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Everything posted by Darkwind

  1. First off, *excellent* game. This will probably feed my WW2 fixation for months/years to come. I can only hope they keep developing for it via patches long after release. Now for my observation. I was just playing as the Axis forces and saw something occur several times which I found funny and pretty unrealistic. Occasionally I'd have infantrymen which were fired upon by a Sherman main gun and the round would hit literally at their feet. (Complete with little crater going off point blank) However, they would literally sustain NO damage. This was not an isolated incident but happened many times. I'm of the opinion that realistically if that main gun round had actually hit at their feet in real life they'd be in quite a bit worse shape than panicked. Just an observation, it has probably been made before. Also, and I know you grognard wargaming types will bite my head off for this. A close Combat 4 style "slow realtime" play mode would probably go quite a ways to making this more of a mainstream title. (As an option of course) All for now, good work on an excellent sim!
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