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Hakko Ichiu

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Posts posted by Hakko Ichiu

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Scott Clinton:


    BUT I do have to gripe about the low (IMO) ammo load of a sharpshooter. In the quick battle I did he got only TEN shots! What is this? Hell, even if this represents two shots each (which I doubt for a Elite sharpshooter) that is only 20 rounds of ammo?!?

    I think the 'default ammo load' should be bumped up for sharpshooters.


    I agree it's low, but it's mighty effective. In a quick battle, I snuck a veteran sharpshooter up a wooded rise to get LOS on the German flank. He spots a platoon of dug-in infantry, and proceeds to suppress the outermost squad for 5 turns or so, thereby making my advance significantly easier. And he never took return fire.




    Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe

  2. I have found sharpshooters to be extremely survivable and very stealthy. As such, they make excellent scouts: move or sneak them forward, then hide them. You get a reasonable view of the battlefield for a very low point risk -- 22 points IIRC, but I'm out of the country and bereft of CM at the mo'.

    I'm pretty sure this runs contra to tactical doctrine, so is it gamey. BTW, I have only done this against the AI.




    Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe

  3. There are a lot of random threads in the main forum containing requests for new features/units in either a projected CM 1.02 patch or for CM2. In order to generate some sort of coherent discussion on the matter, I think it makes sense for Steve to create a separate forum for this topic.

    Any comments?




    Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe

  4. For me, the hardest part of a battle is the setup, since that will determine both the shape of my strategy and its likelihood of success. I would say that defense is the easier mode when seen from this perspective. You are at least intially static and can plot out ambushes, TRPs etc. based on the terrain and your mission objectives. i always find it takes much less time to set up an effective defense than an effective offense.

    With the offense, you have to plan your line of attack, you have to figure out how to do your initial probe, you have to find a safe basing area for your reserve, and you just know that you are going to run into an ambush somewhere along the line. The question "where is the enemy hiding?" is more difficult to answer than "where is the enemy going to come from?"




    Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe

  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PeterNZer:

    If people are "anti-american", whatever that might exactly mean, they are generally so for a reason. Of course, i'm not justifying such feelings, nor do i necesarily feel they are correct or not arrogant to think so, but i can certainly UNDERSTAND why people might be that way.



    Mmm, the ripe smell of prejudice and gross generalization...

    From the examples that you give, one might expect the world to be anti-British, and anti-Australian and anti-New Zealander, for I have seen citizens of those countries behaving like absolute drunken, sex-crazed barbarians on the beaches of Marbella and Ios, throwing themselves off of Nelson's Column, and heaving their guts out on the streets of New York.

    Oddly enough, I've rarely met a foreigner who spent any significant time in the United States who was "anti-american (sic), whatever that might exactly mean". Maybe that's because they've actually seen the reality of the country, rather than some soap opera, sound-bite, media-spun, propagandized version of it.




    Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe

  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by RMC:


    Minor gaffe in posting in German, but that's OK. Babelfish makes for interestig and comical translations. Your real problem is failing to read every last one of the 63268 (as I write) posts, absorb them and contemplate the nature of the universe before making any critical comments about the AI or weapon effects.


    Actually, what ticked me off about Bumrush's post was the whole attitude that infected it.

    Item -- From the first sentence (and I didn't need to use Babelfish to understand it): "I couldn't care less whether anyone on this board speaks German or not". It not only shows lack of consideration, but shows that he hasn't bothered to pay any attention to the forum or he'd know that we have at least half a dozen native German speakers plus several highly proficient non-native speakers.

    Item -- "The AI is just stupid. A handful of American soldiers keeps rushing my German MG42 (bold in the original)... and dies eventually." Ok, he's entitled to his opinion about the AI, but I don't think he's interested in an exchange of rationally formed opinions. The use of the term "germanisch", as opposed to the more usual "deutsch", to describe an MG42 also gives me a pointer as to where he is coming from -- hence my quip about his boots and head in an earlier post.

