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Everything posted by Seanachai

  1. Oh, fine, now the Proletariat have shown up. Class warfare in 20 minutes, everyone! Last call for class warfare! <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Herr Oberst: We, the lowest of the low, yes, we the Peasants of the Pool, but that we desire to remain Peasants, the lowest of the low, [This message has been edited by Herr Oberst (edited 10-31-2000).]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Oh, fine, now the Proletariat have shown up. Class warfare in 20 minutes, everyone! Last call for class warfare! ------------------ After witnessing exceptional bravery from his Celtic mercenaries, Alexander the Great called them to him and asked if there was anything they feared. They told him nothing, except that the sky might fall on their heads.
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by bauhaus: Do you people not realize that when I'm reading all of these wonderfully sick posts that I am sitting down. Why not tell me to stand up or roll over? But I can't be sitting anymore that what I already am.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> (Shudder) Bauhaus, my lad, I will never ask you to roll over. However, to keep you happy: Bauhaus, Stand Up! Now, Bauhaus, Sit Down. ------------------ After witnessing exceptional bravery from his Celtic mercenaries, Alexander the Great called them to him and asked if there was anything they feared. They told him nothing, except that the sky might fall on their heads.
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw: You cretin, Senility. I have responded to your first mewl of abandonment... Yes, but it wasn't satisfying. It wasn't verbose, it wasn't tedious, it simply wasn't...Shaw! I have found myself in the midst of "issues" that have reduced the time allowed to respond to email turns (an evil) and the time to respond to this thread (a catastrophe). I would serve as a character witness, but as much as I enjoy your own fine self, that makes me look like the hip, bright, 'Voice of the Peng Challenge Thread', my past won't bear scrutiny. Hell, even my present wouldn't pass muster in any nation where I couldn't rely on clandestine understandings with 'Corrupt Governmental/Military Officials' who want to keep certain things off the public record. Rest assured however, faux Irishman that you are, that I have not forgotten the denizens of this, the 'pool, the Peng Thread in all it's ... well anyway it's the Peng Thread. I have not abandoned my fellow Knights of the Pool Well, that's a bloody relief. I thought we might have to round-up one of the most verbal and chemically dependent of the Newbies as a replacement, and tell him that Master says his name is gonna be Joe Shaw from now on, and he's going to have to work in the Big House. ... the Squires are, of course, beneath my notice save for Mace who is actually beneath my feet thus allowing me to dry my boots. Quit complaining Mace and stop that damn spluttering, just lift your head a bit higher and you'll have your nose at least above the waves ... unless Senility starts splashing again. Mace and I are presently in a PBEM, Shaw, so do me a favour and dig a heel into a kidney so as to cripple. Splashing? You vulgarian. My appreciation of the Bodhran sometimes makes me get a little syncopated, but I never splash. As for Brigham Young's wives ... you've seen the photos ... how could I possibly be accused of defaming them? You have me there, Squire. Brrrr. Took away my will to touch meself, they did, and it takes a lot to achieve that. When yer case comes up, try for a change of venue out of state. No sane populace would find you guilty. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> ------------------ After witnessing exceptional bravery from his Celtic mercenaries, Alexander the Great called them to him and asked if there was anything they feared. They told him nothing, except that the sky might fall on their heads. [This message has been edited by Seanachai (edited 10-31-2000).]
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka: Mr Lorak... A knights scalp, (only Menschy but a knights a knight) must be added to the blot so far recorded in the win record of this here squire. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> We grandfathered mensch in as a Knight because he was insane, and foreign, and everyone felt awful for him losing to his wife, didn't we? I mean, I know the sod has been posting on the Board forever, but his status here was a direct outgrowth of pity, right? ------------------ After witnessing exceptional bravery from his Celtic mercenaries, Alexander the Great called them to him and asked if there was anything they feared. They told him nothing, except that the sky might fall on their heads.
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by bauhaus: Now we know who the king of the Herald is!!!!! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Whom the gods would destroy, they first made mad... ------------------ After witnessing exceptional bravery from his Celtic mercenaries, Alexander the Great called them to him and asked if there was anything they feared. They told him nothing, except that the sky might fall on their heads.
