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BOSS Roller

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Everything posted by BOSS Roller

  1. If the enemy has no tanks, what should bazooka/panzerfaust teams be used for? 1) To attack units in stone buildings? 2) As recon units? 3) To take out enemy guns (if I could get close enough)? Thanks.
  2. Does anyone know if this higher level of German initiative is represented in CM? Was, or could, this be accomplished by simply increasing the "level of experience" (ex. Green, Veteran, Elite) of German units? For example, a German unit could be given Elite status, while it's Allied counterpart, with similar experience and training, could be given Veteran status.
  3. I'm 39.5 and have been playing wargames for 30 years. Wow, it's been that long eh? My first game was Stalingrad by Avalon Hill.
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