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  1. As a side note, the author Kurt Vonnegut was acting as an army scout when he was captured and sent to Dresden. There he was housed in a slaughterhouse during the Dresden bombings, hence the title of his novel. Mike
  2. With the number of user made scenarios beginning to pile up, I wonder if any of the sites will consider arranging them according to battles, units etc. It would be nice to have all the Bulge, 101st, 1st SS, Market Garden, etc. scenarios listed together so you could easily go at an area of interest all at once. Mike
  3. I'm on the on the third battle of this operation now. My armor was decimated on the first, but since then, though still having my armor stick to the road, I have infantry out on the wings humping through the bocage, spotting and engaging axis units before the armor passes. It's slow going but seems to be working so far. Mike
  4. I have a Voodoo 3 2000 and am running CM with no problems. I have the beta drivers. Did you load the Voodoo 3 during setup? Mike
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