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Posts posted by Georgii2222

  1. Hi fellas.

    I've got an Acer 5610 laptop:

    Intel Core Duo 2.0 Ghz

    Intel graphics/sound

    2Gb RAM

    Windows Vista Home Premium.

    I've tried the 'affinity' fix already, and vista won't allow me to install the intel power management fix for XP.

    Graphics, sound, pointing device, and CPU drivers are all up to date.

    When I fire up the demo, it takes me to the menu screen, where all the text is whacked out. If I alt-tab out, and come back in, it's better, but still corrupted (I don't know how best to describe this). In any case, when I fire up one of the scenarios, it loads, the bottom half of the screen comes up (the interface), but I don't get any 3D graphics up top, it just remains as whatever was up before (the loading screen).

    Any help? I've searched, but didn't come across this particular issue (There were similar issues, but none of the fixes for those issues worked for this one)



  2. OK, I lied. Download Accelerator plus opens 4 connections to the FTP server, but the first connection it makes never gets past 39Kb. Hence, my download got to 75%, then died. DAP splits a file into 4, then downloads them all at the same time, but the first 25% won't get past 39Kb. (I hope this makes sense to you guys) Any Ideas?

    Jeff Ital

    St. Louis, MO

  3. I'm not sure what's the matter, but every time I try to download the demo, it gets to about 30Kb, then dies. I've tried with both the standard IE downloader, and also with the "getright" program. Same on both. Is there a mirror somewhere where I could fetch it?

    Update: I just downloaded and installed "Download accelerator plus", and it seems to be working. No need to reply here.

    Jeff Ital

    St. Louis, MO

    [ June 01, 2002, 02:21 AM: Message edited by: Georgii2222 ]

  4. I have been an ASL player for about 5 years now. When CMBO first came out, I really considered selling all of my ASL stuff (A LOT!), but in the end, I decided there's really no substitute for it. Sittin in front of a computer monitor just can't compare to sitting across the table from someone and whooping it up when you get a shock-kill on their King Tiger with a 60mm mortar (OK, so it's gamey, but it's fun). There's a visceral thrill and anxiety playing ASL that I just can't seem to find with CMBO (and I imagine CMBB, as well). So, alas, I shant sell my ASL stuff, and, although I don't play as often as I used to (I admit, it IS tedious) I will still attend tourneys and such on occasion (1 straight week of ASL @ Oktoberfest is pure heaven, although you're pretty brain-fried by the time it's over). Well, I'll stop my babbling now, but I'll always play ASL....

    Jeff Ital

    St. Louis, MO

  5. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by redeker:

    CM also lacks the arcane "insider" acronym usage of ASL...

    "This CX HS will make a PF dr then take a PAATC..." ;) <hr></blockquote>

    HA! Any "in the know" ASL player would know that you only need to take a PAATC (pronounced "patsy") when advancing into close combat with an AFV or when participating in reaction fire! NOT when firing a PF! MUAHAHAHAHA! smile.gif


  6. The question I pose is this:

    Will two crews, the same experience level, in identical situations, have some kind of randomized "sub experience level"? i.e., is there a "lower teir" regular and "upper tier" regular, is there anything like this? I just notice sometimes that one vehicle of a given experience level will do squat, but the other, same type vehicle, same experience level will be super-M10, super-Hellcat, what have you. Granted, not the EXACT same situation, but I was just curious.

    El Jeffe


    Jeff Ital

    St. Louis, MO

    [This message has been edited by Georgii2222 (edited 07-09-2000).]

  7. Actually, He (Kurt) didn't buy the rights for ASL. He tried several times, but was shot down. He DID, however help with the continuation of the ASL series of games (and most AH wargames for that matter), when AH was bought out by Hasbro. He is a current developer of ASL and works with (for?) MMP (Multi-Man Publishing). He's published quite a few ASL scenarios, and did a lot of historical research for the newest ASL modules (Doomed Battalions, Blood Reef: Tarawa, A Bridge too Far). I've met him a few times at tourneys, and he seems like a pretty easy-going guy.