    Item --"How come the soldiers only die 'eventually'? When I'm spraying out 10 belts of ammo ... how come no one dies? Hell's Bells! I don't want to shoot tracers into the night (query translation, any native speakers?)... I want to exterminate the enemy!" This just shows that he hasn't even bothered to spend five minutes with the read-me file. As we say on UseNet, RTFM.

    Item -- The "dirty GI officer" quote has been dealt with by others in the thread.

    To sum up, a bad attitude combined with ignorance of the subject at hand isn't going to win him any friends.




    Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe

  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by RMC:


    Minor gaffe in posting in German, but that's OK. Babelfish makes for interestig and comical translations. Your real problem is failing to read every last one of the 63268 (as I write) posts, absorb them and contemplate the nature of the universe before making any critical comments about the AI or weapon effects.


    Actually, what ticked me off about Bumrush's post was the whole attitude that infected it.

    Item -- From the first sentence (and I didn't need to use Babelfish to understand it): "I couldn't care less whether anyone on this board speaks German or not". It not only shows lack of consideration, but shows that he hasn't bothered to pay any attention to the forum or he'd know that we have at least half a dozen native German speakers plus several highly proficient non-native speakers.

    Item -- "The AI is just stupid. A handful of American soldiers keeps rushing my German MG42 (bold in the original)... and dies eventually." Ok, he's entitled to his opinion about the AI, but I don't think he's interested in an exchange of rationally formed opinions. The use of the term "germanisch", as opposed to the more usual "deutsch", to describe an MG42 also gives me a pointer as to where he is coming from -- hence my quip about his boots and head in an earlier post.

    Item --"How come the soldiers only die 'eventually'? When I'm spraying out 10 belts of ammo ... how come no one dies? Hell's Bells! I don't want to shoot tracers into the night (query translation, any native speakers?)... I want to exterminate the enemy!" This just shows that he hasn't even bothered to spend five minutes with the read-me file. As we say on UseNet, RTFM.

    Item -- The "dirty GI officer" quote has been dealt with by others in the thread.

    To sum up, a bad attitude combined with ignorance of the subject at hand isn't going to win him any friends.




    Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe

  8. Mk IV: Scapa is strictly for tourists, IMO. It's made in Orkney, which isn't even really Scottish, as it was settled by a bunch of Vikings in the dim and distant. It lacks the necessary geological conditions to make great whiskey. They just import malt from a central malting depot and distill it on the island. Perfectly drinkable, but just as you said.

    If you can get the 18 year old Glenmorangie, it's well worth it: much more going on there than in the younger bottlings. I used to attend a poker game where the 18 year old was a frequent tipple. Sure, I lost money, but who cares.

    Having consigned my last bottle of the Macallan to its inevitable fate, I opened up my bottle of 16 year old Lagavulin while watching "In Harm's Way" last night. A so-so movie, even despite the cast (The Duke, Kirk Douglas, George Kennedy, Patricia Neal, etc. etc.), but what a great glass of malt. Mmm, peaty.




    Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe

  9. I would have thought that in the age of Blair, Cool Brittania and the welfare state, the typical British response to the long wait for Combat Mission would run along the following lines:

    Oi! I want my f*#(ing Combat Mission you f*&^ing c!@#s and I want it NOW!!! You wot!?! You mean it's not f#$%ing here?!? Right!!!

    Sounds of bottles being broken, heads being butted and crowds chanting "'Ere we go, 'ere we go, 'ere we go!"

    Pip, pip.




    Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe

  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy:

    Evil evil evil thread - I went down to London today, and not only did I spend a lot of money on WW II books - no I also got a bottle of Scapa, and I decided to give Oddbin's (a UK highstreet liqour chain) own brand Islay Whisky (1990, aged 8 years before bottled, at which time the maturity process stops) a try. It is about UK£6-7 cheaper than lower end Single Malt, and I look forward to testing it. Given the typical UK summer, I can always use it to make Hit Whisky with it.


