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Everything posted by chrisl

  1. Give the mortar a round that's got a small amount of guiding/targeting ability and an EFP, have its fire directed by drones, and it's a bit like a ground based Apache Longbow, but potentially cheaper, stealthier (give it an electric motor and it doesn't make noise when stationary), and able to carry more rounds.
  2. If they leave it that size to get the gun elevation it might make a nice little drone carrier/charger. Little ports like a beehive for little drones and a rear ramp or roll up door for the bigger ones. The first step towards a Borg cube. Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.
  3. I think the western armor remains a distraction. The shaping is already going on with the destruction of RA high value targets, particularly things like AD/CB radar and EW equipment. They're slowly blinding the RA further and making sure that UA remote operators will have free operating areas.
  4. Was that a drone crew they were dropping on? The lower rightmost guy looked like he had a blackout visor on for being able to watch a display.
  5. I don't think I've seen this NYT article linked here yet - it's about the difficulty the US DOD/MIC is having in ramping up to supply Ukraine while also maintaining enough in stock to protect Taiwan. Shouldn't be much of a surprised to anybody here, given how much it's been discussed, but it's getting higher visibility. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/03/24/us/politics/military-weapons-ukraine-war.html?smid=url-share
  6. From watching some of these videos, a Mk I Golf Umbrella would be a major improvement over the current nothing-at-all the Russians are using. Even better if it came in camo instead of beach ball colors.
  7. That gas station is surprisingly well stocked. I’ve seen worse along the 5 between LA and SF.
  8. That probably says a few things about the Russians besides crooked barrels: - Limited real-time drone observation capability that would let them make corrections, even with crooked barrels - Limited or no armed drones with remote control and cameras on them and a sufficient charge to take out a gun (switchblade 600 equivalent) or even quadcopters to drop a few grenades down the ammo storage hole. - No CB radar. I've been suspecting that their CB radar might have low enough SNR that they can't track single incoming rounds effectively. So that combined with flat trajectories and probably having few radars anyway means they don't have to worry about that. But with crooked barrels, they wouldn't be able to hit without a spotter giving corrections. ETA: The guy also made some cryptic comments about the fuzes not working on the ice reliably. I kind of wonder if they're using proximity fuses and either the low trajectory or reflection off the ice isn't giving them enough return and that's why they were putting on a VT.
  9. The RUSI report that was linked several pages ago (here) has a nice summary of what Ukraine did from 2014 to 2022 that helped them enormously (and sometimes inadvertently), as well as how both home grown and wester ISR helped them at the start. I'm only partway into the report, but it's an excellent summary. They're often more generous to the Russians than we tend to be here (and I think they're accurate), but they also highlight the major failings of the Russians very well. One thing about what Ukraine did from 2014 to 2022 that I marvel at is that Russia had *exactly the same opportunity* and squandered it. Russia was on the opposite side of the lines the whole time and gained far less from the experience.
  10. At the operational level and down, information as a force multiplier and force as information multipliers are just M and 1/M and which side of the equals sign you put it on depends on whether you're trying to apply force or trying to communicate (cue any number of Star Trek scenes, from any of the series). But I'm not sure it fits quite neatly either way, because it can also let you avoid force entirely. That's been a big part of the value of space ISR since it started - having the ability to accurately know how many and what strategic weapons your opponent has and in what state (stored, doors opening, launching) has had a stabilizing effect in that it avoided a lot of potential pre-emptive use of force and "launch on anxiety" events. Maybe that's all a good argument in favor of thinking of force as an information multiplier, but I think it's more that force is an information carrier or transmitter (communication is information per unit time between two or more points, rather than bulk information), and better information helps you target that information transmission much more effectively (and I think we just developed a differential equation here...now we're all in trouble). Does putting your enemy's prize racehorse's head in his bed count as use of force to transmit information, or is it just very direct information on its own?
  11. I was halfway through typing a long response to this and my computer spontaneously restarted, and both Steve and The_Capt got posts in first that provide supporting for what was writing (so thanks!) I'd frame it differently than @The_Capt (information has mass) and closer to Steve (information is a force multiplier) and say that it gives you efficiency of force (or efficiency of other things in other applications). The net effect is that when you're doing your calculations the old way, however one does those, you'd put in a dimensionless constant to account for the efficiency. That constant is the force multiplier. In practice, suppose you're Russia in 2022 and there's a platoon of UA defending 2 km of front. You're basically blind to their locations, so you get every tube and rocket rail that's in range and paste it for 30 minutes, then you send in the prisoners to do recon by death. And die they do, because massed artillery just isn't that great against a dug in defender. If you're Ukraine, you send up 3 or 4 drones and each time one spots a target, it calls in 2-3 rounds from one tube. That gets rid of a bunch of the defenders because they don't have time to take cover before the rounds start hitting *their* holes. A couple more drones fly around and drop grenades on vehicles, taking them out of the defense. When the PBI finally have to go in and finish things, there aren't a lot of well placed defenders left, and on a good day the Ukrainian PBI are getting feedback from the drones at a level of "a guy just went into a dugout in the trench you're about to go into, go up to the edge, move 3 m to your right, and toss a grenade down without sticking your head over". And the catch is that you don't need just the information, but the ability to act on it at a level commensurate with the information. If I know exactly where everybody is (Steve's example) but all I have is artillery with a CEP the size of the map, then the information doesn't do me much good. I'm still just going to plaster the whole map with all my arty. But if I have drones with lasers and laser guided munitions, I can send a drone up to point at each guy, fire one lgm, then go to the next. So while information is vital, and valuable, and adds efficiency, you also need equipment that has comparable precision. Some pages ago, I pointed out that the extreme limit of perfect information and perfect precision you need a number of munitions less than or equal to the number of opponents you have to deal with. It's like in science fiction where one good guy (e.g. Robocop) is in a room full of bad guys with machine guns (mass). He kills them all with a number of shots equal to the number of bad guys minus one (he gets two with one shot once), taking advantage of his IR vision (information) to see where people are behind concealment and precisely target them. Miltech is headed in that direction, where eventually every person on the ground will have augmented reality goggles that automatically integrate the information from all drones and all the other AR goggles so that every friendly and enemy shows up exactly in the right place, with appropriate shading/transparency to indicate that they're behind cover or terrain. The other catch is that you have to be able to do it all quickly - it doesn't do you any good to know how to do perfect information and precision if you can't deliver it faster than the other guy can kill you. Russia probably has a lot of smart people in universities and their MIC who can describe all this, but they don't have the resources to implement it much past pencil and paper.
