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Everything posted by Seanachai

  1. You do realize that you're just giving it away? What the hell is wrong with you? Call yourself an Entrepreneur? You could be passing this sort of info on to someone like me, and I could be carefully leaking it out for cash payments. And we could be equitably splitting the take. Think of me as Claude Rains to your Humphrey Bogart. "I'm shocked, shocked to find that game information is being exchanged here!"
  2. It's not such a bad job. You get so used to the smell that after a while you don't even notice it anymore. No doubt this phenomenon also explains how you lot of dung-chuckers are able to survive in here. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: </font>
  3. Personally, I think that's a good split, especially given how often people who use terms like 'asshats' simply have no sense of humour. I figure responses where 50% of the posters are helpful, and where another somewhat indeterminate number, but probably amounting to as much as 40% of the responses are simply humorous (though not to everyone's taste) means that it's a good Board, and that anyone using the term 'asshats' should probably reach around behind them and adjust the fit and comfort level of the broomstick. When you're asking someone else to do your work for you, I figure a 'thanks' to the helpfuls, and a 'grin and playful smack talk' reply to the others is a surer way to keep people being helpful than pulling an 'Augustus Caesar' attitude.
  4. What? Did you think we'd simply get tired? Hell, some of this lot haven't been sober enough since you buggered off to tell that you've been gone. Welcome back, Herald. As OGSF said (but in much better English), how's the bloody knee, then, eh?
  5. Whatsamatter, Susie? Just realize that your underpants fit better when you have them on backwards? </font>
  6. HEY, BERLI! There's a new translation of Dumas' "Three Musketeers" due out in a few days. As one reviewer says of it: The new translation is very readable (as are its predecessors), though there are quite a few lapses into pure translationese, that language that no one ever speaks: "what horror," "he is relegating me to the infamous," and so on. But Pevear has got rid of all the coyness about sex that marks most of the earlier versions, and above all he preserves the swift movement and casual complexity that Dumas' breezy method creates. I figure it's worth a look. The translator's name is Richard Pevear. He and his wife have previously translated a slew of Russian classics before his latest effort.
  7. If you want to hug each other REAL tight then there's MSN or the General forum… here in the One Thread we rip each other a new hole. </font>
  8. You'd better hope. Otherwise you'd better hope that all of this seems like a jolly 'Ho-ho, what a droll joke we are playing, with our talk about Release Dates and Access to the Game bits of banter, eh, what?' Also, that none of our People ever so forget themselves as to make a joke about something that the Paranoid will be able to later identify as 'accurate', once the Game comes out.
  9. sigh You are REALLY starting to annoy me, Sir 37mm! You know by the Rules, that none of you lot are supposed to do anything more, in terms of letting the Outer-Boarders know that we already have Full Access to The Game, than make vague references to 'Uh, yeah, it will be brilliant'. Look, I enjoy the fact that we will raise a ****e-storm of protest by waving our arses in the face of the Outer-Boarders, but by the terms of your Oath (screw the 'NDA', that's for wussies), you cannot point them towards proof of what we must, perforce, deny. So shut the hell UP, you Limey feck!
  10. flailing around, protesting too much, admitting that he's impotent, etc. etc.... Rare moment of insight that remains pointless... Oh good God...were you appointed to be his...Pitcher? No, that's not right. What would the Limey equivalent be? His 'Bowler'? I'm so sorry! I would normally never step into the (rather sordid) space that separates a Knight from his Squire. But, in this case, apparently I have done so. I would, of course, abase myself in my contrition, except for the fact that it's extremely hot, I'm almost poleaxed with alcohol, and it doesn't change the fact that you should be seeing if you can get the lake sand off my instep with your tongue. Oh, get on with it. Make him turn some cartwheels, play some games, or send him on some 'Hi, I'm Joe the Justicar' sort of Quest. Jesus to Jesus and eight hands around, make him a peer.
