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big idiot

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Everything posted by big idiot

  1. Berlich, does "406" or "powerPC G3" answer that question, I'm unsure of type. Sorry, B.I.
  2. Colin, I let it attempt to load for 15 minutes. The screen was still frozen at "Loading 3-D graphics...". Do you have the same system as mine? How long does it take to get past the point I'm stuck at for you? Thanks, B.I.
  3. Lurker, Thanks for your kind assistance. I found the "Extensions Manager" but I was not able to find a way to do the functions you suggested. I'm all ears for further ideas. B.I.
  4. I am using an iMac OS 8.6. The prior beta demo loaded and played fine. I loaded the gold demo tonight. Everything is fine until I select a scenario to begin playing, the screen reads, "3-D graphics are loading..." (encircled in flags with background battle sounds) and stays frozen like that. Please help
  5. I am using an iMac OS 8.6. The prior beta demo loaded and played fine. I loaded the gold demo tonight. Everything is fine until I select a scenario to begin playing, the screen reads, "3-D graphics are loading..." (encircled in flags with background battle sounds) and stays frozen like that. Please help
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