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Canadian Weasel

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Everything posted by Canadian Weasel

  1. Well perhaps Toad and I will take up arms again. Blackhorse was right. I essentially had gotten into a bad situation. That situation spurred what would have been called a reckless and stupid move if it had failed (charging with the Sherm). However, it worked out. I was really just trying for a 1-1 to exchange with the possibilty of getting a shot on a second German vehicle from the tanks I had further back. The password for the allied side is: 1052 Should anyone want to play out a few more turns. I think the allied side is now in a much superior position. Please post any results - I'd be interested to see what happens. Cdn. Weasel
  2. It is I. The Weasel. The Allied General. Sgt. Johnson pulled off my amazing ballsy plan and charged three enemy vehicles. He killed them all and lived to tell the tale. That tank ended up with 11 enemy casualties, 1 captured and three vehicle kills (Somewhere around turn 15). Toad took your advice and surrendered. Sgt. Johnson has been given some R&R. The Weasel
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