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Cinnamon J. Scudworth

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Posts posted by Cinnamon J. Scudworth

  1. I think the most conscious change that I make when playing as the Allies is to generally keep my vehicles behind my main line of infantry and out of LOS until I already have a target in mind. It helps them live longer when there are Panthers around. When playing as Germans, I will often play them more forward.

    Also, the Americans in particular have a huge edge in artillery. Sometimes it can be worth it to "waste" a few turns by halting at the point of contact and shelling the German positions.


  2. Originally posted by Hoopenfaust 101:

    10 is still not faster than 9 (especially redraw) and if someone tells you different they've got a brand new mac and have never really used the OS 9 on that same machine.

    Well there you go. Of course OS 10 is going to be slower than 9 on older machines. I don't think Apple is really worrying about that. 10 is designed as the base for the Mac OS for the next decade, not as a patch for older machines designed to run 9.

    I'm running 10 on a 333MHz G3 iMac. Most people would probably hate the experience, but 9 was causing me some grief in terms of stability, and since I've installed 10 last year I've had barely a peep of trouble. It's worth it to me, despite the slowness. If I had to use my iMac to make a living, I probably wouldn't have switched.

    Anyway, I'm rambling but the point is in my experience, 10 feels just as fast as 9 on newer machines, and Apple never really designed it to run to its full potential on older machines. So I don't think it's fair to judge the OS based on its sub-par performance on an older machine. Of course, it seems performs just fine for me on my brother's 3.5 year old G4 tower, so this is all subjective.

    I think that once that Apple releases its lineup for 2003, a lot of the griping about OS 10's performance will cease.


  3. I'm just chiming in as one with lower Mac system specs than the "minimum." I've only played the small tutorial scenario, but that seemed to run just fine (ie, as well as CMBO) on my lime (rev. D) 333MHz G3 iMac, 288MB RAM, 6MB Rage Pro, at 800x600 resolution. With the automatic downgrading of texture quality, it didn't visually look all that much better than CMBO, but of course all the functional improvements are still there. Now I'll just hope it doesn't freak out in larger scenarios.


  4. No, there is no classic folder in the OS X partition. Classic is running from the OS 9 partition. I suppose I'll just end up rebuilding the OS X partition and sticking a classic system folder in there this time. I'm not sure what was going on when my hard drive was unpartitioned. But it worked. *shrug*


  5. Yesterday I re-installed CM on my computer (I had recently re-formatted and partitioned my hard drive). After selecting a scenario and setting my options, the game goes into loading fine. But at some point during or after the "loading 3D graphics" phase, it crashes into the desktop without any error messages.

    I'm running it on an 333 MHz iMac, 288 MB RAM. I'm thinking it might have something to do with my OS set up. My hard drive has three partitions, one for 9.2.1, one for X, and the third empty. This problem is happening when I'm booted up from the OS 9 partition. After searching through the forum for a little bit, I found a thread implying that OS X installs extensions into the OS 9 system folder that interfere with CM. Following the advice in the thread, I delected the "Classic Rave" extension in my 9.2.1 system folder. Unfortunately, CM still crashes on loading.

    Does anybody know what's going on?


    PS: Before I had partitioned, when X and 9 were sitting side-by-side on the same hard drive, I could play CM just fine in 9. Go figure.

  6. Hi. I've done a search on this but didn't really come up with anything. I recently purchased and installed Mac OS X.1 for my computer. However, I can't run CM in the Classic environment. The game boots correctly, but when I try to load a mission it seems to get stuck in the "loading graphics" screen. I can run CM fine when I reboot the computer in 9.2. That's fine, but I'd like to be able to run CM in Classic, just for the sake of convenience. Does anyone know what's going on, or if it's even possible to run CM in Classic?

  7. My only experience with a unit hitting daisy chain AT mines (enemy or my own) was back in the Gold Demo. I can't remember the name of the scenario, but it wasn't Chance Encounter. It was the one that isn't included in the full game. Anyway, the short story is that a buttoned enemy Sherman blundered into my daisy-chain in a dip in the road.


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