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Posts posted by Hamstersss

  1. You know what they don't tell you about Syria? Scheming nest of vipers, that's what. No, wait, everyone knows that. What they don't tell you is that the Syrians are the Romans. Phillipus--Phillip the Arab--Syrian. They're wops (Like me!) and they've always been happy to fiddle to the tune of whoever is in power. Syria doesn't have a hex, it is the hex. Arab defeat in every modern war has always rested firmly on Syria's shoulders. The failure of the Baathist movement? Syria. That bad egg roll you ate in 1987? Syria.

    Syria is the Strong Bad of the Islamic World. Lebanon is the Strong Sad of the Arab World, but that's another story.

  2. Well, now, warden, isn't that a pretty piece of work? Yup, been a long-time coming, been a long-time living here in this box, thinking about all you fine folks living a good life in the sun with all your fancy drinks and mini-skirts. Yup, well, I hope you don't mind me saying, but the more I think about all you happy folks with all your happy days, up there in the sun, it makes me want to tell the governor just exactly where he can shove that pardon. You could do that for me, warden. And if he don't understand, then have him come down to solitary, and I'll make sure he gets it right.

  3. Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

    The operative word is WAS ... and your heresy, your apostasy predated even that and YOU'VE NEVER APOLOGIZED FOR IT!

    Oh, yes, about that. I'm really and terribly sorry that the whole lot of you picked the wrong fork in the road so long ago. Poor, ugly bastards. If I still had my copy of CMBO or CMBB (Never did get the Eye-Talian one, was it any good?) I'd make sure to give you such a sound thrashing that you'd not well soon forget it. But, my wiki has been restored and needs much witticism about Kissinger's untoward influence on late 19th century Malaysia.

    You can come by and contribute, it's a much better cause than this rabble:


    Or you can all perform a flying flop into the nearest thumbtacks-and-spent-rubbers patch. I'm okay, either way.

    I can't believe Lars has a boat and Abbott has a bus and Seanachai a wee, little dingy. I remember when the Peng Challenge was about more than the Department of Transportation...

  4. Originally posted by Nidan1:

    Picture a smallish town on the west coast......

    a quiet place...where everything seems normal. I say seems, because lurking in the darkness, and threatening the inhabitants.... is the GROGNARD..

    A what? A what?! Man, I don't know a long 75 from Nebelwerfer. If I were to appear in one of those barroom jokes with Dorosh, I assure you, the madcap hilarity that 'twould ensue would relate directly to my misunderstanding of his description of a Canadian trenching tool as some form of sexual offer.

    So the Pope, a grog and a rabbi walk into a bar...

  5. Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

    I spent a night in Merced almost 29 years ago. I found a nifty little '50s-style diner where I got a fine supper for little cost. I don't think the University had come to town yet, but there was a major AFB nearby with B-52s flying over all the time. Very noisy plane.

    What will you be getting your degree in?

    Yeah, all I've noticed is a Denny's, so far. But it's a nice little town, right down the street from Yosemite and far enough from Lost Angles and San Francesca so that the land prices aren't through the roof (Yet). And 29 years is a little early for UC Merced, they're just opening this year, I'll be a founding member (Wa ha, wa ha ha ha!!). It also means I get to play fast and loose with the ol' PhD. Technically it's socio-linguistics, but it's more an interdisciplinary study of the similarities between the evolution of early writing and modern computer coding. Which I think is damned cool. Because it is. No, really. Stop laughing, you sons of bitches.
  6. Originally posted by aka_tom_w:

    Just look how long the "crunch" time is now. Any time you see a crunch that is about a minute long you know it could not show the turn in real time due to the armour penetration calculations.

    Easy thing to test, really, you just have to see which turns take 1 minute or less to process.

    I just hope BFC spends some quality time with environmental effects, especially during operations. Seeing the same battlefield change--through terrain deformation and weather effects--from a beautiful European hamlet into a blasted-out, muddy wreck with knocked-out tanks scattered around, would be spectacular.

    Plus it'd come in handy when they use the engine for WWI...

  7. Originally posted by aka_tom_w:

    Just look how long the "crunch" time is now. Any time you see a crunch that is about a minute long you know it could not show the turn in real time due to the armour penetration calculations.

    Easy thing to test, really, you just have to see which turns take 1 minute or less to process.

    I just hope BFC spends some quality time with environmental effects, especially during operations. Seeing the same battlefield change--through terrain deformation and weather effects--from a beautiful European hamlet into a blasted-out, muddy wreck with knocked-out tanks scattered around, would be spectacular.

    Plus it'd come in handy when they use the engine for WWI...

  8. Full movie playback.

    With dramatic interludes for operations.

    And civilians.

    And entrance and exit animations for units getting into trucks, halftracks.

    And hit-specific graphics on tanks. That stick with the tank through an entire operation. That come back when a tank is knocked out and repaired.

    Turrets flying into the air from an exploding tank. Tanks flying into the air from a 16".

    Background chatter, that you can turn off, but that gives you a running, commander-level audio account of the turn.

    Multiplayer co-op campaigns.

  9. Full movie playback.

    With dramatic interludes for operations.

    And civilians.

    And entrance and exit animations for units getting into trucks, halftracks.

    And hit-specific graphics on tanks. That stick with the tank through an entire operation. That come back when a tank is knocked out and repaired.

    Turrets flying into the air from an exploding tank. Tanks flying into the air from a 16".

    Background chatter, that you can turn off, but that gives you a running, commander-level audio account of the turn.

    Multiplayer co-op campaigns.

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