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jshandorf: Our battle has just began. So climb off the fence post and quit making noise you bloated cock. (As in the chicken....*sigh*) Jeff<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Shandorf. Ah, Shandorf. Shandorf, and indeed, Shandorf. You are so...new. So untutored. So lacking in the finer sensibilities. But, because I have a generous nature, and because, however vulgar and useless you might be, you can claim to be a Landsmann, I will point out to you that in situations like these, all that is necessary is to parenthize 'Sit Down, Bauhaus!', and everyone (except my scrappy and polite Squire, Hiram), knows that you are asking people not to play on the concept of 'thingies'. We have certain tedious, time-honoured conventions here. Try getting a grasp on some of them. Did you get enough cuddling this weekend, or was that one of the other tidal wave of recent-arrival rodents (so sorry, but sometimes I'm bewildered by the fact that you all sound alike) that had his girlfriend arriving (rather than coming)? Hey, this world-weary abuse of new arrivals thing is rather a lark! Hmmm, now to try and put you in perspective: chrisl, wants to die in the snow; Shandorf, desires the illusion of conquering cities by scurrying in through the map edge flanks like a pack of bedbugs clambering from the wall cracks. Ewww, I'm playing two squires. No, it's worse, I believe I'm playing two squire wannabes. I need to wash...back again, has anyone actually spoken for these two hunchbacked, squint-eyed chimpanzees who've brachiated in here crying 'Sanctuary!'? ------------------ After witnessing exceptional bravery from his Celtic mercenaries, Alexander the Great called them to him and asked if there was anything they feared. They told him nothing, except that the sky might fall on their heads.
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda: Trying to decide whether or not to throw in the towel...whinging...It looks pretty bad, but I'm not sure that I should defile the memory of the men who gave their ELITE lives guarding this ground...showing a trace of spinal support... and sanctifying it with their vital essence...what the hell have your men been doing?! No wonder they're getting the snot beaten out of them. Tell them to stop that and concentrate on combat... by having these last few men throw in the towel and walk off the field like French-men...oh, yes, what we do when we look weak and limp is mock the French... Imagine this: so, Grampy, what did you do in the war?Well, you useless little toad that yer Mum come with and claimed was yer Dad's, I pulled me thumb outa me arse, and stuck in me mouth and began sulking No, no. Not in my Army. In my Army that little boy will never be born because his gramps is a tough forgivable tough talk term used here, but which nicely avoids being pointlessly crass, and he's gonna die with his countrymen on the field of battle! So you can take your surrender and shove it...pretty standard but forgivable tough talk that involves objects entering Chupacabra in biologically non-standard ways...You want my answer? Take a good long look at my signature, buddy boy! You want a fight? You came to the right place! To the last man!finally, a manly statement of intent that brings other than a sneer to my lip <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I never give up, unless a courteous and well-respected opponent indicates he'd prefer it. Otherwise, I make the sods play it out to the last drop of fluid (blood, in the honourable battles my troops are involved in; I'm a bit unsure about some of yours). ------------------ After witnessing exceptional bravery from his Celtic mercenaries, Alexander the Great called them to him and asked if there was anything they feared. They told him nothing, except that the sky might fall on their heads. [This message has been edited by Seanachai (edited 10-30-2000).]
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by YK2: God,that was sooooooo funny, pure genius, BRAVO. I have copied those lyrics, and will pass them out to all to sing on New years Eve (accompanied by the bagpipes of course) Made me feel quite homesick (sob, sob) Can we have some more pleaseeeeeee. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Of course. I knew that the sing-songs would catch on eventually! While most gratifying to have my mentally disturbed efforts approved, which says much for your wit and intelligence, I'm still going to have to club you into submission with a 2x4 in our PBEM. Not only do I enjoy such things, but it's only fair to the other lads, and my supremacy over all (except, of course, for having Lost to Peng. And yes, I also lost to Meeks, but that doesn't count, because when I began the battle I thought Meeks was just shamming insanity. Now I know better.). And, it's true I did lose to Mark IV...a couple of times, but that's just because he's good. Oh, and Geier, but that's because he's corrupt and has contacts. Okay, my supremacy is seriously in question, but I'm still going to kick the ****e out of you, YK2, so just brace yourself (slinks off snarling and sulking). ------------------ After witnessing exceptional bravery from his Celtic mercenaries, Alexander the Great called them to him and asked if there was anything they feared. They told him nothing, except that the sky might fall on their heads.
