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Posts posted by pathfinder1

  1. Wild Bill: I didn't take any offense at all. That earlier post is just my way saying a hearty right on! I simply am not very verbose.

    I simply agree that any scenario for "public consumption" should be tested/played/looked at by someone other than the scenario designer to make sure no obvious and glaring boo-boo-s aren't made :)

    Shooter: on historical accuracy, depends. on OOB and such I say yes. on terrain,,, some leeway as I am having a terrible time getting any kind of maps of the areas I want to do even semi-historical scenarios on. O f course this is just my wee, lil voice in the fog smile.gif


    this is pathfinder's evil twin

  2. I think it is a good idea both a central place and a ranking. I am personally going to try and have any I put in a site tested, but that may not always be possible, so a ranking system at least will at least let folks know the better ones from the... ehem, not so good smile.gif.


    this is pathfinder's evil twin

  3. that is hard to say as all that I have played from the CD are excellent. they can be difficult enough against this AI much less a human being..

    Villers Bocage (single battle) may a good one...

    Chambois may be another, but if you play as the Poles it is very tough against the AI Germans....IMHO at least

    Wiltz probably a good bet too, small map but a good one to go head-to-head against another human


    this is pathfinder's evil twin

  4. I have a medium sized battle i would like to have tested. The battle is fictional smile.gif. An American infantry with AT and Armor refinforcements defends a supply line/crossroads during the Bulge.

    My first attempt , so don't spare the criticism(except on historical correctness as it isn't)..

    I'll email it to whoever wants a test go at it..


    this is pathfinder's evil twin

  5. unless I am mistaken (and I most certainly could be) the odd "immobilized" vehicle could represent that, not just getting stuck in mud. I have had a few vehicles get immobilized in open, dry fields without an enemy shot being fired, so I assumed it was due to breakdown.


    this is pathfinder's evil twin

  6. and if the quick battle goes a bit cold (doubt it will) then it is a fairly easy task to make your own battles.

    I have drawn up several maps and made up several battles just messing around. and if you want change one of them, easy, so easy.

    This has got to be one of the best scenario editors I have ever fiddled around with.


    this is pathfinder's evil twin

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