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Posts posted by patboivin

  1. Thank you, BTS is helpful and prompt as usual.

    I had found some Cisco configuration pages last night, wanted to verify whether I missed something "obvious". (read: easier)

    To configure the router I have to build a cable with a COM connector at one end, and an RJ45 at the other. This to connect to the router from my COM2 port to its Mgmt port.

    Once I do that I am to open Windows HyperTeminal and connect to the router, upload the management software into it, then install a software on my laptop, run that software, and finally change just one line in the router's table to free port 7023.


    I was hoping it was something simpler...

    I sent an e-mail to my ISP to ask them what I should do, this will be amusing as I'm sure they won't like the idea of my hacking into their Cisco router :D

    Thanks again.

  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Commissar:

    Why bother with the question of "is it copyrightable or not"? Why bother copying someone else's work when the CM game designer is so flexible that you can make your own scenarios?


    Why copy a static ASL map when you can create or much more accurate map with the map editor? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Nostalgia. For old people like me (35 years old, w-a-y past middle age), nostalgia is a cozy refuge.

    Same reason some people are buying computer games that are AD&D lookalikes...


  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Harold:

    Does anyone know why Col. Klotz shut down his ASL website? Some said he got too busy with school/work. Others said the copyright issue w/ Hasbro popped up.



    This was a long while ago and there was a crash of this BTS BBS since so the original messages were lost, but I remember two versions:

    1. Col.Kotz at first said that he just didn't have the time to maintain the site anymore.

    2. Someone claiming to know Col.Kotz directly reported that the Col. had received a notification from Hasbro telling him to shut down his site. There were even quotes from that letter in the post, if I remember correctly.

    I think that the site taking up all his time, and the letter both contributed to his site being discontinued.

    Col.Kotz did a great job with his site, I am an old SL/ASL player and relished those Squad Leader conversions. The Col. obviously put hours and hours into that project, and he did a fantastic job. I wish he could have continued with the project.

    Problem is, sometimes life intrudes and we realize there is no time to do everything we want. That letter from Hasbro may have been the event that pushed him to decide to give up the web site, since it was taking so much of his time to maintain anyway.

    I don't know Col.Kotz personally, nor do I know the second person who posted parts of the letter.

    I am going by memory.

    I also saw the "coming and going" of the Squad Leader computer game released by Hasbro. At first people were anxiously waiting for the game to be released, then it was released, and everyone had a good laugh because the game could not be classified as a historical simulation. It just wasn't Squad Leader anymore.

    I personally think Hasbro made a mistake, because the audience they were targeting with their computer game wasn't the audience their game design would have pleased. They should have named the game something else. Conversely, the audience they were targeting probably has never heard of the terms "Squad Leader", probably have never seen a game with thousands of cardboard chits anywhere, or heard of SPI, or Avalon Hill. I don't know how Hasbro could get around that problem.


  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrSpkr:

    The problem is that often, in SL, the victory conditions are not replicable in CM.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    I agree, it was easier for the ASL designers to make up "special" victory rules for scenarios. It's easier to be flexible when you can just make up new rules. For CM, they have to code everything, and they can't think of all the possible victory conditions up front, before the game has shipped.

  5. My CDN$0.02 (which isn't worth much) is that horses existed during the war, therefore, if CM wants to be a historical simulation, they should be in there.

    I think that is the main reason ASL put them in is: ASL was a historical simulation wargame, and the period they covered had horses, so they put them in. Mind you they didn't have to "code" the horses, they just produced another set of cardboard chits. That's much less trouble.

    I agree that horses might turn out to be irrelevant to most scenarios, they were in ASL too. But ASL gave you the option.

    The game did that, they included partisans, bicycles and sidecars, all sorts of little things that broadened the scope of the game. That's what made it engaging.

    Besides, horses aren't "cool" to play with. Better to include tanks that didn't really make it to the front, especially if the coding involved is not that tedious.

    ASL didn't include a Maus though so I had to make my own chit for that one... but it only took me about half an hour to decide what the armour ratings were, etc. and then draw a chit and cut it with a pair of scissors. It's another story to have to code an entirely new class of units.

    Now one thing that ASL didn't do, was train artillery and carpet-bombing. Now we'd be talking!