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mark IV: Here I am, back after 3 horrid weeks, and the Pool has become the Scrota-Shandork chat room, and has nearly fallen off page 1 (cause? effect?). A bunch of squirey newfs and no-name spit-mongers have supplanted the truly vile denizens of my beloved cistern, and a sad thing it is. I've some catching up to do, but let's hope there was something more worthwhile than the last couple pages. Can't turn my back for a minute...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Caught up yet? We could use a hand with some of these people; Peng's out even now having functional reproductions of the original Meeks Brick priced (we don't want to defile the original with some of the brain-matter turning up here). Also, where is Shaw? Is he still maintaining this fiction that he's having some kind of ISP problem, or is he going to get access to the Correctional Institute's public internet connection long enough to admit that the state of Utah has had him jailed for defaming Brigham Young's wives? And Goanna? Just because he's antipodal doesn't mean he has to be antisocial. Is he off in some hell hole doing business things? Did he mumble something about Oman, or was I mistaken and it was some disturbing reference to Onan? And what about the GITwinS, Tom & Jim? I can't even remember the last time we had any kind of accounting report from Tom. Where are we with the budget, Peng will need to know how many bricks we can afford... ------------------ After witnessing exceptional bravery from his Celtic mercenaries, Alexander the Great called them to him and asked if there was anything they feared. They told him nothing, except that the sky might fall on their heads. [This message has been edited by Seanachai (edited 10-30-2000).]
  11. Peng? PENG! MAKE SOME NOISE, SON, ARE YOU OUT THERE?! Woof, woof, arf, arf!! What's that, Elvis? Peng is trapped in the abandoned mine, and needs ale and emergency medical treatment? Good job, boy! I'm off to the package store for a 12, and I'll pick up a copy of 'Worst Case Scenarios' on the way. Here's a biscuit, now go lift your leg on Bauhaus; the nasty little animal is doing altogether too well in our PBEM. What kind of world is it where I beat Berli and Moriarity, and then lose to Bauhaus? What is this, Saturnalia? ------------------ After witnessing exceptional bravery from his Celtic mercenaries, Alexander the Great called them to him and asked if there was anything they feared. They told him nothing, except that the sky might fall on their heads.
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hiram Sedai: Man, I just want to go home now and play CM! Perhaps I can fake leprousy and they'll send me home. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Hiram! You're alive! How goes it, lad, what is the status of OGSF's dismemberment? Your health is okay, things working out, and all? ------------------ After witnessing exceptional bravery from his Celtic mercenaries, Alexander the Great called them to him and asked if there was anything they feared. They told him nothing, except that the sky might fall on their heads.
  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elijah Meeks: All these men, after their marvelous battle with Chrisl, where poor Chrisl suffered a Major Defeat, would be sent to the command of Seanachai and get beaten to death by General Patton, John Wayne and elements of the third army. So, Lorak, wherever you may be: Seanachai: Loss Meeks: Win, Put a little star by my name, too. You know, just for the hell of it.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yes, indeed, Meeks defeated me. A 'Minor Allied Victory'. My troops, of course, maintained such an incredibly savage and tenacious defense that that was the best Meeks could pull off. This despite his rather bizarre tactic of slowly marching my one captured trooper back towards his fellows in parallel with Meeks's own advance, in what I could only believe was a descent into some form of psychological warfare, or Cesspoolian taunting within the game itself. No little star for Meeks. He shall have to beat me more resoundingly to get the star. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Foobar is beating to death my French troops unmercifully. I should have known not to engage in combat with troops who yell out, in French, "Oh the hopelessness of life!!!" when given a move order at full morale.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Sorry, I had a long conversation about Sartre with your troopers just before the jump off. Perhaps his take on Existentialism was too depressive for them. They kep muttering things like "Sang Dieu, will he never stop talking, him?" and "Let the boche to be shooting me now, sweet escape, eh?" and "Sartre, a genius is, and so right, hell is other people, we see that here now, do we not?" <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> I picked a fight with Lewis in the where's Gauchi post. He doesn't have much in the way of intellectual firepower but he has 200mm of stupidity on a 60 degree sloped forehead.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well don't be dragging that back here, goddamnit. And stop using the name. Name not a demon, lest the demon then appear. ------------------ After witnessing exceptional bravery from his Celtic mercenaries, Alexander the Great called them to him and asked if there was anything they feared. They told him nothing, except that the sky might fall on their heads. [This message has been edited by Seanachai (edited 10-29-2000).]
