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Everything posted by DCC63

  1. All from Boots & Tracks issue #23 [ 06-26-2001: Message edited by: DCC63 ]
  2. I read it in the issue I recieved in the mail. Cooper
  3. Just a snipit out of the article "Combat Mission altered the basic idea of what a wargame can be." "It has changed the genre the way doom changed first person shooters" Congratulations BTS
  4. Very simular, excerpts from article "Magill ran up a white flag of truce and Vane drove the jeep ahead toward Issoudun" "I came here to see you because your cause is hopeless. I know you're trying to get back to Germany, but thousands of troops are in your way now waiting for you to come in range. I thought if I came to talk to you, you would see that you could surrender with honor-and save the lives of your men who will otherwise die unnecessarily." The German consulted a moment with his staff. "How much strength do you represent?" he asked. Sam was thinking only of his platoon, rather than the division. "I've got my platoon...." The German turned apoplectic. "What?" he spluttered. "Surrender twenty thousand men to a platoon? Phantastisch!" Stunned as he was, Magill, who had once thought he wanted to be a minister, turned his seriously honest face to the German general, and repeated that it was not the platoon which was important, but the inevitable clash of arms which awaited the column up ahead. General Eister quieted somewhat. The lieutenant was not so wrong, after all. The column had been sniped at constantly by the Free French and the Communist FTPF (Force Tireur Partisan Franeais) The Ashtabula lieutenant, at the time I was phoning, was again talking to General Elster. "My general has asked me if you will accept a show of force in the air," he said. Elster was mystified. "I will radio to my division," explained Sam, "asking them to send a group of planes Then, at 2:47 P.m., sixteen Thunderbolt fighter-bombers came over in formation. I think this is the staory described above. But very simular to the original poster. Read the third and forth page for more details. take Care Coop
  5. Hi All, Check out this link. It might clear up some questions. http://www.atomic.pair.com/wwii/magill1.html Cya Coop
  6. The patch creates new folders in the cmbo, BMP, WAV, folders. The new ones are cm "v1.01 update" in the above folders. The files located in these folders have to be placed in the originals. If you are not asked to replace the old files (this was how I found out I had not patched the existing files)you did not patch correctly. Cya Coop
  7. I have read all the posts on a headquaters menu. I neither agree or disagree with the contingent. My concern is when I am playing a battalion size game and I am on turn 19. I would like to find my FO quickly to call in artillery. A goto menu with no other info other then the units name, would greatly help this cause. Think of it as using the radio for comms. Please don't bring up the additional info argument as that is not the topic of this thread. This seems to be the direction these threads go in. Will this feature be considered in the future expansion?
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