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fd ski

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Posts posted by fd ski

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Gen. Sosaboski:

    Indeed, the Poles were not treated well by the Brit leadership. In fact, the paras were made into scapegoats for Market Garden by the Brits and were not allowed to march in the London Victory Parade (when the Polish RAF personnel were invited, they made a stand of solidarity with their airborne comrades and also refused to take part because of that).

    Gen Sosabowski, an admired and great leader, was relieved of command around the end of the war, and eventually went close to bankruptcy, his men sending him Christmas cards each year. At one point, he was a diswasher in London he was so poor, and died this way. Just a plain old sad story of brave men.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    As for the parade - the version i've read stated that Churchil didn't want to piss off Stalin ( there were two Polish Governments at that time - one in London and one in Poland )

    As for Sosabowski - that's a shameful story. I've never heard it before. How sad.

    Could you provide some references as to the Market Garden thing ? I've never read anything to that account...

    And after playing MG in just about every stragegy game ( computer and not ) i don't see how could that possibly be a case.


  2. As for the Cavalery charge - look at that page - it's a myth..


    As for troops - once the front started to collapse - all the troops were ordered to either give up to russians ( who were expected to be somewhat less cruel then Germans ... little did they know ) or to escape though Romania.

    Romania had quite a good relations wiht Poland and allowed a LOT of polish soldiers to pass though to France and UK.

    Stalin murdered lot of officers who were captured ( Katyn forest ) and rest were send to Syberia.

    Once the USSR was attacked and joined the allies - Stalin was forced to release all the POWs from september 1939. Lot of them tranfered to UK though Far east.

    Most of them were not to see homeland again - communist regieme treated them as traitors.

    Some of the PAF pilots who returned to Poland after teh war, disregarding the political situation ( and enougraged by UK government ) were executed. Others lived in harrasment and without any recodnition. Very sad story actually..


  3. As for Polish Air Force in UK - Squadrons 300 and 301 flew bombers in Battle of Britain. 302 and 303 flew Hurries.

    303 accounted for 120+ enemy planes - highest number of all squadrons in BoB - and they started flying in the Battle at the half point !!!

    302 was assigned to the northern sector and not allowed to rotate until things quiet down.

    As for spitfire - PAF units flew Hurries in BoB and reequipped with Spitfires soon afterwards.

    Most of them flew Spitfires and Mustangs until 1945.

    PAF fielded total 15 squadrons ( might be 17 - i'm not 100% sure .. at work wink.gif )

    That's a lot of people - despite small number of planes biggrin.gif

    Any qurestions ?


  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by howardb:

    I'm sorry people but I've actually been home sick and very limp so I couldn't bare the thought of thinking tactics. I will remedy this over the weekend. Sorry people. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Hope you'll feel better soon.

    No rush, just wanted to know if you're still around.

    Get well and let me know whenever you feel up to par.


  5. BTS - quick question.

    Please comment on possibility of this arrangement.

    You have a server which "resolves" the turns for both participants.

    Player A makes his move and sends the file to ( example ) game113@cmhost.com

    Player B makes his move and sends the file to game113@cmhost.com

    Once host recieved both games - it computes the resulting clash and sends the movie files to both players.

    They watch the movies and give orders for next turn. Then they send it to .... so on..

    1 e-mail per turn.

    "cheat" safe - since execusion is limited to the server.

    Server "mail" portion of it shouldn't be too hard, but the CM part might be a different story, although i bet it uses some sort of "unit 1, location x,y, heading z, morale t" so on format.

    Well BTW ? Would this be doable ?

    Maybe "open source" format for savegames ( unsecured that is ) would allow you to use the programmers in the community to help to write the phaser ? ( takes two different sets of orders and applies them to the same game - encription would stay for before and after part of the BTS side ) .

    What do you think ?


  6. Something i read while back comparing Marines and Army as far as tactical doctrine goes didn't shed a good light on USMC at all.

    The theory was that Army usually used it's 3 unit doctrine - 1 unit ties enemy down, other flanks it, third in reserve.

    Marines were far more fond of frontal assults types of operations.

    While man for man Marines were probably better infantry then Army, their tactics would have hurt them a lot.


  7. BTS - if you're interested i can help with making polish version of the game, translate and all... i speak it fluently.

    I don't think there is much of community in Poland for CM which is supprising considering the extensive interest in this type of historical simulations there.