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Herr Oberst: Oh, all right! Not an apology, but an acknowledgement. It was very late, and I was mightily, mightily pissed at the Panther, and was the only way I could yell out my frustration... Herr Oberst (still pissed at Panther drivers) <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well, I'm all for the cleansing power of a good shouting session, but that was more like the local tac squad mounting PAs in the 'Pool to broadcast loud ABBA until the resistance of the inhabitants broke down. In any case, carry on. ------------------ After witnessing exceptional bravery from his Celtic mercenaries, Alexander the Great called them to him and asked if there was anything they feared. They told him nothing, except that the sky might fall on their heads.
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen: <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>Who's for a bit of a Meeksian sing-song, then, eh? <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Quite humerous... made better by me actually recognizing the tune. Now be a good lad and go beat your head against a brick wall<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Oooh. Gave it 3 or 4 good wallops, and don't feel at all right. How does Meeks manage to take repeated hits and carry on like rats on several pots of French Roast? ------------------ After witnessing exceptional bravery from his Celtic mercenaries, Alexander the Great called them to him and asked if there was anything they feared. They told him nothing, except that the sky might fall on their heads. [This message has been edited by Seanachai (edited 10-29-2000).]
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Chupacabra: Deep inside the murky recesses of The Original Cesspool, a Challenge was issued. It was a brave challenge. It was a bold challenge. It was, dare I say it, a beautiful challenge. And The Challenge was thus: Come Get Some. Please contact Chupacabra, the Conquering Lion of Judah for more details. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well, as the opening sequence on a 'legend' it's not bad, a little Hollywood for my taste, a little 'low budget Cecile B. Demille', but not as slack as some of the things we've had to sit through. On the other hand, you simian, I responded to "The Challenge" back when it was placed. I said, in so many words, 'when Giles Goat Boy reaches the nation-sized Theme Park called Limey Land, he might wish to send me a setup so that his insignificance can be put under the proper perspective of losing to the man who Lost to Peng™. I believe I even reiterated that same offer when you arrived, and, after having hobbled away from the surprise I left waiting for you in England in the form of a quick phone call to British Customs, I expected that you would spend a short while discovering that England does not have a telephone system, and after coping with that fact, you would send me back a setup. Instead, of course, you discovered that there were a number of future 12 Step Programmers there in London with you already, hungering for the ability to pour beer into yourselves until you sloshed, while annoying the others in the Pub with your gibbering laughter, ham-fisted boasts, and talk about things that sounded disturbingly to the older patrons like they might want to call the local station to send around the Specials. So, Chupacabra, my dearly beloved, lesser-evolved chum. Please send me a setup, not more than 1,500 points, but not less than 900, other parameters left to your discernment, except that I want people to stop forcing me to play in snow. We already do that for months on end. Rule of whatever is fine by me, I actually don't enjoy playing with ubertanks. Seems like people trying to over compensate for certain perceived 'issues', if you know what I mean (Yes, Bauhaus, now you may stand up and chime in). Now that your Challenge is again posted here in the thread, people may once again be at peace in their beds, except, of course, for those poor souls in your neighbourhood, when you come in late at night yammering about Germanboys, and big guns, and singing drunken snatches of song (doubtless picked up here on the Thread; I rather fancy some of the things I've introduced you too figure prominently), and boasting about your prowess, until they all wish they'd never colonized any place at all. ------------------ After witnessing exceptional bravery from his Celtic mercenaries, Alexander the Great called them to him and asked if there was anything they feared. They told him nothing, except that the sky might fall on their heads. [This message has been edited by Seanachai (edited 10-28-2000).]
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Herr Oberst: <h1>Panther drivers are just big wussies!!! Gimme a Tiger commander any day!</h1> <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Stop That, for Gods sake. What, do you work in the Real Estate industry, are you trying to sell a property?! After running an unpleasant marketing banner by us for the umpteenth time, are you going to start nattering on about your latest golf game, and advising 'the kids' about the value of getting into a good fraternity? Stop sounding off like you're afraid you've lost your pair, and play CM and post to the Peng Challenge Thread (Home Thread of the Return of the Prodigal Meeks) straight up. Who's for a bit of a Meeksian sing-song, then, eh? Well I've been a mad bastard for many a year and I've spent all me money on whiskey and beer but now I'm returning, with titles galore and I promise to play the apostate no more and it's no, nay, never (clank clank clank) no nay never, no more will I play, the apostate, no never, no more Well I went to the Peng Thread, where I oft times did post and I tried to seize power, with posturing and boasts I demanded surrender, they answered me nay sure dementia like yours we see twelve times a day and it's no, nay, never (clank, clank, clank) no nay never, no more will I play, the apostate, no never, no more And then I took stock, and chose to repent So the Peng Thread I once more could freely frequent they welcomed me back,and soon offered me power so the newbies and squires now before me must cower. And it's no, nay, never (clank, clank, clank) no nay never, no more will I play, the apostate, no never, no more. So to my allegiance, I've once more returned and my former rebellion I thoroughly spurn. Peng, Seanachai, Berli, have promised me this that upon those below me I surely may... And it's no, nay, never no nay never, no more will I play, the apostate, no never, no more. ------------------ After witnessing exceptional bravery from his Celtic mercenaries, Alexander the Great called them to him and asked if there was anything they feared. They told him nothing, except that the sky might fall on their heads.