  11. Stop talking to the Burnt Out, Defective Light Fixture. You're not working at the 'Herald' anymore.
  12. Bauhaus, you annoying deformity. That is not your email address. Correct it, or I will tell the Justicar.
  13. YOU NEED TO GET RIGHT WITH THE ORDER, 37MM! YOU NEED TO SORT OUT THE GOATS FROM THE SHEEP! YOU NEED TO BE ABLE TO DISTINGUISH 'US' FROM 'THEM', AND MAKE IT RING LIKE A BELL, YOU LIMEY FECK! Sturmy is a pitiful, shat upon Serf. He's a great big Belgian Homosexual. But that bastard is one of Us. He was granted Knight status ages before you were done checking to see if you remembered your password to post on the BFC Board! But the fecking Justicar, may he never suffer more than is just from the painful, burning itch of hemorrhoids, declared that Sturmsebber simply could not be raised to Knight status. Despite being so raised by the acceptance of all three of the Olde Ones of the Peng Challenge Thread. And the Gentle Approval of our Queen, Emma. But the Peng Challenge Thread is not simply a Compilation of Rules. We are more than merely an Hierarchy of the Powerful. We are neither the 'by the numbers' idiocy of the Bureaucracy, nor are we the 'the Law is What I Say it Is' brutality of the Olde Ones. The Peng Challenge Thread is both more, and less, than that. It is what 'WE' say it is. It is 'Why We Post'. It is 'What We Post'. The only thing that 'Others' can define for us is 'Where We Post'. And by the gods, Sir 37mm, I'm not above making a post that makes it seem like you were pissing on Sturmsebber for being Homosexual if that's what it takes for me to be able to make a post about your need to accept him as though he was your very own brother. You big, big fecking limey homophobe. How do you live with yourself? I mean, as far as all the other nations of the World are concerned, all you English are Homosexuals. FALL TO YOUR KNEES, SIR 37MM, AND EMBRACE STURMSEBBER AS YOUR BROTHER!
  14. That's a cute story, Rain Man. What are you trying to tell us? That you were destined by the gods to be a Scientist (In an Adventure with the Peng Challenge!), or that when the Peng Challenge gained a new Knight, a burgeoning Autism was finally laid to rest? Numbers do not hold the very secrets of the Universe. Simply their expression. That's quite dear. But numbers don't enter into it. You're simply a small, obsessive lunatic. And I rather like that about you. Not enough to refrain from pissing on you from a considerable height. But enough.
  15. Okay, when the Outer-Boarders begin to arrive and ask "Is it true you lot of wankers know when The Game is going to be released", I hope that all of you, the Seniour Knights, Knights and Squires will remember your Oaths and Covenants, and tell the feck-wits 'No, of course not.' The Olde Ones, of course, will tell them the Truth. It is simply unseemly for us to lie, and the arrogance and stupidity of the average Outer-Boarder simply will not allow them to accept the Truth from Us. Oh, and no unseemly 'whistling', 'rolling of eyes', or 'smirks' that would suggest anything different. Remember, we're not simply 'better' than the rest of the Board. We're BETTER!
  16. Well, no, actually. What I was thinking about is that it was simply better to have sinned. A lot. Once you've done it enough, you've shorn it of all the 'mystery, taboo and significance' factor that gives it any real power. To put it in terms of the jolly singsong: Is that all there is to sin? Is that all there is? If that's all there is it that's all there is If that's all there is my friend Then let's keep dancing We'll break out the booze And have, a ball If that's all, there is... Well, this is a very interesting observation. Or it would be, if you weren't talking to someone from the Peng Challenge Thread, where we know, absolutely fecking know that the Apocalypso has already begun. So your points about 'anticipated, feared, predicted and uncertain' are a bit, for us, like discussing the colour of the icing on the Birthday cake of a child that's never going to be born. Not only that, but we've already all been informed about when the Game is going to be released. Go ahead and go ballistic about it on the Board. I mean, how likely is it that a tightly knit community of fanatics with an intense set of rules and incredibly rigid hierarchy could all be possessed of that knowledge and give no hint of it, eh? No one will believe you. It simply couldn't be true. Philip IV destroyed the Templars because they'd become too wealthy. Not because they knew secrets and had access to things that undermined the thrones of Europe. The Knights Templar were destroyed in order to forward the cause of Nationalism. And the Peng Challenge Thread has chosen to grant the rank of 'Knight' to seniour members out of a whimsical sense of nostalgia.
  17. Oooooooooo a date! Strangely, we haven't conversed much since I left the paper. I think we should still grab a beer and food. I miss the evil one and what's his name. *sniff* Me thinks I'm going to cry. Tito, hand me a tissue. </font>
  18. Oh, and I keep forgetting that this thread is about 'The Release Date'. Let me just say this: YOU'LL GET THE GAME WHEN THE GAME IS DONE, YOU SICK BUNCH OF SELF-TOUCHING DEGENERATE WHINGERS! UNTIL THEN, CHEW ON GIBBERISH LIKE THIS AND SUFFER, YOU FETID RESULTS OF BOVINE INTESTINAL COMPLAINT! I've always wanted to do that. Of course, it's usually stated as 'the Game will be done when the Game is done'. But hell, that's been done to death. And it's so pedestrian. I would be willing to accept an Official appointment from BFC to respond to all 'When Will the Game Be Done' inquiries.