    Oddbins is probably pretty good. Look forward to an AAR. Scapa is, IMO, nothing special, more of a novelty really: whiskey made by Vikings. Orkney Islanders are much more Norse than they are Scots. Heck, they're closer to Bergen than they are to Edinborough.




    Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe

  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by BillWoodAgain:

    What movie starring that guy from The Rockford Files was it that the character had a Sherman to go ape s**t about town in?

    Gosh, old and memory shot.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    I think it was called "Tank!". And it was a stinker.




    Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe

  12. I wrote this after the maildrone left a padded envelope in my mailbox that wasn't my copy of CM.

    With apologies to Bruce Cockburn:

    If I Had an M4 Sherman

    Here comes that little mail-van -- only time today

    I rush out to the mailbox and I hope he makes my day

    How long I have been waiting only God can say

    If I had an M4 Sherman ... I'd make somebody pay

    I don't believe in mail monopolies and I don't believe in fate

    And I'm not much of a general as my opponents all can state

    But waiting for my copy -- it's just too painful to relate

    If I had an M4 Sherman ... I would retaliate

    On the blasted hills of Plomville only corpses wait

    And the church in Chance Encounter I'm leaving to its fate.

    Cry out to the mailman, bring that package to my gate

    If I had an M4 Sherman ... I would not hesitate

    I want to play an operation -- at least I'd like to try

    Every time I talk about it, my wife just heaves a sigh

    Situation desperate, do you want to see a grown man cry?

    If I had an M4 Sherman ... Some son of a bitch would die

    If you don't know the tune ("If I had a Rocket Launcher") it's widely available on Napster, and quite catchy, even given the subject matter. I saw him perform it live (original lyrics) a few weeks ago. Bruce rocks!

    Although I think he'd be a bit taken aback by my use of his song, lefty and pacifist that he is.




    Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe

  13. BTS's charge hit my card on the 15th, but still no sign of the package here. I know life's a little slower down here in the Southland (NC), but still.

    Every time I here my hound dogs bark, I look for the mailman...

    {dang, can't change the typo in the thread title}




    Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe

    [This message has been edited by Hakko Ichiu (edited 06-19-2000).]

  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy:

    The only real Sushi i served on the west coast (of Japan, of course...) That Tokyo stuff is disgusting, Kyoto is too far from the coast and you are a brave man for eating it in NY... So consider yourself lucky that Sushi is scarce where you are.

    Enjoy the drinks and have one on me.


    Actually, many Japanese connoisseurs of sushi will tell you that New York has as good or better sushi than Tokyo. Much of the stuff that shows up in Tokyo is actually caught in the North Atlantic, flash frozen, then airlifted from New York to Tokyo. Also, most of the uni in Japan now comes from Maine (umm, sea urchin gonads...). If you're ever in New York, try Sushisay, Nobu, or, if you know the right people, the private dining clubs where senior Japanese execs and yakuza eat.




    Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe

  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mark IV:

    Haven't thought about that stuff for awhile. I was addicted to it. Not being one to pound beers, and liquor being occasionally out of reach on E4 pay and somewhat "punishing" I discovered apple wine, Hanau-style.

    If y'all think I'm talking about Boone's farm or something, forget it. This is like a hard apple cider/lemonade with a kick.

    Wasn't that the ingredient in the Gluehwein, the hot spicy stuff in winter?


    Glühwein is,IIRC, made with cheap red wine and spice mix -- they actually sell the mix in teabags -- and is like hot sangria without the fruit. Heads right to the brain cells it does.




    Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe

  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy:

    Too much Äppelwoi I presume? That stuff is deadly, but good for your digestive system...


    Yes, Sachsenhausen is a sink of depravity and temptation. One minute you're innocently sipping Äppelwoi, the next minute you're on to the Handkäse.




    Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe

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