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by 109 Gustav: Actually, if your'e referring to the Peng thread as the "cesspool," its common nickname, it is gone. The blot on this forum is now the "Son of the cesspool." Agree with you on the gerbils. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Bah! Even within the Peng Challenge Thread (the Thread that was, is, and always will be; aka The Cesspool), the whole Gerbils/Hamster thing was a mere speed bump. Hadn't been anything like a topic of even casual amusement for weeks even before the Thread pulled the Phoenix Maneuver. Posting ignorance because you don't have actual knowledge is typical, but understandable. Continuing to post ignorance because you won't seek knowledge is called stupidity. Continuing to post stupidity because you want to suppress what you don't like is called prejudice. ------------------ After witnessing exceptional bravery from his Celtic mercenaries, Alexander the Great called them to him and asked if there was anything they feared. They told him nothing, except that the sky might fall on their heads.
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by YK2: Seanachai, that was just about the funniest thing I have had the pleasure of reading/singing on here to date. Bravo...... Much better than the Braveheart lyrics anyday. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> YK2 (who I affectionately like to call 'Mrs. Peel') and I have begun our combat. I have been...profligate, with some of His Majesty's property. A Bren carrier (yes, my opponents will point out that I have rather a passion for these sporty little cockroaches of the MG Carrier class) has been rather thoroughly terminated. Why mention such an insignificant loss, you might ask? Well, because this is only a 500 point game, on a small map (which is one of those horrible, narrow, 'corridor' maps, that make you feel like a rat running towards the far end in the hope of toasted cheese, rather than a nasty short, sharp shock.) But I shall rise above this rather depressing loss of the Bren carrier that was, after all, my favourite, and go on to teach it's slayer a lesson. Now, that said, I shall translate the above into a form accessible to most of our recent posters: Ha, (Distort Name Here), you call that a turn? While verbally abusing and belittling your innocent and long suffering family members, who wouldn't need to be brought into this taunt if I could think of anything more intriguing to say about you, let me just say that my troops are going to force you to contemplate an almost clinically disturbing and unnecessary degree of bodily funtions, most of which wouldn't make good copy even on local deviant sexual behaviour websites. When my last round of perfectly executed tactics whose actual nature can't be revealed or discussed properly because describing the fortuitous nature of what occured despite my rather haphazard issuance of orders and almost complete lack of topographical awareness might undermine my reputation for being less than a lucky little wank, I will just say that your troops behaved in a manner that was consistent with comparing them to women, whom I actually have almost no experience with in any positive, life-affirming way, and therefore know that their behaviour would be consistent with the way your troops behaved, and in any case I'm still really bitter about having that chica at the bar the other night look at me like not only was my fly undone, but that it had taken her an overly long time to even notice and decide she was seriously unimpressed, so your troops reaction which I disparrage unmercifully must be like that of a woman, or girls, or codfish, about all of which I have about an equal understanding and take on. Now, should my descent into this form of disparagement not make you feel sufficiently unmanly, might I just indicate that after a brief and abusive courtship I will engage you in a dysfunctional emotional and physical relationship, and, if not capable of entering into or consummating such myself, I will accuse you of same with other, equally disparaged members of this Thread. Finally, if all else fails, I will make reference to your known prediliction for liaisons with our animal brethren, this being, in truth, the least annoying and tedious thing I can accuse you of, as it is a long accepted practice to pair one's battle enemies with rather unfortunate sexual involvements with various species (except, of course, the Hedgehog, a totemic animal of rare power and amusement value, for, as everyone knows, the Hedgehog can never be buggered at all). Finally, I will intersperse my formulaic boasting and put-downs with the occassional useage of inappropriate vulgarities and severly unfortunate expletives, recalling my days as, or, more likely, trying to imply time spent as a: soldier, construction worker, convict, drunken politician, or pimp. So, In Your Face, YK2! Guess you know what I mean by that, girlie! When I get done turning your troopers into my own personal collection of mason jars filled with formeldahyde, urine, feces, sputum, and numinous fluids, I'm going to slap you all around the room and force you to make me breakfast while singing Country Western songs! That last bit might not have come off quite right. I've not yet perfected the New Modern Technique of Perfect Taunting Everytime. Bear with me, all, while I sort this out. ------------------ After witnessing exceptional bravery from his Celtic mercenaries, Alexander the Great called them to him and asked if there was anything they feared. They told him nothing, except that the sky might fall on their heads.
