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Posts posted by markgame

  1. Originally posted by sluggo:

    I was about to order this book but given all the update needed, I'd like to wait until corrected. Anyone have any idea if an update will be coming any time soon? Or is it not worth waiting since it may be some time before available?

    Reportedly the new edition will be out in February, and they will not be sending out any of the first editions anymore.

    [ December 23, 2002, 08:34 PM: Message edited by: markgame ]

  2. Originally posted by ParaBellum:

    I didn't order the strategy guide vor a number of reasons.

    But after this exhibition of customer service and dedication to their fans I've decided to order it as soon as the 'corrected' version will be available.

    Actually you can order it now, since they aren't shipping any more of the "bad" versions. That way you'll get it as soon as it's available and also give Battlefront a little Xmas bonus.
  3. Originally posted by Moon:

    Markgame, we are going to send you a replacement immediately. Emailing Sales was the right thing to do.


    Thanks, Martin. I just wanted to bring it to the attention of the forum so other people can check. Errors in book binding like this are usually in a batch, so there might be others out there. It would be a shame for someone to give it as an xmas present and not know there was a problem.
  4. I just got my guide I ordered Monday night. Unfortunately it's missing pages 1/53 through 1/84 :( . There are also duplicated pages, which from what I remember reading about how books are printed means that the wrong folio got inserted during the binding process.

    I've already sent an email to sales@battlefront.com, but I'm posting here just to alert people to check their own guides. I'll let everyone know how they are handling the problem <sigh>.

  5. Originally posted by The_Capt:

    Anyway, why bother conserving ammo they are going to die the next turn anyway, so use it all when you get the chance.

    Let's do a little thought experiment.

    I'm private Fritz (or Ivan). I've got this huge freaking tank of very nasty stuff on my back and I'm trying to do my damnest to avoid even being seen, much less getting shot at.

    My sergeant, passing on orders from the Great Player In The Sky, orders me to torch the next door building. Doing this will of course will require me to stand or at least expose part of myself, and when I light up every bad guy, who all by nature hate flamethrower carrying soldiers, will be trying to kill me.

    So what do I do? Do I carefully observe how much fire I lay on the building, stopping when it seems sufficiently alight? And how do I judge that, especially when (and this is something probably not considered by many) while the flamer is active, I can't even see my own point of aim?. To accurately observe my efforts, I should sent a short burst, look, send another burst, look, etc.


    I do that and I give every enemy nearby plenty of time to hunt me down. So instead I give it several big honking blasts, trying to not be too obvious that I am deperate to use up all the fuel so I can drop the whole ensemble off my back.

    So I agree with The_Capt, no reasonably self-preserving flamethrower wielding soul should be counted on for more than one target. If you get more, great, but I think that CMBB's TacAI correctly has the guy try to use up the fuel right away.

  6. Originally posted by aka_tom_w:

    The Uncertianty Principle (in CMBB) states in a nutshell the player CANNOT know what the universe of the CMBB source Code is like when you aren't in it.(Only Charles is in it). Therefore by trying to know the source code by simply observing its behaviour is impossible :D !!!

    Close enough for ya?????

    (Just havin' a little fun!)

    -tom w

    As a wargamer for almost 40 years (Tactics 2 RULES :D ) and a Physics major, I can't resist leaving my normal lurking mode and adding a comment.

    I remember from my readings years ago that the original German for what is commonly called The Uncertaincy Principle is better translated as The Principle of Indeterminacy. It is not that the particle is traveling an uncertain path, it is just not possible to accurately determine the position of the particle in space and time.

    It's applicability to CMBB could be stated in this way: No matter how many experiments are run to test the outcome of a specific combat encounter, the influence of the experimenters would always alter the results in some indeterminate way. Therefore conclusions about the actual behavior of the code cannot be accurately made.

    And don't even get me started on Chaos Theory :D

  7. Baetis, they're responding as fast as they can, but it takes time to heat those electrons over a stove so they can jump to a higher energy state and head out over the modem smile.gif

    Ah, the old 56K days... I remember the weekend I download the Steel Panthers World at War freebie from Matrix games. 312MB of gaming goodness, and 40+ hours online straight to download it.

    Hope no one important wanted to call... :D

  8. Originally posted by Madmatt:

    I am working on getting some mirrors posted. Just give it a little time.


    Matt, we've waited this long for the patch, we certainly can wait a little while longer for some mirrors to be posted...

    Ah, who am I kidding?

    right click patch link...

    select "Save Target As"...

    get error message...

    cuss a bit...

    right click patch link...

    select "Save Target As"...



  9. Originally posted by athkatla:

    its too damn big for me to d/l with my 56k modem, is there any other way we can get it, my ISP cuts me off every 2 hours, and it will take considerably longer than that to d/l 68mb on my 56k modem!!

