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Everything posted by allan1

  1. Hi, sorry, that doesn't help. I already know how to play an e-mail game. However, at one point in the game, "player 1" sends me the file. Now, after I view the action phase, I'm supposed to PLOT my moves and then send the file to "player 1". But I can't plot my moves. In order for me to do that I have to click the "done" button in the action phase's playback menu. When I do, the game automatically assumes that I'm finished and sends me to the "save PBEM file" menu. That's what I can't figure out. We're on move 2 or 3, so the previous moves have worked fine until now. Before, I'd end the action phase and then plot my next moves. This time, I do the same thing and it skips past the "plot moves" part and sends me to the "save file" screen.
  2. Hi, first of all, I don't think you understood my question. Secondly, I didn't understand when you said "do a search first". Anyway, the problem is that when I receive his e-mail, I'm supposed to make my move. But I can't. After I replay the movie of what happened in the last move, I then try to click "done" so I can make my move. Well, after I click "done", the game automatically sends me to the "save PBEM file" menu. So I pretty much lost a turn. Even if I send the file as is (losing a turn), he can't load it into the game. Hope that explains it better.
  3. I received the latest e-mail turn from my friend (playing the CM demo). I noticed that when I loaded the file, the "done" option was missing (meaning I couldn't skip the replay). Anyway, after played the last move, the "done" option re-appeared. When I clicked the "done" option, it automatically sent me to the save PBEM file menu before I could even give commands to my units for the next turn. Is there anyone that knows what went wrong and how I could fix it?
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