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Geier: Now I think I'll go listen to some ABBA. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Can you hear the ducks, Fernando? Can you hear their hideous quaking as it floats in from the dawn. Should we fear the ducks, Fernando? Or should we just ignor them in the hopes that they'll be gone. Or should we run out screaming and chase the bastards off the lawn. There was something in the air that night the ducks took fright, Fernando they were quacking there at you and me, it made me scream, Fernando Now there's nothing else that we can do, expect clean up the guano. I may have the words slightly wrong, but always happy to entertain the Old Firm. ------------------ After witnessing exceptional bravery from his Celtic mercenaries, Alexander the Great called them to him and asked if there was anything they feared. They told him nothing, except that the sky might fall on their heads.
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Herr Oberst: er, court. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> And, er, even here, we have standards. Squire, your taunting shows promise. But language, eh? Please show regard for my tender, pseudo-Canadian sensibilities, lad. ------------------ After witnessing exceptional bravery from his Celtic mercenaries, Alexander the Great called them to him and asked if there was anything they feared. They told him nothing, except that the sky might fall on their heads.
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda: Witty analysis...there is no substitute. And YK2, don't take Meeks too seriously. He's only picking on you because you're a member of an inferior gender. I mean because he likes you, ya that's it!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> YK2 is taking Meeks seriously, for as our Holy, Chosen, and Most Blessed of the Goddess (yes, you useless gang of small-brained fellows, did you not realize that I am, in fact, a Pagan, and a follower of the Goddess?) Enforcers, she is dealing with him in the same style that she will deal with the rest of you useless Mime Wannabes. With curled lip. With abuse. With one raised eyebrow and a knowing look that dismisses...exactly what you are most afraid of having dismissed. Now, shall we all put that 'little thing' away and taunt each other as equals? <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>As for the rest of you, line up to kiss my ass!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Here, Croda, you've shown so much more promise than this, this, low public-school name-calling! And I don't think the Lads will go for this one. I've had high hopes for you, don't make me re-label 'The Brick' with a new name... ------------------ After witnessing exceptional bravery from his Celtic mercenaries, Alexander the Great called them to him and asked if there was anything they feared. They told him nothing, except that the sky might fall on their heads.
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by patboivin: Watching this thread, I wondered how many pages the BBS interface will post in the header. I imagine this thread crashed last time because of its length, this time it might crash because of the number of pages. Heh heh. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You gibbering little Canadian git, do you wish for Squire status, or not? If you're only showing up here to make mock, and be a bloody tourist, then fine. Someday I'll come to the Maritime and throw really ugly, cheap, and unappealing American beer cans all over your landscape, with little stencils on them reading: "this ugly sodding litter courtesy of Patboivin, look for me as a useless casual poster on the Peng Challenge Thread" with the battlefront URL in the lower right hand corner. Now, either type out in clear English, eh? or nasalized French, (the sound that should follow here, indicating a raised eyebrow and deprecating acquiescence, cannot actually be reproduced by a non-French), the statement: I am a resident of the North, the far North, North, which is perhaps the only compass point where true, real, and significant Men and Women call home, and I wish to become a Squire here in this, the Cesspool, and after suffering all manner of unseemly slights and abuse, assume my true place as a Knight of the Order of the Cesspool (with decoder ring, cool decals, International Taunting Rights, and T-Shirt that reads: "Seanachai Lost to Peng, and All I Have To Do Is Where This F'ing T-Shirt"). Now, Patboivin, WHY ARE YOU HERE? ------------------ After witnessing exceptional bravery from his Celtic mercenaries, Alexander the Great called them to him and asked if there was anything they feared. They told him nothing, except that the sky might fall on their heads. [This message has been edited by Seanachai in a compulsive, perfectionist 'if I don't take the time to make it right who would give a useless goddamn about it' way, and 'if only everyone cared enough to make a serious effort at posting, then I wouldn't have to be so obsessive as a sheer bloody example of the way it should be done'. Also, minor typos and spelling errors were corrected. (edited 10-26-2000).] [This message has been edited by Seanachai (edited 10-26-2000).]
