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Posts posted by Hannibal

  1. Well I don't think geek and loser are the same thing .I was the captain of my highschool football team but was a si fi and history buff .Plus now adays girls seem to like a lot of stuff that was once geeky .Plus remember in the revenge of the nerds movies the nerd get the girls and the money .Just look at Bill Gates now that is one rich happy geek .

  2. I was reading an article talking about how many chats areas have what this person called the geek elite .These people are experts on topics that most people don't care that much about like Star Trek or history .These people also feel superior to the general public because they know these obscure facts .So do you feel smarter than the average guy because you know what range a Tiger tank can take out a Sherman .

  3. It seems unless a computer wargame is perfect people get angry .I mean you just found you girlfriend in bed with you bestfriend angry .I have not seen that on this board as much because this game is so good . Do we expect to much from the people who make these game. I don't think they came be making that much money designing games that at most sell what 20,000 to 30,000 copies . This in not a flame I know most wargamers are a very good bunch , but some people take this stuff maybe a little to heart .

    [ 05-04-2001: Message edited by: Hannibal ]

  4. I assume the germans will have the same number of groupings SS ,Heer ,Volkstrum ,Fallschirmjager and Gebirgsjager .I would like to see the addition of Luftwaffe ground troops .I assume that each axis Minor will have their own grouping don't see the need for more than one grouping for countries like Finland or Italy .For Soviets would like to see Guards ,Nkvd ,Paratroopers ,Naval Infanrty and regular red army . Any others you thionk need to be included ?

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