  19. Good. You are 'joshing around' with Emrys. He's actually one of the more reasonable, intelligent people on this Board. Keep an eye on him and his statements. Consider, perhaps, even 'modeling' yourself on him. For one thing, he's as old as sin and twice as likely to have anything interesting to contribute to human interaction. After you've lived long enough, sin has been pretty well completely investigated.
  20. Keep in mind that condescension from me is like a hug from anyone else. Never fear. One day you may not only be as wise, brilliant and beloved as I, myself, am, but also hopefully you will also be able to use a huge club of words to bludgeon your opponent into insensibility. Do not, though, make the mistake of thinking that just because I was vicious, mocking and unfair, that I was also incorrect. When you argue, you must get used to the horrifying possibility that complete scum can also be right. Won't work as a rebuttal. Serial killers have more credibility on this Board than I do. At least until Justice catches up with them. Then they'll have to hope the Administration has a vested interest in defending their analysis to get them off death row. You are far too young to be falling back on alcohol. Especially if you want the second part of your statement to have any significance. Otherwise, one day I will simply recycle a great deal of beer on your grave. Make sure your Executors let me know where it is, in case I need to come by and have a 'final word' with you.
  21. Me? Blame Lars and all the other Squareheads who came over here after not having had any sort of Culture since the Seventeenth Century.
  22. Look out of any window, any morning, any evening, any day. Maybe the sun is shining, birds are singing, No rain is falling from a heavy sky. What do you want me to do, to do for you to see you through? For this is all a dream we dreamed one afternoon, long ago.. There's Joe! Hi, Joe! Come on with me...this way, Joe. Just around here. There. Isn't that beautiful? What do you mean, what is it? This is everything, Joe. This is the Center of the Universe. What do you see? Uhuh. A small lake, almost nothing more than a pond; a lone willow tree. A driftwood log on a crest overlooking the water, and the remains of a fire. Very good. What else do you see? Look into any eyes you find by you, you can see clear to another day, Maybe been seen before, through other eyes on other days while going home. What do you want me to do, to do for you to see you through? Its all a dream we dreamed one afternoon, long ago. Nothing? Endless nothing. In all directions. Except where? Back that way? Where it's all hazy and - what? "Strange looking?" Very good. Walk into splintered sunlight, Inch your way through dead dreams to another land. Maybe you're tired and broken, Your tongue is twisted with words half spoken and thoughts unclear Well seen, Joe. Got it in one. What do you want me to do, to do for you to see you through? A box of rain will ease the pain, and love will see you through. But, now, step along just here. No, it's not far. What do you mean, what was that place? That was...everything, Joe. It's the only real thing. That's where Berli, Peng and I sit. Just a box of rain, wind and water, Sun and shower, wind and rain, In and out the window like a moth before a flame. What? Oh, don't be a baby. Of course it's hot. and flat, and empty. It's the Wasteland, you git. Why don't you recite some Rules to it? And its just a box of rain, I dont know who put it there, Believe it if you need it, or leave it if you dare. And its just a box of rain, or a ribbon for your hair; Such a long long time to be gone, and a short time to be there. Ah, here we are. Now what do you see? A bunch of idjits posturing, shouting, declaiming and carrying on? Looks like a shantytown filled with drunken railroad workers, doesn't it? That's the Peng Challenge Thread. But look around the edges. Do you see what's happening? A whole world is being created. And that's amazing. Yes, sorry. It's not a very good world, is it? It used to be better. But it's still pretty damn entertaining. And it's coming up. Most of the problem is simply sub-standard, non-Union help. What? Over there? Oh, that's the Goodalers' creation. Even a shantytown needs a Waste Management Facility. However primitive.
  23. AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE HEAT!! THE HEAT!!!!!!!!!! I can't take it anymore. I'm turning off the fans, and lighting up a great, big, huge sick-making cigar. OHHHHHOHOHOHHH, SWEET MUSHROOM PALACE! TAKE ME THERE, FRIEND BOOZE...
  24. Oooh, look. The Suburbanite is going to give us some advice! Pay close attention, Boo. Next he'll tell us how to end poverty by making the Poor get $50k a year jobs and Country Club memberships...
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