  24. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Formerly Babra: I choose the 28th page of a thread I haven't read a word of to announce that, yes, I am back, ready to fling bile and vitriol and vitriolic bile to whomever and sundry. I missed you guys (sniff). So what's the topic? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Hey, everyone, Babra's back! He was gone for bloody ever. And actually, he's come back in @140th page (this thread is merely a continuation of the Thread that was, is, and will ever be. Babra, we're insulting and abusing each other, as usual. While you were gone, we instituted a Squire system, whereby new posters must prove themselves by allowing everyone to taunt and torment them, as well as fighting each other for our amusement. After they become full Knights, everyone is allowed to taunt and torment them, and as Knights they fight each other for our amusement. It's more a matter of degree, than kind. Welcome back! ------------------ After witnessing exceptional bravery from his Celtic mercenaries, Alexander the Great called them to him and asked if there was anything they feared. They told him nothing, except that the sky might fall on their heads.
  25. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elijah Meeks: Sure, ok. I retire the Hamsters nick, as was the requirement of my return. I can't stand reading the pathetic taunts that pass as acceptable in the Pool these days so I consider it my civic duty to return. I'm back, so you'd better shape up you sorry lot. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Scourge them, Meeks! Harrow their unimaginitive little souls! Make them stop tossing up their 'I'm huddled with my laptop in the Corporate Men's Room on my lunch hour, and desire to post my narrow-head-breed quips to the Peng Challenge Thread, in the hopes that by the sheer, unremitting, sodden volume of my unimaginitive drivel I will be elevated to Valhalla' posts. Your return could not have been more timely! Go forth and smite the wannabes until they shine! Here, take this...well, actually, here, take the Brick. You know how it's to be applied. Whack the useless into shape. Seanachai sits back, and sips his Greek coffee. The black and white robes of the Order of the Knights of the Cesspool are gathered about him. A few petals drift down on the breeze from the tree above him. He makes a notation on the document before him. Meeks is made an Inquisitor of the Order, with a mere peng stroke. Steam rises from the cup on the table before him. He smiles. Time, he thinks to himself, to set a few dogs to harry the sheep. As quickly, he frowns, and reaches to the table before him for a small, exquisitely wrought silver bell. With an impatient gesture he raises it and a silvery peal rings through the garden, pillared with citrus trees, where he sits. A moment later, an hooded brother of the martial order of the Cesspool appears before him. "Hi, how can I make your masterful day more pleasant? Although I'm only a lowly Squire, I know a thing or two about a thing or two, Master, and I just want to say, it's a lovely day in the Cesspool, isn't it?" "Shut up, Hiram. Have Peng and Berli responded to Meeks's return?" "Er...it's really not my place to presume to interpret or even understand the actions of those the gods have placed above me, Lord, but I can't remember having seen any new, significant postings by the truly significant Lords of the Pool that you've mentioned, but I'm often off sporting with my significant other these days, Lord, and applying 'nice logic' to the postings I see, and practicing my taunts and invective while paddling my feet in the pool, and..." "Hiram, shut up. Notify me when missives come in from Peng and Berli." "Oh, yes, of course, Lord. And Seanachai, my sponsor?" "Yes, Hiram?" "I hate and despise you, you fickle, abusive piece of ****e!" "Good, Hiram. I appreciate the effort. Now, go, and see to the business of the 'Pool, my squire." "Yes, Seanachai, you tedious, loathsome, pot of bubbling piss laced with just a trace of nutmeg..." "ENOUGH, Hiram. Er, I rather like the nutmeg reference." "Wasn't that good, Lord?" Smiles brightly. "Very good, Hiram. Hiram?" "Yes, Lord?" "I shall set Meeks upon them. As a bright light into a dark place shall I set him, upon the posters in the Thread." "Good idea, Lord!" "Of Course it's a good idea! It's mine, isn't it?! But I would have the