    El Jeffe


  8. I explained in my initial post why I couldn't futz with the volume controls. I have a 4 speaker setup, the front two (W/sub) are attached to the "Front" channel on my SB Live! The back 2 (on an 8-Track Stereo reciever!) are plugged into the "rear" channel. It took a lot of time to balance the front and rear just so, so I'm not inclined to mess with it. Now, I don't expect you to change this because of just myself, since I'm sure that 90% of the gaming population doesn't have this problem, I was just curious whether it was intentional or a buggy. As it stands now, I have to mute the volume, start CM, minimize it, open the volume controls, turn the Wave/Direct sound volume to halfway, unmute it, then re-maximize CM. Pain in the butt, granted, but I'll deal with it. Thanks for the reply, And thanks for this DOCTOR-BAD-ASS GAME!

    El Jeffe


    Jeff Ital

    Fenton, MO

  9. I recently did a conversion of ASL Scenario 17, "Lost Opportunities". It is a fairly straightforward conversion, although I had to take some artistic license with the map since there's no way to make the big factory buildings on board one. Also, since there's no Pz38 (t) included with CM, I had to sub in a PzIIL Lynx and a Hotchkiss. This is my first time designing a scenario, so I'm not too sure about balance issues, but I feel the map is pretty true to the original, and that the substitution of the 2 vehicles for one shouldn't be that big of a deal, given the Ami's AT capabilites. Post here or Email me at Georgii2222@hotmail.com to get a copy.

    BTW, I won't be able to check the board again until late Sat. Nite, so keep that in mind when it takes me forever to get back to you.

    El Jeffe


    St. Louis, MO

  10. You know, I think it really continued along the ASL lines, even after the break. I might very well just quit playing ASL (except for Oktoberfest maybe), because this game is so close. Oh, I'll still play ASL for eastern front goodness, but my ASL western front days are over. Now if I can just start converting all of those groovy scenarios.....

    El Jeffe


    Jeff Ital

    Fenton, MO

  11. Hmm.... Modern CM, eh? I don't know, my buddy and I were doing a bit of research as to how to convert ASL rules to modern. It seemed simple at first, Armor was simple to convert (although had to take into account Chobham, ERA, BLAZER, and misc other exotic armours), Penetration factors were simple, infantry, etc... But then came the missile factor. A missile can have a flight time of up to 30 seconds (probably more, but I can't remember very well) so in that allotted time period, the tank (APC, etc) Could have ducked behind cover, popped smoke, or any number of other things. Not easy to model on the cardboard battlefield, and I imagine it would take an IMMENSE amount of new code to go into the engine to make it work. I'll just be happy with CM2... I always have been a russian freak. Give me my T-34 M43 BAABBYY!

    El Jeffe


    St. Louis, MO

  12. Got a good one.

    Playing a Custom scenario with my buddy, Matt, in a hotseat game. After my initial purchases, I decided to buy an M18 Hellcat to round out my point total, Just a waste of points, mind you.

    About turn 5, my M36 Jackson got flamed by a Jagdtiger, so I decided to whip the M18 to his left flank to see what would happen. Moving fast, ducking behind cover where it was available, he took position on my right side of the map, facing in. Alas! here comes a PzVG and a King tiger, oblivious to my presence. BOOM! King tiger dies from a side lower hull shot. BOOM! PzVG dies from a side upper turret hit. Wow. Mr. Hellcat decides to get out of dodge and zips around the back of the map which buddy-o-mine had left bare of anything of consequence, or so I thought. Come across an 88 PaK 43, BOOM! dead gun. Wow, I think. This guy's gonna get the Congressional Medal of Honour, BUT HE'S NOT DONE YET! Scooting around to my buddy's right flank, moving fast (man can these suckers cruise) he spots yet another King tiger. BOOM! Dead king tiger, rear upper turret hit. Mr. Hellcat moves 30 more yards and spots another PzVG, BOOM! WHAMO! Dead PzVG, Catastrophic, rear hull hit. All of this from a point filler. Jeez.

    We're still playing, and my buddy's pretty peeved. He's sending as much as he can after it, but after what I've seen, I don't think he'll catch it with a Jagdtiger.

    I guess the moral of this story is:


    El Jeffe

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