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  1. i've had a scenario for another section of Omaha done for a week now and i can't get anyone to f***in try the damn thing. I don't know why but oh well. Here is a link to it, if noone gives me any feedback i'll just take it down in a few days. Anyway, i used wheat with a sloped beach and never had a tile break-up prob. http://home.earthlink.net/~dpotter01/Omaha.cmb
  2. just realize that its a work in progress and not a finished product. (anyone know how to add sand?) http://home.earthlink.net/~dpotter01/Omaha.cmb
  3. I've been working on a scenario for the section of Omaha Beach at Les Moulins (Dog3) to exit Easy1, and as far back as the outskirts of St. Laurent-Sur-Mer. I really don't know much about this battle as my intended purpose was just to test out the editor. But that all of a sudden grew into a bloody massacre. I found some maps of the german stronghold points and tried to imitate that section as accurately as possible but i know it needs work. Anyway i'm posting this mostly for help because i may have recreated it a little too good. I get SLAUGHTERED. I mean its a bloodbath that you have to see to understand. I would say of 2 Rifle Companies, an Engineering Platoon, 4 or so bazooka men, and a few other units; casualty rates are estimated at 85% within 5 turns. The closest i've come personally was knocking out one pillbox before they (US) surrendered. So if anyone would like to try it, and perhaps give me some feedback on making it more balanced and fun in general PLEASE mail me at t00sh0rt_2000@yahoo.com as soon as possible. thx [This message has been edited by t00sh0rt (edited 06-24-2000).]
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