acquiescence of Peng and Berli in this, my plan. I would make Meeks a Marshall of the Knights of the Order of the Cesspool." "Like Marshall Dillon, oh ancient and senile one?" "Not that kind of Marshall, you useless little...well, a bit like that, I suppose. They need a firm hand, the newbies and squires." "And Meeks will provide that firmness?" Seanachai gives Hiram a suspicious look "Don't pull a Bauhaus on me, Squire. Yes, I shall set Meeks, the Apostate, Meeks, the Heretic, Meeks, the Ambitious, to apply hot irons to their feet. Not to mention spraying them with spittle and gibberish. Now, go and fetch my seal" Hiram opens his mouth, and Seanachai frowns "No, my very special seal for closing up documents, you tit. Leave Sparky in his tank, for now." "Yes, Lord." Seanachai returns to his musings as his squire slouches off, humming a suspiciously cheerful little tune under his breath. Seanachai's thoughts spin down certain paths, and he finds himself thinking 'I like you, you like me, we're a...' "GODDAMN IT, HIRAM, IF I CATCH YOU HUMMING THAT ****E IN THIS GARDEN AGAIN I'LL PREPARE YOU A NEW ORIFICE OF EXCRETION!" He returns to his silent contemplation. Meeks has returned. The Schism, if not healed, has been set aside. Orthodoxy shall prevail. And Meeks, he thinks to himself, has, in his return, pointed out the right of it. There's been too much aimless chatting, he realizes. Too much repetitive back-and-forth gnattering with too little substance. PawBroon, that Mad French, was correct, in his last trans-Atlantic grenouille-o-gram. "With the death of the Old Thread, we have let things slip," Seanachai murmurs to himself. "Pengnadammerung, Schism, and a host of new Squires, combined with so many of the senior Knights on Quest, or kicking the ****e out of Unbelievers in foreign lands, has led to a lack of direction in the Peng Challenge Thread. Curse it, root and branch! I have been idle. I have let things slip. It must stop! I will stop it! And Meeks shall be my tool!" (sit down, Bauhaus!) Seanachai grabs the silver bell, rings it emphatically, then casts it aside to bellow: "Hiram! Hiram, my squire! Fetch Sparky and saddle him up! I go to confer with Peng and Berli! Light the beacons, and summon the Knights!" "Yes, Lord!" drifts in from off scene, along with 'We're a happy Pool, are we' "And stop singing that ****e!" "Yes, Lord!" "Have you any of OGSF's troopers ears for me yet?" "No, Lord." "Well go get some, goddamn it!" "Yes, Lord." "Have you met YK2 yet?" "No, Lord." "I might team her with Meeks. Meeks can set them up with his rantings, and she can knock them down with one raised eyebrow. That's a trick Women have, Hiram. Do you know any women, Hiram?" "Just my girlfriend, Lord." "Does she like you?" "No, Lord. She tolerates me." "Good on' her, then. Now saddle up Sparky, we ride!" "Er, Lord, do you mean we're both riding Sparky?" "Hiram, do you think I can maintain my Torquemada-like stance of Machiavellian posturing if you and I get on the back of a seal together?" "As opposed to getting onto the back of a seal by yourself, Lord?" "No one likes a recalcitrant, apostate, smarmy squire, Hiram." "Except yourself, Lord?" "Yes, but you've given me a lot of practice at it. I shall ride Sparky, you shall not." "Lord, could I go saddle up my–" "HIRAM!" "Er, yes Lord?" "Were you going to make some kind of Bauhausian reference to your significant other?" Silence. "Well, Hiram?" "No?" "I see. Now, you stay here and work on those ears, and earning your buffet of Knighthood. And go buy your girlfriend some flowers, you git." "Yes, Lord." "Oh, and on that note, give the Hedgehog an extra measure of slugs. On, Sparky, on!" Stuka and PeterNZer make hopeful clip-clopping noises with banging coconuts. "It's a freaking seal, you pack of useless idjits! What's with the clip-clop noises?!" Sullen murmurs are heard, 'here, we're just doing our squirely bit..what kind of wank rides a seal, anyways...sod this for a lark, I'm for the Doom message board...' ------------------ After witnessing exceptional bravery from his Celtic mercenaries, Alexander the Great called them to him and asked if there was anything they feared. They told him nothing, except that the sky might fall on their heads. [This message has been edited by Seanachai (edited 10-25-2000).] [This message has been edited by Seanachai (edited 10-25-2000).]
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