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Everything posted by BUFFguy

  1. I had the Guillemot driver 5.22. Went to http://www.reactorcritical.com/ as Schrullenhaft suggested and downloaded and following the described procedures, installed the Nvidia 5.32. No change. I played around a bit designing quick battles, FOG doesn't bomb the compter. THICK FOG bombs the computer in about 2 secs. I can see my units, I can see the visibility restricted by the FOG (I can see thick FOG)but the computer just locks up by freezing on that screen while the sound continues to play. In an unrelated question, has anyone else had their scandisk absolutely HATE the dates on the BMP files? The vast majority are dated 1/1/32 and scandisk wants to change them all. Takes forever and I get to do it again, as I have also tried reinstalling CMBO. Thanks for the suggestion anyway. [This message has been edited by BUFFguy (edited 07-07-2000).]
  2. Greetings one and all. Great game, but I had hoped to avoid the pleasure of posting to the Tech Support Forum. But like so many others, here I am. Everything works good except for FOG and night and those lock up in 2 seconds or less. Dell D333 196K RAM DirectX7a Newest Mouse driver Maxi Gamer Xentor32 AGP RIVA TNT2 ULTRA with updated drivers No lock up if I go into the Video card cotrol and turn off fog emulation. But then there's no fog. But I like the fog. I've been good. I should be able to go play in the fog... Thanks for any ideas. BUFFguy
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