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Everything posted by Maximillian

  1. Has anybody read 'And We Shall Shock Them' by David Fraser? I stumbled across it while looking for 'Closing with the Enemy'. Is it at all similar? I've read CwtE before, it was great, I loved the level of detail. Are there any books like it about the German forces? What about Soviet? Thanks, Max
  2. >Guachi than you. But is a valid advice. No, it is not valid advice. I was asking for information that is going to be included in the game documentation. Unless you expect everyone to burn the manual without reading it, this is not a breach of the FOW. It was also historical information. Saying that we should not discuss it is like saying that we should not discuss what type of gun the early Panzer IVs had, or telling somebody who mentions that the D-Day landings were at Normandy instead of Calais that he just broke FOW. Max [This message has been edited by Maximillian (edited 05-25-2000).]
  3. >Damm - Havent had my whole post Riped apart >and sodomized like that before ( OOWWWW ). Since I don't see any smiley's I'll say I didn't mean it that way. Well, I guess I didn't agree with anything you said, but I was trying to say so in a nice way. I'm sorry if I wasn't clear. >What i was tring to say that i hope they >dont use the same TOBs. Mabe mix it up a >bit, Switch were the 6th panzer Div was, Right. Personally, I don't know the exact OBs, so it will surprise me either way, but I see your point. I think that each side's leaders will make enough changes, though. Ah, of course, there is a smiley at the bottom. Well then, I'm not sorry at all! Max
  4. >Breaching the FOW will ruin the game_ BUT What FOW? This is historical information that most of the more serious players already know. >i hope that bts will mix up the campain to >be close to histroy but mabe not in the >right places. AFAIK, BTS isn't running CMMC. They have enough to do on their own. As for the people who actually are running it, I'm sure that each side's leaders will want to attach support units and reorganize line units to their preferences. Nothing will end up looking exactly like the 'book' OB. >PS :i sent a email to fionn but havent >heard anything back yet -Is this normal or >are we waiting to get a final tally after >the game is realeased? You probably should have heard from one of the GMs by now. Max
  5. >PEOPLE, DON'T BREACH THE FOW IN CMMC. Asking for generic OBs of one of the sides breaks FOW? How so? Are you assuming that the intelligence officers involved in WW2 were all idiots and didn't have any of this publicly available information? Are you assuming that nobody involved in CMMC has access to a library to look up any of this information? Try to remember that we (most of us) are playing this game for *fun*, not just to win. If somebody can get any tactical advantage from knowing that I found German OBs on the web but not US, then more power to them. Perhaps you would care to explain what use that might be? > yelling the same 2 times in this week If you are tired of yelling, maybe you should try thinking first. Then turn off your caps-lock key, it's impolite. Max
  6. Does anybody have a good link for US Bn orders of battle post-Normandy? Everybody on the web seems to like doing them for the Germans, but I can't find any for the US. Thanks, Maximillian
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