    Go to http://www.netvampire.com/ and try their downloader. It has automatic reconnecting to your ISP, will do scheduling, resumes, all sorts of features. I've been using it for years and find it very reliable.
  10. Originally posted by Ace Pilot:

    Do you have ploys for getting out of weekend in-law visits?

    1. If your job permits it, work an occasional Saturday or Sunday, not a lot, but make them random. If possible, give up something you were looking forward to, like a college game you were going to watch on the tube, and be sure your spouse is aware that, darn, you'd rather be home enjoying yourself, but you were asked to work. Never say you were called in by phone! That's too easy to verify. Of course, whether you actually go in to work is up to you.

    2. Alway eavesdrop (when possible) whenever an in-law calls. Listen for telltale clues regarding upcoming visits ("We'd love to see you then!"). Never ask about the upcoming visit!, instead snoop a little to figure out when it will be; check datebooks, calenders, jotted notes on napkins, etc.

    3. This is the tricky part: Once you have determined that an upcoming visit will be occurring, you must NOT immediately mention that you will be working that day! You must maintain the illusion of a coincidence, and that means taking the chance that she might mention the upcoming visit to you. If possible, before she does, change the subject or break off the conversation completely. Breaking into a hacking cough works well.

    4. Choose a time a few days before the visit to break the bad ;) news that you have to work. Remember, the number of days preceding is proportional to the distance to be traveled. A cross country flight is tough to reschedule, so you can tell her well in advance that you have to work. However, if they are coming from the next city they could reschedule their trip much easier, so very short notice would be called for in this case.

    5. Remember to have an "out" on having to work; should the relatives cancel their trip you don't want to waste a work day for nothing!

    Originally posted by Ace Pilot:


    What can I say? You have a gift, man....

    I feel I'm in the presence of greatness!


    Ah, shucks... [ looks down at ground in embarassment].
  11. Originally posted by flyingcursor:

    Last night I mentioned to my wife that I was getting online to order CMBB. She told me not to as she had ordered it for me for Christmas but I have to wait until then to get it.

    flyingcursor, here is the solution to your predicatment:

    1. Using the MOVEMENT TO CONTACT, HIDE and SNEAK commands, locate the copy of CMBB. It is probably wrapped as a gift.

    2. Determine the presence and positioning of tripwires or other security devices. Remove or render harmless.

    3. Prior to opening the package carefully take note of all wrapping materials, location of tape stripes, and any other unique identifying marks. The availability of a digital camera certainly would not be amiss at this point.

    4. Carefully open the package, supressing whoops of joy and excitement. Wait a few moments for heartrate to stabilize.

    5. Remove CMBB manual and CD, and replace with CMBO manual and CD.

    6. Re-install wrappings and tape. Replace and re-activate tripwires and other security devices removed in step 2.

    There you go. Now you can play CMBB! Be sure to keep the manual and CD out of sight. If you are observed playing, say to yourself (but loud enough to be heard by spouse) "Wow, this is a REALLY GREAT DEMO!".

    On Christmas morning, hand your wife a gift to open, then quickly unwrap the CMBB/CMBO package but don't let your wife see the contents. Hold it to your chest and say, "Wow, you are a REALLY GREAT WIFE!".

    If she happens to see the manual and says something about it being the wrong game, give her a tender look and say, "Honey, I figured they sent you the wrong game, but I didn't want to say anything because it was so nice of you to order it for me, you are a REALLY GREAT WIFE!" (the "Wow" is optional for this phrase).

    If she insists that she did in fact verify that it was CMBB she received and wrapped, give her a tender look and say, "Honey, I'm sure you believe that to be true, but you have been under a lot of stress lately, and that's why I'm taking you to [ insert favorite vacation spot here], because, after all, you are a REALLY GREAT WIFE!". She will not press you further about the game, as she will be already planning what clothes she will want to pack.

    No need to thank me... :D

  12. I'm not much of a ModSlut but having a broadband connection I couldn't resist downloading the Realcolor Mod and giving it a whirl. I installed all five thousand plus files and fired up the game and yeah, some of it looked better, I guess. I've played several missions with the mod, but then decided to change back to the originals BMP files, which I had stored in another folder. I then played a couple more missions and it occurs to me that I'm not really seeing much difference between the two sets of BMPs.

    Am I missing something? I've got a PC, nVidia Ti4400 video card, 384MB RAM and an Athlon 900 processor, so I have the horsepower to run the game at 1024x768. I'm playing on a 21" Trinitron, so the monitor shouldn't be a factor. And no, I'm not color-blind, I'm sure that would be someone's next question.

    Is there anyone else who has observed this, or am I just missing the point of the mod?

  13. Originally posted by Zakalwe:

    I managed to win the Bridgeheads quite easily with the use of the new human wave command. Basically I moved carefully forward on the first turn and then gave every single unit a human wave command. End result: lots of dead soldiers, but all the alive ones were Russian. The next time I tried it, everything went pear shaped really fast, so it may have been just dumb luck...


    Zak, did you split your forces and attack both flags at once?
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