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Posts posted by Titan

  1. Originally posted by Stixx:

    Bloody Kiwis high-jacking an Aussie thread! what's the world comming to!

    Ha smile.gif I think i started the Thread and i live in Auckland NZ! Just like Russell Crowe and a host of many others the Aussies are always quick to try and adopt anything of ours thats good. When the warriors win the Grand Final they will suddenly be known as the Aussie Warriors

    [ September 22, 2002, 03:54 AM: Message edited by: Titan ]

  2. Reichmann,I give Kiwijoe his dues,like a true Countryman of mine regardless of his situation he plays his game in the spirit of how it should,and is consistant with his turns,IE:not suddenly dropping to 1 turn a week when losing,that kinda stuff.

    All the same ill enjoy giving him a taste of the Titan again

    And Kiwijoe,Youre on!!!!

    [ September 20, 2002, 05:34 AM: Message edited by: Titan ]

  3. Originally posted by KiwiJoe:

    Why are you guys in such a rush to get it? The quicker you get it the quicker the "king of down under" will destroy you. Right now you havent lost a game - enjoy it while it lasts :cool:

    Kiwijoe - CMBO NZ/AUS champ (self decleared)

    Right that Does it!!!

    In our last outing together Mr Joe i heard a Groan and then a loud howl as the words "I surrender" left your mouth.

    We shall do this again back to back and it shall be made Public smile.gif And i will take your self imposed crown of the greatest down under

  4. This one is regarding the the amount of cash your opponent has unspent and also the graph as nice as it is,but it does give away any secret build up of forces.One can see excatly what the opponent is up to.

    Not a game killer but it would just add that little bit extra to the FOG of war and require abit more recon etc to work out whats going on.

  5. One needs to remember that the game has been made to appeal to the beginner and gronards.So it will have some limitations to both parties.For me as a grog i am very happy with it.As dan pointed out in his games he smashed france with Air units.Well that is what the germans did,but you wait until you get to Russia,i dont think that tactic works as well.I have just fought off the Germans in an attempt to take France by the two Brit and the one French fighter really slowing down the German Air Assault in a pbem.So you can do it.

  6. harala there are alot of different strategies you could try,but my way of thinking regarding the smaller nations is that even though likes Yugoslavia and denmark have one resourse center that contribute to your economy and norway has about 4 but collectivley they all add up.And those nations can be taken with very little ease.

    And as far as making USSR and USA angry by the time im done im reasobly ready for them.

    The USA needs alot of lead up time before it can be a major threat considering its starting military strenght and the USSR aint quite ready to conduct offensive ops when it enters.Soeven if they do enter the war earlier the germans can still deal to them and having those smaller nations all add up.I also think there are a few good spin offs as well,im not sure about this but whenever i take yugoslavia and Greece the minor Axis nations seem to join .Romania seems to see the light once yuigoslavia falls and certainly when greece is gone.

    [ August 17, 2002, 09:53 PM: Message edited by: Titan ]

  7. I was getting use to playing my europe aflamme,and whenever i heard the ding email come in i could minimize and boot up SC without any CD swap which century of warfare needed CD in at all times.

    So yes its going to be a pain.Some Europe aflae turns where taking anywhere between 20-50 minute,so now if i have a SC opponent online sending mail i aint going to be able to respond as fast.

    Certainly something i can live with but before it was so much easier.

  8. This guy mincks has been registered for only a few days and i did a search on him and all his posts have been nothing but destructive.

    He is a Turd who should be banned like his mate hagg's and i can say with confidence is not sincere at all about being a contributor on this forum.I reckon it haggs dressed up again.

    Every one of his posts is negative and uncributing in any way and appear designed to create trouble.This guy is a mental case who has nothing better to do than to carry on his personal Vendetta against eveyone here that wants to partcipate on this forum.

    I say OFF with his head Madmatt or Hubert

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