  6. The_Capt would that be Captain Manieri?

    That was funny, I remember him saying he was wandering around a town somewhere, looking for CM opponents. He hadn't received his copy of CM in the mail yet, and he despaired so much that he got drunk over it.

    The CM forum was much smaller then.


  7. Kevin,

    I am back (sort of, VGA mode only), please re-send the last PBEM.

    I lost all my mods, all my saved e-mails, everything. The only way I can tell I am still playing CM, is that I remember that I indeed DID start the right application. Sob.

    Even DeanCo's interface is gone.

    I have gone into a state of mourning, it's sad to see.


  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

    Actually, I have ALMOST the perfect set up, at least this week! My processor is a 900 T-Bird, my g-card is a 32MB TNT2, and I have a cable modem.


    Cable modem or DSL, ensure you have a firewall, trojan detector, and virus checking software on your machine...


  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by The_Capt:

    I think you hit on a very important point...What is realistic does not make a very fun game. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    I agree with this statement.

    The game has a time scale that does not translate well with real life. This is probably inevitable with military gaming, however. We don't play games to replay history so much as to have the impression that we are re-experiencing history. If it's not fun, we won't play.

    e.g. During Operation Market Garden, some units stayed put for hours, or rested during hours. Try to model that in a game. People don't want to go through turn after turn of doing nothing.

    e.g. units not knowing what will happen next. A forward position lets a whole column pass by because they can't see them in the fog and they don't know what's happening. Yawn.

    Also there is this business of the "balanced scenario" -- although I suppose one could argue that fronts stabilize when neither side has a significant advantage over the other, in reality I think fronts were as determined by availability of supplies as anything else.

    ASL was better in this respect, in my opinion, because the scenario objectives were more varied. For example it was possible to have scenarios where if you escaped with 30% of your troops, it was considered a victory. Or if you prevented your opponent from overrunning you. Or if yo managed to capture this or that unit.

    Games tend to underrepresent the important role that supplies and logistics play in war.

    It's always like this though, moving trucks and trains around and protecting lines of supply isn't as captivating as throwing armour and infantry against each other. Pounding Sevastopol with 800mm mortars wouldn't be fun to play either. Neither would 1/2 hour artillery barrages. Thirty turns! What a bore.

    Likewise, air support doesn't usually play as big a role in CM as it did historically, in my opinion -- air attacks are sporadic at best. ASL tried to spice things up a bit by introducing bombs and strifers, but they didn't include massive bombing runs or simulated air engagements.

    Re. defending, usually 3:1 is the turning point, if I remember correctly. So try to attack with at least 3x as many units as the defender has, otherwise you will both end up exchanging equal casualties. Take into account terrain, experience in that 3:1 ratio.

  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by gaffertape:

    Looking forward to the article, although I seem to be in the minority: I prefer to defend.

    For me, the key is to plan how YOU would attack your own positions if you had about double your force size.


    Maybe it's because my first language is French, but this statement is a bit confusing.

    Which side would have double the number of troops again? Since you'll be playing both sides...


  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Arzenal:

    you guys have no idea how good you have it..

    I am a total newbie to CMBO, and Im loving playing it.

    But my online life revolves around Unreal Tournament.

    And its a goddamn miserable community. Everyone flames everyone else all the time. Its a hatred fest. Its amazing that I still love the game so much

    Here everyone seems nice and no flame wars<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Another factor might be... what is the typical age of Unreal Tournament players?

    There was a "survey" done a while back on this forum, and the average age is around 35.

    (heh heh I quote my age here because it's more convenient, I don't have to look up the right answer.)


  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Ellros:

    IIRC he just didn't have the time to keep the site up and running. I believe the DFDR site does have most of the mapboards for ASL converted over to CM though.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Do a search in this forum, at first it seemed like Col.Kotz didn't have enough time, but I remember someone posting part of the warning that the ASL people sent him.

    This was around the time that Squad Leader (the computer game) was released. I don't know if it's still selling, I know I didn't buy it.


    I should add: If you have any converted SL or ASL scenarios, please let me know so I can pester you until you send me a copy.


    [ 06-10-2001: Message edited by: patboivin ]

  13. I installed Bugnosis yesterday, and surprise! It found a counter on the www.battlefront.com web page:

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