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Everything posted by pitz

  1. Ok I take the points. Specifically, there are two spotters on Hill 216 in the valley demo. I have tried about a dozen different places to 'hide'them yet time and time again they get shot to pieces and run first 60 secs yet people talk of then directing fire from here. Could anyone tell me if there is a hiding place with FOV on 216? Thanks, pitz
  2. Why isn't view 1 (tabbed) LOV? The main thing that is giving me grief with this demo is targetting. I appear (with view 1) to have a clear LOV but when I draw the line it isn't. Ghost trees and things are in the way (yes I have trees at max). Also why can't spotters actually lie down and spot (or hide behind a tree etc) instead of presenting themselves as sit up cut outs? Whole point of war is to see and not be seen and I am finding this very hard. Hopefully, I've got some major learning difficulties that someone will put me right on, before I give up and return to Warbirds. Other thing is when is the multiplayer version coming out where we can each control a squad, tank, etc or just be a grunt like WW2Online claims it will be? I have no doubt that most of these points are in there somewhere...just that I haven't found em yet. pitz
  3. Thanks Snag, extremely explicit. Once more unto the breach (go I). pitz
  4. Thanks Snagdad. Does FO = spotter? I was impatient for action I think. Assuming FO = spotter can you give serial orders eg target this. crawl out of it or does he have to stand there like a lemon for 60 seconds? pitz
  5. Thanks, I found it but am now going to appear a complete ignoramus! Basically, he talks of TRP's. In the demo there are a couple of spotters for off board arty. He says that you can program targets in the set up phase. I can't! Are TRP's something that don't exist in the demo? Also in the action phase, using these spotters to target things seems to produce no response at all. I am obviously seriously missing something here. Simplistic advice on this would be a bonus. Thanks, pitz
  6. Thanks for the directions. As for Appendix A, that requires the full version. I have the demo which is somewhat obscure. pitz
  7. Thanks. i get the idea but darned if I can find the article. pitz
  8. Whole point about Mortar fire is that is NOT line of sight - maybe I missed something though I did do a search. Other thing is, where can I get a list of commands that i can actually print out in AScii. I rather need it to program all my devices. Thank you, pitz
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