  12. And yer brain only uses 20-30 Watts most of the time, which is about the same ballpark as a ~$300 single board computer that can't do nearly as much fancy processing.
  13. Yes. Yes it does. Somewhat trivially, the mass of one bit mbit= kBTln(2)/c2 Where kB is the Boltzmann constant, T is the storage temperature of the bit, and c is the speed of light. Someone else even wrote it up as part of a paper on mass/energy/information equivalence: https://aip.scitation.org/doi/10.1063/1.5123794 But I don't think that's what @The_Capt was referring to.
  14. And they're already available: https://www.intelligent-energy.com https://www.unmannedsystemstechnology.com/company/intelligent-energy/ The main issue is probably fuel supply chain - it's easy to recharge a battery just about anywhere, but getting pressurized hydrogen is a little trickier. I dug those up because I wasn't sure how small it would scale because of the need for high pressure tanks, but it looks like it's reasonable at the current drone size. For larger aircraft, Airbus is looking at cryogenic liquid storage instead of pressurized gas.
  15. With more integration of the drone and individual spotting it could be basic training or even author test mode.
  16. I've learned to read much more quickly in Cyrillic from following this. My Chinese is limited to a few sichuan food dishes.
  17. Probably the little shaped or EFP charges that they were showing off in a video a few pages ago. If they know they're tank hunting they know exactly what they need to penetrate and can pick the optimized explosives to drop. Drones have little enough payload capacity that it's worth the effort to do that, rather than carry all the extra frag mass of a mortar round.
  18. It's essentially economic MAD. Neither China nor the west can afford to tank their economies. But don't be so sure about Chinese food independence: https://www.cfr.org/article/china-increasingly-relies-imported-food-thats-problem https://chinapower.csis.org/china-food-security/ The imports/exports are given in dollars, but based on your observations the exports are probably more high-markup processed foods, while the imports are staples, so the caloric ratio is probably higher than the economic ratio. The country could probably weather a major reduction in imports, but it would mean a major (and possibly healthier) lifestyle change for the middle class, with corresponding risk to the political leadership.
  19. At what rate and at what cost? Suppose Russia actually takes Bakhmut and Avdiivka. How long is Donetsk airport actually out of shell range? Will the west suddenly supply ordnance that can still reach it? And with the diffusion of Russian forces out of other areas to take Bakhmut, how well can Russia defend against an attack somewhere else into its lines? Multiple attacks at relatively large distances from each other that force commitment of reserves to back one or the other? Unless China comes in with strong military support for Russia, Russian forces are on a downward trajectory. They not only don't have the manufacturing base, they don't have the technology base required to make the manufacturing equipment to develop the manufacturing base. And they don't have the economy or skilled workforce to support a ramp up of anything beyond late Soviet era equipment, if even that. Much of their skilled and educated workforce can sell their skills for a more comfortable lifestyle outside of Russia and have been doing so for years, with a recent acceleration. I don't think it's in China's interest to provide much more than small arms and strong words of encouragement. Russia is a nice gas station, and they might even sell decent snack chips and lottery tickets, but it's a lousy market for Chinese goods compared to Ukraine's backers. edit: China also has almost a billion and a half mouths to feed, with about 35% of its food being imported. Russia is far down on the list of suppliers of grain to China. The only major supplier of food to China that isn't backing Ukraine is Brazil. Ukraine has to pick a spot and sever the land bridge to Crimea, and then take out the Kerch bridge again. I suspect they've already got their eye on a few approaches to cutting the land bridge and the shaping operations are already ramping up.
  20. I think you’re missing a trailing zero on the number of MQ-9s in US service.
  21. Reminds me of a time many years ago when I was stopped at a light in an old Volare I'd inherited from my grandparents. It had already been totaled by the insurance company because my grandpa had crunched a front corner, and they told him to do what he wanted with it, but he couldn't keep it if he wanted the payout. I looked over to the right and didn't see a car. Then I noticed a roofline below the edge of my window, and looked more carefully - it was a Countach. It quickly went through my teenage brain that with one little twitch I could destroy a few hundred $K worth of car and it wouldn't leave a noticeable mark on mine. I did manage to refrain.
  22. Showing that quality of video is a bit of a flex. That resolution transmitted in realtime is no joke. "this is the capability we're willing to show you publicly from these drones. Think about what we aren't showing."
  23. The thing that should really be bumming Russia out is the quality of the video. That's high quality, sharp, no rolling shutter distortion, and enough bandwidth to get it in realtime halfway around the world.
  24. Probably more a case of testosterone poisoning on the pilot's side, thinking he's better than he is.
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