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Posts posted by RudeLover

  1. I know that a slightly modified Ham and Jam can be found at the Rugged Defense site. It's really a pretty minor change--switching time of battle to 'night,' which users could do themselves. I think the scenario's great, BTW, if Dick is listening, and didn't mean to imply otherwise...it's just another that's rec'd a minor tweak since the initial release that might be included on new-edition CDs, etc.

    Michael Loverude

    [This message has been edited by RudeLover (edited 09-22-2000).]

  2. Hmmm, wouldn't have guessed this; the US 76mm was better than the Russian 76mm or 85mm? Is this regular APCBC or APDS?

    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>8. The tank's hull and turret side plates were penetrated by armor-piercing projectiles from the domestic 85 mm and American 76 mm guns at ranges of 800-2000 metres.

    9. The tank's hull and turret side plates were not penetrated by armor-piercing projectiles from the domestic 76 mm guns (ZIS-3 and F-34).

    10. American 76 mm armor-piercing projectiles penetrated the "Tiger-B" tank's side plates at ranges 1.5 to 2 times greater the domestic 85 mm armor-piercing projectiles." <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    [This message has been edited by RudeLover (edited 09-21-2000).]

  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>While on the subject of trees, I've noticed that in the winter they don't seem to have as much impact on LOS as in summer. I wonder if the seasons also effect how much cover they give.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    This is true I believe. IIRC, in the alpha AAR Moon comments on how much worse the cover/concealment was in 'woods' in the winter. Grain also behaves differently depending on the season.

  4. Way back before the Gold demo (even maybe before the beta demo), when talk of CM2, 3, 4 would come up, the sense was that BTS would make every effort to make game engine improvements backward compatible, but that that may not be possible. Heck, even the Alpha build battle is not compatible with the current release. See, for example:


    That's an old, old post, so I wouldn't hold them to anything said so long ago, though...if you search on things like "east front" and browse through you'll see a lot of discussions of these questions.

    (It's also cool to see the old posts and BB format...if you search you can see stalwarts like KwazyDog and Fionn making some of their first posts.)

  5. Welcome! Don't know how you could wait two weeks, though... wink.gif

    There's a Pegasus Bridge scenario on the CD ("Ham and Jam"), as well as several other scenarios with airborne units that have recently dropped, from D-day, Market-Garden, and Operation Varsity. Third-party scenarios add more, including some hypothetical German airdrops into the UK! The editor (which is very cool and comes with the full game) allows units to be scattered all over the map if the scenario designer chooses; in many cases the designer has assumed that units have gathered after the drop into some sort of order. I've played other scenarios where platoons start out scattered and a major hurdle is getting them organized. In all cases units start off on the ground.

  6. Somewhere on a wish list is enhanced map editing capabilities, including cut & paste, rotate, import, possibly cool things like 'smooth roads.'

    And, to return to the topic, in the category of tough scenarios I also nominate "Meyer's Decision 1" when playing as Canadians. Against the AI I got stomped even worse than the real-life Canadians did way back when. Oddly enough, I'm looking forward to trying again to see if I can improve. Also got stomped on Marechal's Mill. Sigh.

  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>And for the person who e-mailed me and told me that the game would be ten times better if Big Time dropped Macintosh development -- why e-mail me about that? I am just a critic!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Hmmm, is this perhaps someone who doesn't know that CM was developed on the Mac? See also Colin's sig... wink.gif

    [This message has been edited by RudeLover (edited 09-19-2000).]

  8. Forgive my ignorance here, but regarding the process of 'bracketing' with AP before firing HVAP / APDS, would that actually help a gunner?

    Since the velocity of the projectile is so different, it seems to me that if you hit a fixed target with AP, then fired a round of APDS without adjusting anything, you'd miss on the high side, because the 'fall' of APDS would be significantly less over the same distance. Like the 'fall' of a fastball after several slow curves. Or was there a button that switched gunsights from AP to APDS aim? Or is the 'bracketing' process just to get gross distance information?

  9. You said the time to FFE was consistent +/- 1 second in all three trials (105x2, 240)? That surprises me; I thought I'd seen some randomness in arty time to target as well as varation with caliber.

    Hmm. Not sure I understand your standard deviation. It looks like you're saying mean - stdev = 2:50 and mean + stdev is 3:05 for the Crack FO, but mean in the table above is about 2 minutes. Do you mean regular? Or am I misreading the table? Is N=3? (how many trials?)

    More tests needed! Very interesting data! Perhaps the National Science Foundation will fund a study....

  10. What I like about the Ops most is the sense that if you lose your favorite toy in the first battle, you're really screwed. Imagine an Ardennes op, you're defending as US, there's panzers everywhere, and the mortars start falling on your last AT gun midway through battle one. Really makes you think twice before moving and/or shooting.

    I've found myself getting _really_ attached to units in ops, like the M-10 crew in **Snip** who killed a whole bunch of ***Snip*** or the airborne squad in ***Snip*** who finally took out the rampaging ***SNIP!!!*** with a Gammon bomb.

    The no-man's land needs to be checked like KwazyDog says. I hope that the recalculation of front lines continues to evolve with further releases, since it can be frustrating.

    Long and large scenarios can have some of the same tension, too, if they're done right.

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