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Posts posted by Itchy

  1. Guy w/Gun "How in the hell have you never lost to the AI? Are you sure your not streching that a bit? Either you played nothing but humans from the very start or you were imaculatly born into knowing how to play CM."

    My old man asures me my conception was not imaculate(I put my fingers in ears and start humming a tune). Honestly though, its a genuine claim. 80% of the battles I play against the AI are QB's and my method of playing is to rarely reveal armour and to crawl inf accross the map. When playing a human opponent they know that if theres no unit markers by the 3rd turn i'm being a stealthy **** so they pound all available tree lines with arty and inf guns.

    Anyway, I said i've lost to humans but I think I could take you on Guy hehehe. If you're up for the challenge i'll be signing up with www.tournamenthouse.com in the next few days. The glove is down.

  2. We all know how impressive the AI is in CM, but when i think back, I can't actually remember ever losing. I've lost many a time against human opponents, but never to the AI.

    During QB's with the AI its probably easier than created scenarios but even with these i've usually won with a moderate margin. Does anybody else think this?

  3. When playing a huge map against Manx a couple of days ago, through sound contact, I could tell that he was trying to pull the old rear end maneuver(via hotseat, finaar finaar!!) meaning, 'he was trying to sneak his Tiger behind my Super P'. I didn't want to let him know I new what he was doing so I pretended to ignore his movement until the turn before he appeared. I gave the rotate command so that his Tiger would be confronted with a facing Super when it emerged but when the turn began my Super happened to notice an infantry unit, and, because there was no other threat in LOS he ignored my rotate order. Thus offering the Tiger a clear arse end shot. I understand that if a threat isn't in LOS, the AI doesn't consider it a threat...but, I know it was. All I wanted was the body to rotate but it stayed front facing to its infantry target. Has anybody else had this trouble?, I was wondering if an only target armour/ only target infantry option would remedy this in CM2.

  4. Been away for a while(working hard!!), pleased to see that there has been some quality work done in helping to improve an already near perfect game. Nice work Manx, I have to say that your site has helped me a great deal in getting up to date with the mods n' stuff. Keep up the good work!!

    P.K.O. Barnyard.

  5. Sabot,

    You forgot to mention that CC has a wonderful vertical perspective of a battlefield. Where as us, stuck in the old fashioned ways that we are, have to put up with olde 3D graphics. Not good eh

    Our tanks also lack the ability to run in stealth mode, clever that, no engine noises, I wish BTS thought of that.

    I wish our troops where the same size as the tanks aswell.

    This is Combat Mission1, you suckers have had five attempts and they just keep getting worse!

    Come on if you think you're hard enough!

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