabra: TK421, why don't you copy? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Sorry to be a complete geek but I believe it should be: "TK421, why aren't you at your post?" ------------------ --- I am Legend
  8. Very few battles are totally equal. Usually when I make a battle I make sure that each side can win or achieve the mission goal. This doesn't have to mean that each side is absolutely balanced. For example, one side may have advantage in numbers but the ground favours the other side. Or, one side may have fewer units but these units are much more experienced than the opposition. I always create the ground first, then think about how an attacker might take the ground. Then I think about what obstacles (enemy complement, fortifications, adjustments in the ground, and starting positions) I might put in their way to make it fun. Then I look at it from the defending standpoint and ask myself how difficult I want to make the defense. ------------------ --- I am Legend
  9. aahhhhhhhh... that's too bad. Oh well, I will amend it then. Thanks for the tip Von Brizee. ------------------ --- I am Legend
  10. Actually I don't have a lot of hair left. Here's a picture of me: http://www.radiodestiny.com/private/lizard.shtml ------------------ --- I am Legend
  11. I'm tearing out the rest of my hair trying to figure out why I can't make the German side in one my created scenarios playable as single player. If anyone can tell me why, please email me at keith_loh@telus.net The scenario is here: http://www3.telus.net/pop_n_fresh/combatmiss/index.htm The scenario is Skull Island 2. I think it'll be a fun one once I can figure out how to put German functionality in. ------------------ --- I am Legend
  12. I sympathize to the original poster. I did exactly the same thing he did. As a result, I didn't create a scenario for two months! But I just got back into it. Check out my newest: http://www3.telus.net/pop_n_fresh/combatmiss/index.htm ZENTROPA RAILYARDS Type: Remnants of German army group seek to escape across a dam before strong American force closes in. Short Description German commander seeks to usher a ragtag formation through the railhead town of Martinsburg and across a dam while defending against a strong American vanguard. The American commander must try and cut off the German column as it trickles into Martinsburg, taking the town and ensuring that this German force does not escape to rejoin the retreating Wehrmacht. Zentropa Railyards has a combination of water and urban terrain but also features long firelanes along the Zentropa railway company tracks which promises quick exchanges of fire and renewed action with each reinforcement. Both sides feed into the town in phased reinforcements to simulate two opposing columns seeking to filter through or take positions in time for the balance of their forces to arrive. AThe American situation is fairly straightforward. If they take the Martinsburg's key approaches, they can probably destroy each German force as it appears in the north. The American also has the option of sending a blocking force across a small bridge below the dam in a bid to catch any forces who succeed in fleeing across the dam. The German commander is in a more difficult position. The Heer force is not cohesive and each force that comes into the town's northern approaches is a patchwork unit. There is a small force in partial possession of the town but it can probably only act as a spoiler vs the increasingly heavy American arrivals. The German commander must decide which forces will attempt to slow the American assault and which forces have a chance of fleeing across the dam and escape to the northwest. Time 50 moves. ------------------ --- I am Legend
  13. Hi I'm back making scenarios after two months taking care of my social life and work situation. Take a gander at my scenario page to download my newest: Zentropa Railyards. http://www3.telus.net/pop_n_fresh/combatmiss/index.htm ZENTROPA RAILYARDS Type: Remnants of German army group seek to escape across a dam before strong American force closes in. Short Description German commander seeks to usher a ragtag formation through the railhead town of Martinsburg and across a dam while defending against a strong American vanguard. The American commander must try and cut off the German column as it trickles into Martinsburg, taking the town and ensuring that this German force does not escape to rejoin the retreating Wehrmacht. Zentropa Railyards has a combination of water and urban terrain but also features long firelanes along the Zentropa railway company tracks which promises quick exchanges of fire and renewed action with each reinforcement. Both sides feed into the town in phased reinforcements to simulate two opposing columns seeking to filter through or take positions in time for the balance of their forces to arrive. AThe American situation is fairly straightforward. If they take the Martinsburg's key approaches, they can probably destroy each German force as it appears in the north. The American also has the option of sending a blocking force across a small bridge below the dam in a bid to catch any forces who succeed in fleeing across the dam. The German commander is in a more difficult position. The Heer force is not cohesive and each force that comes into the town's northern approaches is a patchwork unit. There is a small force in partial possession of the town but it can probably only act as a spoiler vs the increasingly heavy American arrivals. The German commander must decide which forces will attempt to slow the American assault and which forces have a chance of fleeing across the dam and escape to the northwest. Time 50 moves. ------------------ --- I am Legend
  14. I read the Gamespot initial review and thought woah.. is this really what I think it is? What I've been waiting for for most of my computer wargaming life?
  15. I hold with giving players more freedom with the one big zone. But I will set up different zones for units I feel would have been isolated by a quick enemy advance or who were forward elements. Sometimes I will make a house far in front an enemy zone so the player can have the option of putting a panzerschreck or sniper.
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