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Posts posted by labrador

  1. Hello everyone, I've been lurking here for the past year or so but lost the thread on this a while back. Is there any new news on this matter? Is battlefront working on a similar new game that will be OS X compatible? I miss playing on my desktop which no longer boots in OS 9 since i upgraded my processor. It's just not the same playing on a laptop.

    Albert Labrador

    Manila, Philippines

  2. Hi Folks,

    I just installed CMBB in a second hand Ti book 400 running Mac OS 9.2.1. The game wouldn't start up and I get a "could not find open play" message.

    I checked the apple web site for open play and could not find it.

    How do I fix this?

    Many thanks!


  3. Hi Guys

    My copy arrived today! Wrong system...

    I got a free copy thanks to the model contest but unfortunately got sent a Windows version version. :(

    hi Patrick,

    Yes, like you i use a Mac. I'll be in Manila tomorrow but unfortunately wont have time to bug you. Checking out Neal Oshima's equipment sale!

    Looking forward to meeting you, though. I'll bring my ibook so we can do a hot seat of CMBO over a few beers. What side do you usually play? I'll text you when I can free up some time next week. My cells: 09178365753.

    See you around!

    Albert Labrador

  4. Hi folks, I've been a lurker here for around a year and have been an avid CMBO fan as long. I just have a question about the model contest prizes and was wondering if anyone could give any details. I took a 2nd and 3rd place in the contest and was wondering if anyone else who placed has already received their CMBB copies.

    By the way, Ive noticed some posts from the Philippines. I'm wondering if all the pinoy combat mission players would like to get together for some cold beers?


    Albert Labrador

  5. Hi folks, I've been a lurker here for around a year and have been an avid CMBO fan as long. I just have a question about the model contest prizes and was wondering if anyone could give any details. I took a 2nd and 3rd place in the contest and was wondering if anyone else who placed has already received their CMBB copies.

    By the way, Ive noticed some posts from the Philippines. I'm wondering if all the pinoy combat mission players would like to get together for some cold beers?


    Albert Labrador

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