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Posts posted by Dittohead

  1. It appears that the shipping/distribution company gets most of the blame for screwing up shipping priorities. All this abuse against the post office may be uncalled for.

    If BTS did give them the shipping list then it would be easy for them to accidently sort the preorder dates from newest to oldest. Maybe Murphy was in charge of the shipping. smile.gif They may have been more concerned with getting the poster orders out first then with the rest of the bunch. Then the screw up was caught but not before alot of recent orders went out the door and those who ordered in the sept 99-Jan-00 somehow wound up last. First in first out. frown.gif


  2. Since I have not yet received the game must do something to keep busy.

    Top Ten Reasons you did not receive your copy of CM.

    10. Steve and Charles having Moose problems at warehouse.

    9. Part of the Vast Right wing conspiracy to get the President. Oops wrong top ten list

    8. Postal workers too busy playing game.

    7. Distribution company workers too busy keeping Canadians out of warehouse.

    6. Postal service too busy sorting fan mail for John Rocker.

    5. Must be the oil companies fault.

    4. Steve and Charles failed to pay "protection money" to Microsoft.

    3. We thought you wanted it by Christmas(still 6 months away).

    2. Did somebody say lobsters only $1.99/lb at supermarket.

    1. First Name is Bennie, Last Name is Manieri

    If you live outside the USA, reasons for not getting the game.

    England -Any country that gave us the Teletubbies does not deserve the game

    Australia - You only get the game if you promise to keep Paul Hogan "down under."

    Germany - Still owe Steve and Charles one BMW each.

    France - When's the last time the French did anything for us?

    New Zealand - They got the America's cup isn't that enough.



  3. The US government has issued a Virus Alert for the CM:BO virus. All businesses are to

    be on the lookout for this very addictive and quickly replicating virus. Some minor

    reports of the Bug were detected over the weekend but only in the northeast corner of the US. However it is expected to sweep across the US this week and end up all around the world the following week. There is no defense against this virus.

    Managers should be on the lookout for the top 10 following signs the Virus has arrived:

    10. A sudden massive drop in productivity from your finest employees.

    9. Sleepy and drowsy employees, or some suffering from some form of sleep depravation.

    8. Large thunderous explosions from behind closed doors.

    7. Incoming Email about some PBEM project.

    6. Employees cussing about some guy named manieri or maximus, however you check your employee records and no such person works for you.

    5. Sick Days Galore.

    4. Employees keep discussing the merits of certain exotic cats.

    3. Just who are these two guys, Steve and Charles, everybody keeps talking about and wants to thank.

    2. Seems like everyone wants to climb some ladder over at the Annex.

    1. All of a sudden everybody has a new poster.

    Good luck and happy hunting


  4. I tend to agree with you on this subject. Not sure how this relates to your situation but here goes my 2 cents...

    Most games rely on the angle and thickness of the armor to determine penetration effects.

    However, the Tiger acquitted itself very well in combat. And most testing on captured Tigers seemed to indicate the armor performed much better than you would expect from just the numbers. It gets a bad rap from the flat armor lower hull, boxy shape, etc.. However, if you look at many of the photos in armor books which show the dents and damage caused by Russians AT's it was one very tough and durable tank. It is hard to quantify just how much more effective the armor really was, but the Tiger deserves better than it is treated in most games I have seen.

    A good reference is Osprey Vanguard 20 "the Tiger Tanks" page 8-10 penetration testing a Tiger E versus all Allied AT guns Sept 1943

    37mm rear 400yds barely

    6pdr - rear 1500 yds

    - side 500 yds shots angled at 30 deg

    75mm - 700 yds side

    M10 - 1400 yds >60 deg angle

    17pdr - hull and turrent side 1900 yds

    I quote from the book "In no instance was the frontal armour penetrated."

    Not sure what is killing them in your games, would have to study distance and angle of shot etc..


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