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Pat McGroin

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  • Location
    Billerica, MA USA
  • Occupation
    Field Service Engineer

Pat McGroin's Achievements

Junior Member

Junior Member (1/3)



  1. I signed up for this game as soon as I read the description and actually downloaded the Beta Demo. I thought that the demo was outstanding! This was the type of game that I had been waiting for. I had continuously complemented the designers while I was playing the early demo, (even with the many bugs it had), because this game/sim/whatever, really worked well! Now, as I play the Gold Demo, I am even more impressed. This is going to go over well. I'm glad you took the time to refine the game and didn't put your purse before your product. I am a former airborne Ranger who served with the 1st BN 75th INF. (RGR). And I feel that I must speak out regarding the postings of Mr. MG Mannschaft on your chat post. You have been very tolerant of this guy's assholenik views, and I think you have handled him well. Here is a guy who has obviously never humped more than his dog, let alone a combat load in an unfriendly AO. If I could wear a toga and **** my buddy, by his standards, I could be Alexander the Great. You guys have done a great job writing this game. Sure it has some errors and maybe a faux pas or two. IT'S A ****ING GAME! Tell that **** for brains ****ing actor, that a computer game is not meant to replicate combat! Jesus Christ! It's meant to be fun and maybe educational. If he wants to replicate the feeling of combat, perhaps he could serve as a pop-up target holder in training, or a West Point LT. in action. Keep up the good work! I can't wait to play the "real thing"
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