    I just came back from there and the amound of books in the bookstore on the subject was plain amazing. They had books on just about EVERY variation of 251 !!!


  8. Since i'm relatively new, i'd like to apologies if this topic has been mentioned before... just want to point out something that really bohter's me about current QBs....

    I realize that there are hardware limitations as to how big map can the computer handle. From some programming background i have i would reason that AI might have problem working with extreemly large maps, but with advent of faster computers - can we please have an option of very big map for QB's ? Please ?

    Current QB games i've played on the biggest maps avaialbe are at best mile across, which means any flanking manouvering will likely be easily spoted and will come under small arms fire from across the map.

    Games bog down to "hold the right spot and ambush" or "pound the crap out of it with artilery and overwhealm it with large infantry" situations.

    I would love to see a map with size up to 5 kliks width. Where the halftracks racing down your flank on the far end make you think twice about keeping reserves. Where long ranges weapons can utilize their adventages instead of having them negated by the constant short range fights.

    Tiger on the hill two kicks from you would make you think twice woundn't it ?

    So if really big maps are indeed the problem for AI and it's thinking as far as moving troops, can we please at least have it as an option for QB or those people with fast computers or time to spare ?

    I'd much rather wait for the turn to compile for 3 minutes then wonder if 3 platoons siting in the central forest can stop 4 platoons coming at it.

    Thank you for you time.

    Just my 2 cents.


  9. 4 years in the navy here.. same reasons.

    Here is my advice:

    Go to your local community college for 2 years. Most of the credits will be transferable to the state university - just make sure you find out beforehand which....

    Do that for two years, maybe three. Then transfer for last year to the "respectable" school - one year's tution shouldb't be a proiblem - take every fricking student loan you can get your hands on. After 4 years, voula - you have a degree from "respectable" university.

    4 ( or 20 for that matter ) years of your life are not worth wasting just to pay for school. Look into alternate programs - ROTC, reserves.. so on..

    Going on active duty for 4 years just to pay for school is not the best way of dealing with this particular problems.

    One thing that nobody mentioned. If you hope to have a good and heathy family one day, military is surely one of the worst enviroments you could pick. I'm not saying that military families are bad - it's just the deployments and hours that you work that make it tough.

    One thing i would suggest thou, bring your grades up.

    If there is one thing that military will teach you, it's an apriciation for education.

    My GPA in HS was something like 2.2 ( not that i spoke any english then smile.gif ). Now, after two years of college ( University of Connecticut ) my GPA is 3.98.

    And it will stay there.

    Miliary showed me how low i can go by being an ignorat ass biggrin.gif

    Just my point of view.. your milage may vary.

  10. Well, i'm the helpless victim of Claymore's M8s frown.gif

    Btw clay, one of your M8s drove 10 yards within my waiting schnek but it didn't fire. I guess it was going too fast frown.gif

    The question of 0.5 often comes up in discussions regarding the arnament of fighter plane in WWII. 0.5 was a standard arnament of the US fighters.

    The fact is that all the balisitc data ( very indepth ) that i saw for 0.5 never came any closer then 1/2 of capability of 20mms ( Hispanos and Mg151 ). And those airborne cannons had lower muzzle velocity then ground based designes.

    Current state allows for easy "gaming the game" sitution for any US player. Buy 5 of those. Drive them at the highest speed possible around the map and take out everything that isn't hidden or not a King Tiger.

    All the HT and recon units die on first or second burst. German platyer is left with no recon, hidden and pinned infantry and tanks visable to the enemy.


  11. Seems like German scouts are really pathetic...

    50mm puma abandoned by a .050 cal shot from 300m ?

    They seems to abandon and run as soon as anything comes in sight..

    They allied couterparts seem to be keen on driving into any danger until something really big hits them on the head..

    Why such difference ??

    What is a good German scout that you guys use ?

    I always thought that Puma was a very capable little thing from the reading i did.. in this game, might as well buy a kubelwagen.. they get out just as fast..

    Suugestions ?

  12. actually, i think there is much cleaner solution... i'm not sure how hard it would be programming wise...

    Main server set up by BTS hadles PBEM games. You do your turn and mail it to the server. Once it recieves mail from you and your opponent - it processes the turn, sends you and your opponent a movie of the turn and chance to make this turn's moves. Repeat..

    1 e-mail per turn. Nice, clean, not much cheating possible...

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