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Everything posted by Cort

  1. Only found one scenario dealing with this on the web (and that file was corrupted, anyone that has it, feel free to shoot it my way thanks!). This action to me seems a natural for the game Pathers , AG's and Engineers, elevated rail line surrounded by swamp, ................ thanks in advance
  2. Ahhh the cemetary it calls me.............Finally got an axis draw after four trys. Fierce HtH in the church at the end. Very cool
  3. OK OK I give up just seems to be better use of time ( playing BM ) now back to that damn Tiger corner.
  4. I use photoshop at work and wanna see if I can do this. If work out I'll send um along.
  5. Thinking about doing a little cammo work and have some ques. 1. there is only one side to a tank just one bmp file? 2. what makes a winter bmp diff than the rest the way its numbered? 3.Anything pink show up clear? thanks [This message has been edited by Cort (edited 07-24-2000).]
  6. 3-D blaster savage 4 card anyone get fog ?
  7. Well after somehow losing track of this game I got the demo WOW gimmie,what steel panthers could have been and should have . Also good to see some of the old cronies from Steel Panthers here as well as some I remember from my CC1 and 2 days
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